Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

Bodywork for Corporate, Executives, Entrepreneurs

Bodywork for Individuals

Working Workshops

Leadership Coaching & Strategy

Operations & Marketing Strategy


This is the fifth year in a row that I’ve had a word that has served as my intention and my North Star. For 2020, my word is: HOME.

In January, our house got egged (v1 of Junior Senior wars) and I felt the irony of my word for the year. Fortunately, at the time I was in a terrific mood and didn’t get irritated, because I was running out the door to go see Oprah! Instead, I remember thinking it was an indication that I was going to be forced to get real about my connection with my sense and space of home.

In April, I realized again how ironic and apropos it is that my word for this year is HOME. Unexpectedly spending so much time at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic has really forced me to feel connected and committed to my home. I have to be honest, I am enjoying spending time at home, even despite the house’s imperfections and outdated aesthetic. Most of the time, I only see all of the things that need my time, money and attention for improvement, but being home so much is helping me feel more gratitude for what is and more inspiration about potential and investment.

I have disliked the obligations that come with owning a home. Yes, it is such a blessing and I love having a home, but it’s just a lot to take care of. I haven’t even mastered the art or the obligation of taking care of the home that is my body. Not enough sleep or exercise and oftentimes too many carbs. I have such a strong disdain for the feeling of obligation when it comes to most things in life. I just struggle with it and dislike it so much. Feels like less fun or no fun at all. That said, rebellion or avoidance of taking care of obligation feels worse.

Over the past 8-ish months, I’ve found my mindset and emotions about obligation changing. I’m learning that what I’ve been referring to as “obligation” is often privilege that I’m taking for granted. I really mix things up in my mind sometimes. It’s humbling, but I’m always grateful when I become aware of my faulty mindset. This realization has shined a light on the limiting thoughts and feelings that I’ve been letting rule me. How often have I let this idea of obligation get in the way of creating the life I really want? It’s a good question for me to remember to ask myself when that feeling of obligation creeps up. It turns out, it feels better to recognize and honor the privilege in front of me.

I have also come to realize that HOME has been more of a concept in my life. It’s a feeling that I experience. I don’t know if it’s a specific place. Places have always felt so temporary. I don’t really recall feeling comfortable anywhere in the world. I like to think that maybe this is how everyone feels, but oftentimes, I get the feeling that’s not the case. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I don’t really know how I got here. Would I feel different if I had known my birth parents and grown up with people who share my dna and look like me? Would I feel like I knew my place in the world or like I’d always had a place? I’m not really sure and I don’t need to spend a lot of time pondering these things, but they are thoughts that come from time-to-time that are worth acknowledging. All of these questions have come up moreso in my adult life after having my daughter. I think I realized that having my first blood relative has given me a better sense of orientation and connection in the world and in my life. It’s made me curious about what it would’ve been like to have this kind of connection from birth. Would my idea and sense of HOME be different? I’ll never know for sure and it really doesn’t matter because I’m happy for the experience that I’m having. I’ll tell you, there are benefits to having an unknown history. I don’t feel predisposed to any health condition or disorder, I get to skip half the questionnaire at the doctor’s office, I get to be the start of my own legacy, and it feels like I have always just been me, rather than being deemed or expected to be “just like mother or father.”

HOME has been a really good word for me to look toward and embrace in 2020. The simplicity of being able to stay home and limit social interaction has allowed me to find more appreciation and joy for all that we have. I’ve also enjoyed making adjustments and improvements around the house, because we’re spending so much quality time here. It’s a different feeling to be able to settle into this space rather than passing through. There’s a better sense of balance and flow, because I get to enjoy the benefits of all the tasks instead if feeling like it’s an endless cycle of to do’s.

This idea of settling into the space around me has made me realize how important travel is to me, because I want to get a feel for more spaces and places in the world. I still have not been to my birthplace and I really want to see what I feel like in Seoul. I can imagine still feeling without a place, perhaps even more so than I do here, because I look Korean but I don’t speak the language or know the culture. That reality aside, I think it will be a really powerful experience to feel the energy and the spirit of the people, the customs, the food, the city, and the land. This makes me think about some things I learned while working with Native American tribes early in my career and how the Elders talked about how important it is to know your name and your language and to remember where you came from. With these teachings in mind, I’ve wondered if visiting will open up a connection or if I’ll feel inspired to learn more through research or maybe living in Korea for a year. I’ll be honest, I’m a little afraid to go, because I might get overwhelmed with emotion and just cry the whole time. So be it. I will go, I will make sure to make it a longer trip to give myself the time I need and I’m sure I’ll write about it when I do. What is life without feeling and sharing?

As 2020 comes to a close, I’ve been thinking about how perfect it was that the word HOME came to me for this year. I’ve been feeling like it somehow helped me be prepared and find more opportunities in a stay-at-home world. I’m really happy and proud of the physical improvements I was able to make this year and am optimistic about continuing to invest in it. I want to enjoy the rest of this year connected to HOME. It feels like the more I’m able to feel a connection, the more I’m getting better at creating a real sense of HOME.

I love that each of the words I’ve chosen over the years have allowed me to make shifts and integrate these new mindsets and patterns. Each of the words and their intentions have cumulative and exponential qualities that continue to inspire and expand me. It’s such a rewarding practice and I don’t think it’s possible to go wrong!

I am looking forward to knowing what my word will be for 2021. There is one word that has been showing up and I think it could be the one, but I want to take a little more time so I can know for sure.

This year, I’m even more pumped about this process, because I'm doing Group Activations for 2021 Vision + Word the last week in December. We'll do some energy work, journaling and discussion to help activate the process of connecting with each of our visions and words. There are several dates and it's a pay-what-you-can workshop, so share with friends, all are welcome!

Sign-up here:

∆ Group Healings :: Exhausting Exhaustion ∆

Hello! It’s been an interesting year for Blueprint Wellness. I’ve been grateful to be doing so many sessions with people around the world. Being able to meet new people and have this work continue to be so well-received and appreciated has been lifting me up throughout the intensity of the pandemic and social and political unrest. Sometimes it feels like a form of activism to do this work, because of the positive impact and the way it supports people to keep going.

With that last thought in mind, I’ve started offering group healings to serve more people and make this option for support more accessible. The benefits people are experiencing through the individual and private group healings have been so inspiring, it just makes sense to add more remote options.

For those of you who haven’t tried a session with Blueprint Wellness or are new to remote energy work/healing, you’re probably wondering what this is all about and what the experience is like and how it’s beneficial.

For those of you who have tried individual or group Blueprint Wellness Energy Work sessions, please share your thoughts in the comments below. It’s always helpful for others and myself to hear about your experience!

What is a Blueprint Energy Work Remote Group Healing session?
Simply put: Energy work provides you the time and space to truly have a break from everything. When we get this kind of break, our bodies and minds revert back to neutral, allowing us to be more prepared to begin the creative process of well-being. The goal of this work is for the client to experience an increased sense of well-being as defined or perceived by you. This is an important distinction to be aware of before you book your session (in other words, I am not a psychic or a medium). This modality is very practical, like maintenance for the body, mind and spirit.

Remote sessions for groups are guided over Zoom (audio only), so you can enjoy the experience safely and comfortably from your own space.

Session Prep
∆ Find a comfy space to lie down for the session
∆ Earbuds / headphones are recommended
∆ Eye mask, candles, crystals, etc. (optional)
∆ Notebook & pen to write afterward (optional)

What is the experience like?
The experience is relaxing, you may drift in and out of consciousness, you can even take a nap! Your physical body and your mind may experience relief from the day-to-day ailments and patterns. I will explain what I’m doing throughout the session as reference. However, there is nothing you need to do during this time, there is no right or wrong way to do this work and there is no need to follow along or “believe” in the approach. For remote sessions, I play some music to help hold the space for everyone. (For in-person sessions, I do not play music.)

You get to let go of everything else and be in your own experience without all the stuff and people of life you’re always taking care of. You may become aware of things that help you find peace, integrate, get unstuck or feel reconnected to your creative self.

What are the benefits of energy work?

  • Increased sense of well-being

  • Feeling like yourself again

  • Calm

  • Clarity

  • Grounded

  • Reconnection to creativity

  • Reset, renewed, recharged

  • Less anxious, less stressed

  • Able to move forward

  • Rested and/or feeling like the body needs more rest

  • In some cases, relief from physical pain/discomfort

  • Any and all of the benefits you experience benefit those around you

A few things people shared after a recent group healing session:

“I feel more grounded. I had some beautiful realizations and feel more in tune & aligned with my body & mind.”

“That felt very freeing.”

“That was very relaxing. Much needed. Thank you!”

“My migraine is gone. I had a migraine when we started and it’s completely gone.”

“I feel like myself again.”

Sign-up link:

Sign-up link:

“Energy work is a practice to come back to when life gets too busy or feels exhausting and you’ve lost your orientation or connection with your sense of joy and creativity.”

120 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Wow, today is day 120 of #120daysadhana! It feels a little anticlimactic. I have been feeling too busy and tired to really make this the practice that I was hoping to create. Nothing I am upset about, but certainly valuable for me to see how much I must reprogram and re-train my all of my systems.

It's not okay to take time, energy and love away from myself and my most important people and ambitions in life. I'm not okay with this. I’ve been too ready and willing to let everything else go to feed the achievement addiction. I am the only one who can make the change and it is doable. There are no excuses, just choices that I am making and hiding behind.

Even though it may sound like I am displeased with myself or how my 120 day sadhana has gone, I want to be clear with myself because I have experienced what I needed to understand about myself at this time. There are too many things getting in the way of what I meant to be making progress on and I am now more aware of this in a way that is helping me shift. To choose my choices and then discern and be resolute in a single direction.

I think I will feel more complete tomorrow. Right now, I’m still working out of the mindset that I didn’t really do that great of a job writing everyday. I am glad that I did the bare minimum even when I had no desire. It’s Friday tomorrow and I am extremely ready for the weekend. I really want to spend some time with my daughter. It’s fun to hang out and do nothing together. She’s just one of those people who is so nice and easy to be around. She has great friends. I’m happy for her. I am a lucky Mom!



119 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I do not feel as accomplished as I did when I completed my first 120 day sadhana, but I feel good in a different way on on day 119 of my second sadhana. Overall this experience has been so uncomfortable in all of its imperfection. It hasn’t really seemed to match up well with the intention I am working toward, but I stuck with it anyway. I’m learning so much even though I’m not sharing it on the page each day. It feels like a private matter or just something I want to welcome and enjoy for myself.

Its a good feeling to care less and trust more in the process and the realms of my future present reality. I’m hearing and experiencing the truth and it is absolutely grand and I know it. I have a lot of actual work to do with and on behalf of myself.

Time is a concept that I know better as a feeling that a construct I must live my life by. It feels full of ever-changing expectation and demand. That thought just made me so tired and irritable that I just want to quit writing now and go to sleep.




118 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I think I’m learning more about How to not write a book, which equally contributes to the quest of learning How to write a book in its own way. Mostly, I think I am learning that I can never give up. Just because it’s not happening as quickly or as consistently as I would like doesn’t mean there isn’t something important and worth happening here. I’ll count this as a fail. It takes multiple fails to find success and early attempts always result in something that helps build some traction, even if it’s not clear at the time.

It might sound odd, but I’m learning a lot about what I don’t care about and how I do not want to spend my time and resources. And, that as unfortunate and uncomfortable it may feel, I have no choice but to be who I am. I have to start reckoning with the feeling that I have many things in my life that I no longer want or need. It feels like the start of something exciting and new or possibly something kind of heavy and humbling. It feels like I am both finding and needing to create just the basic foundation of what I feel is necessary and righteous for me at this time. It sounds like a fun experiment and I love the opportunity of letting go and just seeing what happens. Yet, I am still deliberating and feeling cautious.

I need to meditate and get to sleep, but I do think this process of wanting to get down to the core of who I am is part of my process of learning how to write my first book. I do not think I am a good writer. Though no one cares, according to the podcasts I listen to, my writing is more about processing and expressing. It sounds like an excuse, but it’s more an explanation about why I have to learn how to write a book and why it’s so challenging. I haven’t spent enough time editing, revising and learning about structure. Mostly because I just keep writing and haven’t gone back, but also because I can be rebellious. I don’t like to do things just because I’m supposed to or there’s a certain way things are done. I always want to do things my way. It’s not a great way to be, but great things can come of it. It takes me longer to do everything, but I learn so much I don’t really have any regrets.

More and more, I’m coming around to the idea that I am here to learn what it is to be me and how to be more of me more than anything else. If I can really believe this and embrace this every day all day, life will always be interesting. This means that I have the opportunity to learn from every thing and every one I encounter. It all can matter and contribute to my experience in a positive way, if I’m willing to receive it.

Tomorrow, I will complete #120daysadhana with my sobagh kriya practice. Sobagh Kriya is about prosperity. All kinds. I am still studying how this practice feels for me and what I’m noticing. I will probably keep the practice up for awhile until it feels like it’s time to change it up.



117 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. But it feels like an old day and I feel so funky. I’m not a fan of feeling or faking the funk for too long. The good thing is that even while I am feeling funky I am accomplishing good things. I’m making small but consistent steps toward important personal goals. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so funky before, but all I can do is follow what the feeling is indicating and pointing toward. Whatever the funk is, it’s always making me notice that I want to be a better me in some way, and the only way that is going to happen is to take action.

It’s hard to do and I don’t always make an effort right away. More often than not, I am pretty agreeable and ready to do what is needed. However, there are also times when I am so difficult to work with that I am forced to be humbled and kick my own ass into gear. It’s the worst. And, it’s also kind of the best once I’ve successfully made progress.

I am never not happy, sad, hopeful, distraught, a little irritated and infinitely grateful and in love.

I am frustrated about something now that I cannot put into words well. I feel it and I know it well. It’s here for a reason. Reasons. It’s one of those times when there are things in motion in the subtle realms and it’s simply not possible to explain what is happening.

This is the beauty of the subtle / energetic realms we have to work with. We are always working in multiple realms and frequencies.

This is why we are experiencing a universal sense of exhaustion. Along with all of the added constant frequencies we are exposed to now through technology, products we put on our bodies and various edible technology we consume.

Everything is non-stop. Holidays and gifting have lost their meaning to the point of overcompensation because everyone already has everything and more. The 40-hr work week is meaningless and only flexes to flatten the boundaries between personal and professional with the help of technology. We’re flattened more and more.

We are the co-creators of this world. We are in a state of mass excess. We are not addressing it or even willing to acknowledge it fully, because we are afraid of having and being less.

I like to think and see that more of us could have better, if we shifted our mindsets and opened ourselves up to understanding the power of individual currency. The concept is the same. It is that which exists at the core or foundation of capitalism and trade economy. It’s what my co-workers and I work to pinpoint and use as the basis of the visuals and words that get crafted into a campaign or a specific ad.

I like this part about what we do. We get to talk about emotion, imagination, origin and what we see and feel about a particular product or brand. Whether or not any of us or you, reading this blog (thanks!), struggle with the integrity of the advertising industry — I think it may be most accurate to say that it’s an example of where heaven and earth meet. The truth is you actually have to go through hell before you truly get to enjoy earth. And this is how you get to experience heaven on earth. None of these are places, they are just states of awareness, and they all happen in and through you.

There are beautiful ideas and ambitions that are shared throughout the creative process, but most of the truly brilliant ones are put out by dank realities. No need to go into detail here, we all know and can imagine. We don’t even need to be talking about advertising specifically anymore. We could be talking about me or you and each of our respective highest goals. Brilliant without a doubt. We get so excited, but when it comes to an execution plan and follow through, there’s often too much in the way. We either change directions to act on a plan that seems feasible and cost efficient (money and timewise) or we let it go and pursue something else entirely.

Because of this as our day-to-day work, I get to see some of the coolest things and people I have ever encountered. Because of this, the people of advertising are often driven to higher and higher standards, ideas and work ethic. It is completely emotional to work in such an environment with such talented, relentless and resilient humans. It’s wonderfully challenging and irritating; hilarious and depressing; overly aspirational and all so real in the best way.

What we know from advertising is that love is the true currency. This is what I mean by “all so real in the best way.” People buy what they love. People buy even more if they sense the product was created with love. And, they want to shout it from the mountain top of their social media feeds, because it shares something they love and makes them lovable for loving it.

Haha. This is getting out of control, but it is fun and true!

I have to admit, I don’t like anything right now and I love everything right now. My currency is in flux and a low exchange rate. This is an indication that points me in a direction toward a better me. Full circle.

Everything can exist all at once. We don’t have to like it, but we can still love it. This is what we have to learn for ourselves with each other. We are not really meant to learn and know and experience everything the same or even have the same ability to understand anything we don’t already understand in our way. We have each other to learn from. We are the keepers of our experiences while we are here. We are the sharers of our experiences while we are here. We are the receptors of our experiences while we are here. There is more that we have to learn and practice when it comes to keeping, sharing and receiving experiences that are our own and not our own. It’s important to keep, share and receive but being more discerning about who with, how and when can help shift things in a new direction.



116 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Sundays are such a lovely day. I started reading Comedy Sex God by Pete Holmes. It’s great so far! I took a late start to the day, and now I need to call it a night so I can wake up early and face Monday. I need as much sleep as possible.



114 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. It’s Fridayyyyyy! I’m feeling ripe and ready to do basically nothing. It’s the best feeling ever. Everyone should have times when they can take a real break from everything. This is why I like doing energy work so much. It gives people the time and space to really let go and relax back into their natural self and natural pace. It feels so good to just be without all the thoughts, responsibilities and physical distress. Even when I think I’m feeling good, energy work always helps me notice that I’m still wound up from the inside out and there’s more that I can let go of to relax in a more authentic way.

Off to go do nothing...



112 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. It’s been a full day, but I think I’ve made some movement on almost everything I intended to. I am excited to get to sleep. This week is going by fast and it’s already the end of the month next week! Summer is my favorite and it’s almost over. Sad.

I’m looking forward to the weekend so I can spend some time making choices about plans I’ve been mulling over and ideating on.

I don’t know that it’s worth trying to be my best self all the time, that’s an ever-expanding target. It’s such a dance between the grand vision and the practical nature and magic of now. And, all throughout, there’s some agreement that I have with myself about always being real and willing to discern myself and not myself. I’m glad to notice all the parts but also to know that sometimes that’s the extent of what I need to do — just notice.

I am ready for some travel. I haven’t been anywhere for too long and I really want to travel with my daughter. She deserves a nice break and a new adventure! The biggest challenge is that there are so many places we haven’t been. I’m a slow decision maker, but will get something booked eventually and it will be great!



111 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. The body knows when it needs a hard reset. Last week, I had to take some downtime and feel the worst I’ve ever felt in my life in order to reboot. It feels so good to feel better!

Also, when things get desperate and deadlike, it’s a real reminder to get my act together and to use my time, energy and efforts to support myself and my highest, most important needs in this lifetime. Forget want and go straight for the gut needs that are engrained in me and my blueprint.

All I can do is try. I am imperfect always, but I may as well be imperfect in the realm and company of my ideal and where I know I feel and can do my best. The creative process of life, well-being and the art of being and becoming who I truly am is complex and simple to all the necessary degrees. What is, should be. And, it’s when I’m in the frequency of letting what is, be — I feel so much better and am more apt to going toward everything and myself more directly and effectively without the noise and clutter of worry and doubt.

Even though, we all experience and know this, it is still a major challenge most days. Not everyone struggles or responds similarly, but I think everyone can imagine and understand in some way relative to who they are and their experience. The number one thing that seems to be needed in order for people to open up to connecting is to feel as though the other person has taken the time to truly listen and consider the current reality, truth or point of view being shared. I like to think that maybe I don’t need that, but I do. Even if it’s just an internal conversation with myself on a blank page. It helps.

I am so happy all the time overall, but I am also not happy at all. It’s all relative and it’s all actually in support of me and my truest, highest self at any point in time. I’ve started to not feel as bad about feeling bad, because it helps me be more aware of how and where I want to feel good. It’s a constant process and it’s necessary to my ability to grow and learn more and more.



110 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I spent time catching up with family this evening, which was nice. I don’t always do a good job connecting with others during the week. I want to get to sleep soon, so I’m not going to write for too long. Over the past week, I’ve had some good opportunities to connect with people who really support the parts of me that I struggle with the most and I feel really grateful to have so many wonderful people who care.

I am extraordinarily lucky in so many ways. This is life and it is good!



109 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I feel like I am coming out of dark, oxygen-less cave…finally. Just when I think I am lost and hopelessly scatterbrained, it all comes back together and I am found by people in my life whom I love and help me see where I am. Today, I am so grateful to have had two really special conversations with people who are very dear and inspiring to me.

Even though, there is no certainty about how and when things will happen, I do feel a certainty and a devoutness that I know who I am. There’s an undefined vastness, yet distinguishable quality about it all and this is where the certainty is for me. What I see is that it’s all open to a certain degree in a way that keeps me observing, probably for too long, but there’s a force that moves me when the time is right and I know it. What saves me is the bigger vision, because I know who I am there and I trust it. It starts with trust, hope and belief in a vision for it to be known as real. What I’m not always aware of, but am noticing now is some sense of inevitability that what is, will be. We know this. It’s just a matter of time. We recognize it when it’s here. This means that whomever each of us is, will be (if we allow it). It’s only a matter of time. If this is making some sense to you, or finding its way through your senses, you’ll start to know how this really takes some pressure off and makes the journey more of an adventure. I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day.

It’s later now. I’ve spent some time writing today. Writing is everything. I don’t know who or why I am without it. Even with it, it’s not always clear or evident what I’m doing or why, but eventually it all makes sense for a time, which is all I really need (over and over again). Writing brings a very subtle and visceral sense of joy. The whole feeling of joy and all its parts connected in me. It’s like what lives inside of me is wholly alive again and happy to be here. All the goodness of life is in me, comes through me and from me, if I so choose. I am my own universe and creator. It just gets tricky being a universe within a universe that collides with other universes and creators, but there’s something interesting and fun about seeing other universes…not to mention observing and connecting with other creators. I don’t really care if none of this makes sense. It’s fun to imagine and visualize myself and life in this way.

It’s later and I’m writing again.

I am like an older person today. All I want is to sit on a bench by myself, listening to music, looking at the sky and taking in all of the colors and textures around me. I feel the breath of life fill every part of me, because I am a part of it. This world. It truly is something to marvel and revel in. I feel myself feeling good here. And, suddenly, I find that I am tired and ready to be in my bed sleeping. For the first time in awhile, I want all of tomorrow, not just the last half.



107 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. It has been a rough couple of days not feeling well. I have little energy and interest in being on a screen, so this will be short. Not feeling well is always a reminder to enjoy life more and treat my body better.

