Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

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∆ Group Healings :: Exhausting Exhaustion ∆

Hello! It’s been an interesting year for Blueprint Wellness. I’ve been grateful to be doing so many sessions with people around the world. Being able to meet new people and have this work continue to be so well-received and appreciated has been lifting me up throughout the intensity of the pandemic and social and political unrest. Sometimes it feels like a form of activism to do this work, because of the positive impact and the way it supports people to keep going.

With that last thought in mind, I’ve started offering group healings to serve more people and make this option for support more accessible. The benefits people are experiencing through the individual and private group healings have been so inspiring, it just makes sense to add more remote options.

For those of you who haven’t tried a session with Blueprint Wellness or are new to remote energy work/healing, you’re probably wondering what this is all about and what the experience is like and how it’s beneficial.

For those of you who have tried individual or group Blueprint Wellness Energy Work sessions, please share your thoughts in the comments below. It’s always helpful for others and myself to hear about your experience!

What is a Blueprint Energy Work Remote Group Healing session?
Simply put: Energy work provides you the time and space to truly have a break from everything. When we get this kind of break, our bodies and minds revert back to neutral, allowing us to be more prepared to begin the creative process of well-being. The goal of this work is for the client to experience an increased sense of well-being as defined or perceived by you. This is an important distinction to be aware of before you book your session (in other words, I am not a psychic or a medium). This modality is very practical, like maintenance for the body, mind and spirit.

Remote sessions for groups are guided over Zoom (audio only), so you can enjoy the experience safely and comfortably from your own space.

Session Prep
∆ Find a comfy space to lie down for the session
∆ Earbuds / headphones are recommended
∆ Eye mask, candles, crystals, etc. (optional)
∆ Notebook & pen to write afterward (optional)

What is the experience like?
The experience is relaxing, you may drift in and out of consciousness, you can even take a nap! Your physical body and your mind may experience relief from the day-to-day ailments and patterns. I will explain what I’m doing throughout the session as reference. However, there is nothing you need to do during this time, there is no right or wrong way to do this work and there is no need to follow along or “believe” in the approach. For remote sessions, I play some music to help hold the space for everyone. (For in-person sessions, I do not play music.)

You get to let go of everything else and be in your own experience without all the stuff and people of life you’re always taking care of. You may become aware of things that help you find peace, integrate, get unstuck or feel reconnected to your creative self.

What are the benefits of energy work?

  • Increased sense of well-being

  • Feeling like yourself again

  • Calm

  • Clarity

  • Grounded

  • Reconnection to creativity

  • Reset, renewed, recharged

  • Less anxious, less stressed

  • Able to move forward

  • Rested and/or feeling like the body needs more rest

  • In some cases, relief from physical pain/discomfort

  • Any and all of the benefits you experience benefit those around you

A few things people shared after a recent group healing session:

“I feel more grounded. I had some beautiful realizations and feel more in tune & aligned with my body & mind.”

“That felt very freeing.”

“That was very relaxing. Much needed. Thank you!”

“My migraine is gone. I had a migraine when we started and it’s completely gone.”

“I feel like myself again.”

Sign-up link:

Sign-up link:

“Energy work is a practice to come back to when life gets too busy or feels exhausting and you’ve lost your orientation or connection with your sense of joy and creativity.”


A wonderful, new friend sent me a link to a beautifully edited version of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?" speech. I was really grateful because it felt like such a timely gift as I continue to practice my purpose in life.

Much of Dr. King's message applies to all humans — that's the bold blessing of this man and his work. He embodied his message of worthiness, excellence, and relentless love, beauty and justice. His brilliant actions and words always had the intention and ability to bring people together — within themselves, within community and with all. 

There is great importance and honor in recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wholly and fully within the context, the history and the experience of African American people then and now. Recognition of worthiness, excellence, love, beauty and justice in the form of not forgetting, fragmenting, doubting or denying lives and histories is the message that came to me as I watched the entire speech.

I invite you to watch Dr. King's full speech, because I felt different after watching both versions. It made me remember the powerful effects of editing, context and choice that we all exercise internally and externally; and how important it is to be aware and curious about origin.

See below for the link to the full speech delivered to students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967. I bolded some lines in the transcription below the video that really resonated with me.

Fun fact: in the comments on the YouTube page, there's a great post from the guy who shot the video when he was 12 or 13 and how he'd always wanted to share it with his family, but hadn't been able to find it until he found it on YouTube (posted by the Beacon Press).

I want to ask you a question, and that is:
What is in your life’s blueprint?
This is a most important and crucial period of your lives for what you do now and what you decide now at this age may well determine which way your life shall go.
Whenever a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint, and that blueprint serves as the pattern, as the guide, as the model for those who are to build the building, and a building is not well erected without a good, sound and solid blueprint.
Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is whether you have a proper, a solid and a sound blueprint.
I want to suggest some of the things that should be in your life’s blueprint.
Number one in your life’s blueprint should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness.
Don’t allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance. Now that means you should not be ashamed of your color. You know that it is very unfortunate that in so many instances our society has placed a stigma on the Negro’s color.
You know that there are some Negroes who are ashamed of themselves. Don’t be ashamed of your color. Don’t be ashamed of your biological features. Somehow you must be able to say in your own lives and really believe it I am black but beautiful and believe it in your heart. And therefore, you need not be lured into purchasing cosmetics advertised to make you lighter. Neither do you need to process your hair to make it appear straight. I have good hair and it is has good as anyone else’s hair in the world. And we have to believe that. Now in your life’s blueprint be sure that you have there the principal of somebodiness.
Secondly, in your life’s blueprint you must have as a basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You’re going to be deciding as the days and the years unfold what you will do in life — what your life’s work will be. And once you discover what it will be, set out to do it, and to do it well.
And I say to you, my young friends, that doors are opening to each of you—doors of opportunity are open to each of you that were not open to your mothers and your fathers — and the great challenge facing you is to be ready to enter these doors as they open.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great essayist, said, in a lecture back in 1871, that “If a man can write a better book or preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, even if he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.” That hadn’t always been true — but it will become increasingly true, and so I would urge you to study hard, to burn the midnight oil; I would say to you, don’t drop out of school. And I understand all the sociological reasons why we often drop out of school, but I urge you, in spite of your economic plight, in spite of the situation that you are forced to live so often with intolerable conditions — stay in school.
And when you discover what you are going to be in life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. And don’t just set out to do a good negro job but do a good job that anybody can do. Don’t just set out to be a good negro doctor, a good negro lawyer, a good negro school teacher, a good negro preacher, a good negro barber, or negro beautician, a good negro skilled labor. For if you set out to do that you have already flunked your matriculation exam for entrance into the University of Integration.
Set out to do a good job so well that the living, the dead and the unborn couldn’t do it any better. If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.
If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, be a scrub in the valley. But be the best little scrub on the side of the hill. Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be the sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or you fail be the best of whatever you are.
We always, we already, have some noble examples of black men and black women who have demonstrated to us that human nature cannot be catalogued. They in their own lives have walked through long and desolate nights of oppression and yet they have risen up and plunged against cloud filled nights of affliction - new emblazoned stars of inspiration.
And so from an old slave cabin of Virginia’s hills Booker T. Washington rose up to be one of America’s great leaders. He lit a torch in Alabama and darkness fled in that City.
And yes you should know this because it is your own city from a poverty stricken area of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Marian Anderson rose up to be the world’s greatest contralto so that Toscani could say that a voice like this only comes once in a century. And Sibelius of Finland could say my roof is too low for such a voice.
And the red hills of Gordon County, Georgia in the arms of a mother who could neither read or write Roland Hayes rose up to be one of the world’s great singers and carried his melodious voice into the palaces and mansions of kings and queens.
From crippling circumstances there came a George Washington Carver to carve for himself an imperishable nitch in the annals of science.
There was a star in the diplomatic sky and then came Ralph Benson, the grandson of a slave preacher and he reached up and grabbed it and allowed it to shine in his life with all of its scintillating beauty.
There was a star in the athletic sky and then came Jackie Robinson in his day and Willie Mays in his day with their powerful bats and their calm spirits. And then came Jesse Owens with his fleet and dashing feet. Then came Joe Lewis and Muhammad Ali with their educated fists.
All of them came to tell us that we can be somebody and to justify the conviction of the poet “Fleecy lock, and black complexion cannot forfeit nature’s claim. Skin may differ, but affection dwells in black and white the same.” And if “Were I so tall as to reach the pole to or grasp at the ocean at a span, I must be measured by my soul; the mind is the standard of the man.”
And finally, in your life’s blueprint must be a commitment to the eternal principles of beauty, love and justice.
Don’t allow anybody to pull you so low as to make you hate them.
Don’t allow anybody to cause you to lose your self-respect to the point that you do not struggle for justice.
However young you, are you have a responsibility to seek to make your nation a better nation in which to live. You have a responsibility to seek to make life better for everybody and so you must be involved in the struggle for freedom and justice.
Now in this struggle for freedom and justice there are many constructive things that we all can do and that we all must do and we must not give ourselves to those things which will not solve our problems.
You have heard the words “non-violent” and you have heard the word “violent”. I happen to believe in non-violence. We struggle with this method with young people and adults alike. All over the South and we won some significant victories and we have to struggle with it all over the North. Because the problems in the North are as serious in the North as they are in the South. I believe that as we struggle with these problems we have to struggle with them with a method that can be militant but at the same time does not destroy life or property.
And so our slogan must not be burn baby burn. It must be build baby build. Organize to organize. Yes, our slogan must be learn baby learn so we can earn baby earn.
And with a powerful commitment I believe we can transform dark yesterdays of injustice into bright tomorrows of justice and humanity. Let us keep going toward the goal of self-hood, to the realization of the dream of brotherhood and toward the realization of the dream of understanding good will. Let nobody stop us.
And I close by quoting once more the man the young lady quoted that magnificent black bard who has now passed on, Langston Hughes. One day he wrote a poem entitled “Mother to Son” and the mother didn’t always have her grammar right but she uttered words of great symbolic profundity: "Well, son, I'll tell you: life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, boards torn up, and places with no carpet on the floor -- bare. But all the time I'se been aclimbin' on, and reachin' landin's, and turnin' corners, and sometimes goin' in the dark where there ain't been no light. So boy, don't you stop now. Don't you set down on the steps 'cause you finds it's kinder hard. For I'se still goin', boy, I'se still climbin', and life for me ain't been no crystal stair."
Well, life for none of us has been a crystal stair, but we must keep moving. We must keep going. And, if you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But by all means, keep moving.


I am not your or anyone else’s “healer.”

It is important to make this distinction at this time when complementary and alternative health care approaches are gaining global interest and acceptance. There are many helpful modalities and practitioners to explore, and what works for one person may not have the same benefit for another. What works for you at one time, may not have the same benefit for you at other times. As words on a page or thoughts in the mind, this seems both logical and reasonable, but in day-to-day life it feels frustrating and disappointing for a person who is not well and in need of relief.

I’m not certain if this is true for everyone, but it seems like a majority of people are of the mindset that healing is a process. From there, healing seems to be somewhat of a broad term to me. It is within the dimensions of the concept or of a specific person, where the complexities of the concept of healing emerge. A person who is terminal may have a healing experience that does not prevent them from dying of disease. A person who is physically injured may have wounds that fully heal, yet they do not feel an improvement in their sense of health and well-being. A sense of healing seems to be needed physically and energetically in order for a person to feel and be well again.

But, what happens next? Matters of health are often costly in terms of time, money, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual demand, so it comes back to individual beliefs and choice. Usually, once a person feels better they go back to their life until their health and wellness is suffering again. Sometimes a person will value their renewed sense of well-being so much that they begin to change their life. Here, I am speaking from my own past experiences as well as a witness to others’. Either way, it is likely we can all see the difference between choosing the mindset to be healed versus "activating the creative process of well-being."

A point that is clearly emerging is that the concept of healing greatly benefits from a shift or expansion of the concept to include this dynamic idea of activating the creative process of well-being. It is my experience in my own life and as a witness for others, that it is absolutely necessary for a person to be an active participant and guide for fueling and improving their sense of healing, health and well-being. The goal of energy work, from the Blueprint Wellness point of view, is for you to experience an increased sense of well-being as defined or perceived by you. This makes sense because people do have different definitions and expectations for their own health and well-being, regardless of whether or not they align with the metrics or definitions of any health institution or authority.

While healing does seem to occur in a more passive state there is always active participation needed in order to open up to that passive state. A person must feel open to the practitioner and give permission to do the work, whether it is a Western, Eastern or other complementary approach. Perhaps the reason this point is arising, is to remind us that we are always in charge and an active participant in matters of our health and well-being.

This is why I do not feel it would be true for me to call myself anyone’s “healer,” and why I am not interested in this kind of relationship with my clients. This is something that feels important to discuss and explain upfront, because it is a potential shift in the mind and belief system involving each of our expectations about the experience and the benefit(s). Allowing or encouraging anyone to imagine that I am healing them or that I have special abilities is a distraction from their process and ability to trust their own experience. 

There is little to no lasting benefit in a linear, one-directional type of relationship or expectations for clients or practitioners. This is currently a primary concern with the approach of Western medicine and subsequently why complementary and alternative health care is on the incline. The important point here, is that there are goals and responsibilities that the practitioner and client ought to discuss about the approach and expectations prior to working together.

What are you noticing about your own beliefs or ideas about healing, health and well-being?
What kind of approach do you imagine for yourself and your practitioner?
What kind of expectations or beliefs limit or support you?
What are you choosing when you are not in crisis?
Would it feel different to take the approach of activating your creative process of well-being rather than focusing on healing?
How would you feel about your current sense or state of well-being? Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually?

The goal is to tap into curiosity and creativity around the thoughts and actions a person knows they must choose in order to create their own sense of healing, health and well-being. This supports a person to be a creator rather than a receiver of healing, health and well-being. It also shifts the experience away from crisis and into growth and enjoyment.

This all feels clear, true and real for me at this time, but as always, is subject to revision or expansion with new information and experience. The intent of this blog post is to share an internal conversation that feels worthy of sharing with you for feedback or for you to explore on your own.

Please feel free to share your thoughts or questions with the Blueprint Wellness community.

Laura Peppin


Sharing this excerpt in honor of the life and death of my Mom...

Thank you all for being here today, it means a lot and it’s been so uplifting to see the love, joy and laughter that bubbles up through the sadness. It’s a pretty good cocktail of emotions we’ve created and it feels good to be here with all of you, really feeling it all, sipping and not rushing through it. Really, let’s not rush through this. Today is a special day and I have vowed to not just let it pass or be rushed. I ask you to pause with me to take a second to arrive in this moment. Take a moment to close your eyes and put your hands on over your heart and feel your heartbeat. You are alive and it is okay to smile and feel great. You showed up for Debby and her family today and in doing that you also showed up for yourself. Breathe in a thank you from us and breathe out a thank you to yourself for all that you did to make it here today.

Breath is often a subtle aspect of life and living, yet it is so powerful in its ability to transform, heal and renew our cells, our minds and our spirits. Not long ago, I listened to Tony Robbins talk about smoking and it really helped me have more compassion and understanding for my Mom. He says something to the effect that smoking is actually more about needing to breathe deeply and get into a different mental and emotional state. This makes sense to me and helped me see that my Mom is basically a master of meditation in her own way. This idea also reminds me of an episode of the TV show, This is Us, where a husband and wife are really struggling with each other in a heated conversation and finally, the wife walks off, leans up against the car and starts smoking an imaginary cigarette. The husband joins her and takes a puff off the imaginary cigarette and with that the tension dissipates and they are able to take the time to be together in that space to listen and share rather than fight and defend. This scene captures exactly what Tony Robbins recognizes about the power of breath and the physical action of smoking.

Today, in honor of the life and death of Debby, take your time to breathe and to go at your own pace. Let’s take one deep breath to send out some love and peace out to those who are with us in spirit, whether they are with my Mom or caught up with life stuff and unable to physically be here, we acknowledge them with all love and gratitude.

[In through the nose, out through the heart.]

In my experience, I’ve learned that death is a beautiful reminder. Death always reminds me that life is real, that I am alive, that I always have everything and everyone that I need and that everything equally really matters and doesn’t really matter so much. Each part is equal to and part of the whole. This means that death is an equal part of living and that all the experiences of a lifetime are whole and worthy in themselves and also as part of the whole. This also means that life is not linear or cumulative, each experience can always be seen as its own bit of brilliance, allowing us to see something we need to see, making us brighter and more of who we are.

I am proud to be up here honoring my Mom, because I have so much to recognize her for. She has stood and honored me for a lifetime. She protected and supported me to be who I am. She gave me life.

Because my Mom always allowed me to be who I am, I am able to share my writing with you, which is an important part of how I am able to express myself best. This is me emanating all the love she has for me back to her and out to all of you to witness, receive and reflect into the world in your own way.

+ We stand strong on our own when we must
+ When we feel moved to do so
+ When there is no question, no doubt and no fear about who or why we are
+ When we realize and experience we are not alone
+ When we realize and experience how we are in our own way and we are so good
+ When we realize and experience that imperfect and ever-expanding are perfect
+ When we realize and experience that our part matters
+ When we realize and experience that we are connected to self and to each and to all and to the whole one
+ When we realize and experience that we are in love always
+ When we realize and experience that love is a state of awareness
+ When we realize and experience that we are love, a unique expression and integrated part of the awareness
+ When we realize and experience a true purpose of life
+ There are many true purposes at all points in life
+ The true purpose I embody and share with you today has to do with expressing who I am, what I sense and what I know in my own unique way
+ I stand here today as an embodiment of Brilliant Love
+ Brilliant Love is a subtle gift I constantly receive from my Mom
+ It is her Brilliant Love that lifts and supports me to stand and speak with purity and brightness to honor her in life
+ She has always radiated Brilliant Love for me
+ Brilliant Love happens through experiencing the harmony of all the senses as one, it’s just something you feel, know and recognize
+ Brilliant Love is the greatest wisdom and power we have the ability to transmit and receive simply through awareness
+ Brilliant Love is our original, intuitive, universal language

Thank you, Mom for all the Love. Thank you all for being here in this moment of expression together. I am able to see and know more of my Mom and myself through each of you and I hope that what I’ve shared has illuminated even just a tiny fraction of the undying, all-loving force and beauty of who my Mom is to me. Whether we truly realize it or not, we’ve activated a healing process by creating this time and space to honor and witness my Mom and ourselves as Brilliant Love.

+Sat Nam, Good Mom+


©2017 Laura Peppin, be kind and bright, please cite source properly.