Blueprint Wellness

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Filtering by Tag: mom


Sharing this excerpt in honor of the life and death of my Mom...

Thank you all for being here today, it means a lot and it’s been so uplifting to see the love, joy and laughter that bubbles up through the sadness. It’s a pretty good cocktail of emotions we’ve created and it feels good to be here with all of you, really feeling it all, sipping and not rushing through it. Really, let’s not rush through this. Today is a special day and I have vowed to not just let it pass or be rushed. I ask you to pause with me to take a second to arrive in this moment. Take a moment to close your eyes and put your hands on over your heart and feel your heartbeat. You are alive and it is okay to smile and feel great. You showed up for Debby and her family today and in doing that you also showed up for yourself. Breathe in a thank you from us and breathe out a thank you to yourself for all that you did to make it here today.

Breath is often a subtle aspect of life and living, yet it is so powerful in its ability to transform, heal and renew our cells, our minds and our spirits. Not long ago, I listened to Tony Robbins talk about smoking and it really helped me have more compassion and understanding for my Mom. He says something to the effect that smoking is actually more about needing to breathe deeply and get into a different mental and emotional state. This makes sense to me and helped me see that my Mom is basically a master of meditation in her own way. This idea also reminds me of an episode of the TV show, This is Us, where a husband and wife are really struggling with each other in a heated conversation and finally, the wife walks off, leans up against the car and starts smoking an imaginary cigarette. The husband joins her and takes a puff off the imaginary cigarette and with that the tension dissipates and they are able to take the time to be together in that space to listen and share rather than fight and defend. This scene captures exactly what Tony Robbins recognizes about the power of breath and the physical action of smoking.

Today, in honor of the life and death of Debby, take your time to breathe and to go at your own pace. Let’s take one deep breath to send out some love and peace out to those who are with us in spirit, whether they are with my Mom or caught up with life stuff and unable to physically be here, we acknowledge them with all love and gratitude.

[In through the nose, out through the heart.]

In my experience, I’ve learned that death is a beautiful reminder. Death always reminds me that life is real, that I am alive, that I always have everything and everyone that I need and that everything equally really matters and doesn’t really matter so much. Each part is equal to and part of the whole. This means that death is an equal part of living and that all the experiences of a lifetime are whole and worthy in themselves and also as part of the whole. This also means that life is not linear or cumulative, each experience can always be seen as its own bit of brilliance, allowing us to see something we need to see, making us brighter and more of who we are.

I am proud to be up here honoring my Mom, because I have so much to recognize her for. She has stood and honored me for a lifetime. She protected and supported me to be who I am. She gave me life.

Because my Mom always allowed me to be who I am, I am able to share my writing with you, which is an important part of how I am able to express myself best. This is me emanating all the love she has for me back to her and out to all of you to witness, receive and reflect into the world in your own way.

+ We stand strong on our own when we must
+ When we feel moved to do so
+ When there is no question, no doubt and no fear about who or why we are
+ When we realize and experience we are not alone
+ When we realize and experience how we are in our own way and we are so good
+ When we realize and experience that imperfect and ever-expanding are perfect
+ When we realize and experience that our part matters
+ When we realize and experience that we are connected to self and to each and to all and to the whole one
+ When we realize and experience that we are in love always
+ When we realize and experience that love is a state of awareness
+ When we realize and experience that we are love, a unique expression and integrated part of the awareness
+ When we realize and experience a true purpose of life
+ There are many true purposes at all points in life
+ The true purpose I embody and share with you today has to do with expressing who I am, what I sense and what I know in my own unique way
+ I stand here today as an embodiment of Brilliant Love
+ Brilliant Love is a subtle gift I constantly receive from my Mom
+ It is her Brilliant Love that lifts and supports me to stand and speak with purity and brightness to honor her in life
+ She has always radiated Brilliant Love for me
+ Brilliant Love happens through experiencing the harmony of all the senses as one, it’s just something you feel, know and recognize
+ Brilliant Love is the greatest wisdom and power we have the ability to transmit and receive simply through awareness
+ Brilliant Love is our original, intuitive, universal language

Thank you, Mom for all the Love. Thank you all for being here in this moment of expression together. I am able to see and know more of my Mom and myself through each of you and I hope that what I’ve shared has illuminated even just a tiny fraction of the undying, all-loving force and beauty of who my Mom is to me. Whether we truly realize it or not, we’ve activated a healing process by creating this time and space to honor and witness my Mom and ourselves as Brilliant Love.

+Sat Nam, Good Mom+


©2017 Laura Peppin, be kind and bright, please cite source properly.