Blueprint Wellness

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23 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I’m feeling my equal parts of love and hate. I love everything and I kind of hate it all, too. The whole thing. Every part has these parts of love and hate that keep some kind of balance. Polarity keeps everything in place. Polarity is boring and prevents us from being able to enjoy anything fully, because we are always aware of the other. I think I’m overtired because I’m noticing that I have such a bad attitude right now. I keep writing my thoughts out and deleting what I wrote because it’s just not me. I am a pretty happy person. I’d even say that I’m so happy most of the time that I don’t feel the need to show it. Ha... there’s something weird and funny about that statement but I meant it when I wrote it.


Happily off to bed! 



I just did Sobagh Kriya and I feel a lot better. Meditation is so effective. I am starting to feel like I will eventually get in the practice of meditating three times each day. Morning, before dinner and before bedtime. It would be interesting to see what that feels like. 


I was so irritated earlier when I started this post and it was only because I was feeling so tired. Today was a good day! I just need to get to sufficient sleep. It’s strange to see how love and hate reside within me and get stirred up. I don’t know if polarity is quite necessary for keeping things in balance or in place; or if it appears to be something like a law of the universe that is noticeable and believable. Maybe it’s less polarity and more so about seeing and accepting the whole.


Who knows? Who cares? (Probably me.) 


P.S. I didn’t do anything related to the book except think about it and think about the idea of visioning it. 





22 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. As I was typing the title of this blog post, there was a little jab of a thought that came in and said, “How not to write a book,” is probably a more accurate title. Haha. It’s true! I’m not sure if this daily blog post is helping my book writing process. Sometimes it is and the rest of the time, I’m not sure if it is more of a procrastination tactic. Whatever the case, it’s fun and I’m enjoying it, and I am finding new ways to understand myself and my experience. I am also strengthening my commitment to myself, my practice and my purpose. Even though I understand my purpose and I’ve been doing some work, I am still making my way up from below ground level. There are things I understand about myself and my process that have led me to the current approach. When it comes to nurturing the parts of me that are really important, there are best practices that I have learned over time and must keep in mind. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Handle with care and do not under or over water. Allow plenty of space on all sides 360 degrees. Will naturally grow in the direction of light source. Hardy. Let be.

I don’t like when I feel like I talk too much. I don’t like when I feel like I don’t talk enough. There are times when speaking is the right form of expression for me. I think there are a lot of ways to express ourselves and communicate. Non-verbal communication is often the most important kind of communication, whether or not words are being spoken. Words are sound or frequency and vibration. Words have definitions, meanings and resonance. We have fun with words and resonance to create experiences or show who we are or to help others feel comfortable. We practice witchcraft with our sound, frequency and resonance and we are in the habit of delivering potions, intoxicating brews and poisons encapsulated by words that are are meant to appear logical and benign. When we tweak the elements in a way that pushes them outside their natural range, on some level we get stuck holding them in that position and eventually, it starts to affect us. We become weary of holding ourselves in an unnatural position. We become perpetually aware that a significant shift outside of our control will be needed in order to release ourselves and move on. We’re afraid of the destruction that will occur. I’m attempting to convey the images that I’m sensing, so the writing here is probably clunky and incomplete, but I have to keep writing and can go back later to connect all of the pieces and smooth it all out.

The point is that we have access to great power if we are willing to learn how to work with the instrument that is our physical and energetic bodies. We can create and attune to different ranges of frequency and vibration that come from our own sound. The natural rhythm and harmonies of who we are despite everything else is the highest quality of resonance, it matches who we truly are and attracts people and things of a similar quality and state.

I’m getting tired now. I think I got a lot of the words jumbled in what I wrote above, but the idea is there, I’ll just have to sort it out. I am conscious of my own sound. I always have been. I have always been very self-conscious. Not necessarily in a “bad” or “good” way, but perhaps in a way that can get in my way or show me my way. The more challenging part about all of this is that thoughts are frequencies and vibrations, too. It matters more what we think than what we say. I’m pretty sure this is true, because of a multi-level structure of reasoning and considerations. Our thoughts are what is being communicated non-verbally and our bodies are receiving this communication constantly, regardless of our level of awareness. We haven’t learned to be honest about our abilities to communicate voluntarily and involuntarily. This is where it all comes back to the awareness or the field or one or whatever terminology or concept relates to each person reading this at this time. These words, terminology, definitions, meanings, concepts are such a perfect example of the human experience. The very thing we rely on to communicate and find connection through, is also the source of major miscommunication and disconnection. We would all do better to sit in each other’s presence quietly for periods of time in order to learn more and find connection. I believe this is true and possible.

It’s late now, I will come back and read through this again. It’s feeling like fragments strewn about the page. I just remembered the nice conversation my daughter and I had in the car on the way home after lacrosse practice. She said something about how she doesn’t really talk because she doesn’t have anything to say and small talk seems like a waste. I agreed with her. She’s so wise and aware. We haven’t talked about the power of voice and resonance, so maybe I will ask her what she thinks and experiences. I get overwhelmed by how awe-some she is. She came and made the world a whole different place for me. I must be someone special! It’s like I get messages and gifts through other people to help me understand that I am a gift, too.



21 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. My daughter and I had a nice weekend. She reunited with some good friends from elementary / middle school and it was so fun to see them together again. They are all such wonderful people and it’s fun for the parents to see them becoming who they are.

The other day, I came across this great post by Desiree Pais that captured a thought I have been noticing about myself. Writing everyday helps me be aware of how hard I am trying to be better everyday and that it can be all consuming and counterproductive, because I am essentially in a lack mindset in disguise. On the inside, I am conflicted because I feel like I haven’t gone out and let loose in awhile, but it just doesn’t feel like that would be fun for me at this time. I don’t really want to admit this, but the truth is that I don’t believe that now is the time for that kind of fun. Now is the time for my version of fun, which is getting real and doing the work of living my life.

Today, I was working on notecards and came across any entry about a lucid dream I had that I had forgotten about. Reading about an experience I’ve had is so much more interesting than reading my everyday top 40 thoughts and feelings I’m noticing. It’s seems like an obvious preference, but I took note of it because it will be important to be mindful of this when I get into draft mode. Good stuff. I haven’t had a lucid dream in awhile, but as I was reading I started to remember in my senses what it felt like in that dream. Amazing. I like lucid dreaming, it is intense and profound, and I always learn something important about myself. I learned that I am comfortable with my separateness from others and that I am comfortable and happy with myself — more than I realized.

I have some challenges with writing and reading honesty on my pages. First, I am paranoid about what I put in writing in the moment, especially if I’m in the midst of an experience and I don’t think I really enjoy documenting experiences unless it feels very interesting to me. Second, when I have been open and honest with the details it makes me a little uncomfortable when I go back and read it, but I do love it when I share my honest thoughts and experiences. It’s a funny experience to remember who I’ve been and to see how much I have and haven’t changed.

On another note, I found this great article on Mind Body Green by Kate Northrup that had some information I have been wanting to find, but never made the effort to google before: how the my moon cycle relates to the phases of the moon.

  • Follicular/waxing crescent: starting things, brainstorming, planning

  • Ovulation/full moon: connecting, getting out there, collaboration, communication

  • Luteal/waning crescent: detail-oriented work, bringing projects to completion, tying up loose ends

  • Menstrual/new moon: rest, evaluation, and research

Even though I’ve been razzing myself about trying so hard, I’m excited to start noticing and working with my own moon cycle in addition to the moon work that I’ve started doing in 2019. I do feel naturally in tune with the phases of the moon. A lot of the thoughts, feeling and behaviors I’m struggling or feeling in flow have been aligning with the astrological insights I’ve been reading. It’s inspiring and offers me a compelling explanation and approach to understanding and enjoying the process.

I’m grateful for my daughter and the lovely weekend we had together. I am also feeling grateful for the time I had to work on notecards, watch some comedy, learn more about moon cycle stuff, go to yoga and barre class, take a walk, spend time with an old friend from high school and her awesome daughter and get some things done around the house on the most beautiful spring day we’ve had so far.



20 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I don’t know what to write right now. Today, I was noticing how my biggest challenge each day is all of the micro decisions I make about whether or not I choose to show up for myself. Do I wake up on time? Do I make my bed? Do I tidy my space? Do I take the time to care about my appearance? Do I workout? Do I write? Do I meditate? Do I eat healthy foods? Do I take the time to enjoy my meals? Do I eat just enough? Do I stretch? Do I prepare food for my daughter and I? Do I spend time with myself? Do I relax and enjoy my breaks? Do I take care of my stuff? Do I do what I intended to do at the time I intended?

Routine is always something I am working toward and trying to get better about, but it is also something that I am actively avoiding. I love the idea of the efficiency that routine brings, but I hate the inconvenience and expectation involved. It’s fun to do things spur of the moment or to go with the flow of how I’m feeling. The problem is that things start to stack up when I don’t do a good job of staying on top of it all. I’m being reminded everyday how important it is to show up for myself everyday AND that showing up must include consistent output of doing my work no matter what.

I’m thinking a lot about the book project, but I haven’t been doing the work. I’ve got to map out a new plan and get real about hitting my goals. These posts can be shorter or more focused on accountability and sharing along the way. I’ve been keeping the bar too low because I’m not sure if I’m going to follow through. It’s starting to become clear that I think it would be less stressful to fall short of meeting a goal than it is to keep the bar low to avoid failure. I keep forgetting how much I enjoy working on that project. Tonight, I’m going to ask questions about how and why I’m getting in my own way and I will listen for the answers in the morning.

It often feels like progress in one area means neglect and failure in others. I imagine I need to calm down, be more compassionate with expectations and take more time to connect with others. I am not in the habit of taking real breaks from the inside out. Looking forward to getting out more now that the weather is getting nice again.



19 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. It is so humbling to be the way that I am sometimes. I am one of those people who puts their thoughts and feelings out on the internet. I never wanted to be this way, but it feels kind of good. I like writing because I like the way I feel when I write. I feel the best when I am regularly writing, doing energy work, eating well and exercising. I forgot about sleep again. Restful sleep is a blessing and a game changer.

I’ve probably had that realization about writing before, but just a little bit ago I had this strong feeling about how much I love writing because of the way it makes me feel. That’s a multi-diimensional statement. Writing makes me feel, as in it helps me feel my feelings; but I also feel good as a result of writing.

Tonight, my daughter said something interesting to me.

She said, “Wait, why do you always say ‘I feel’ instead of just saying what you are?”

Confused, I said, “What…? I don’t know what you mean.”

She said, “Why do you always say, ‘I feel happy or I feel tired instead of, ‘I’m happy or I’m tired.’”

I explained that I say how I feel because I am not the thing and that feelings are separate of me. I think it’s very cool and interesting that she noticed that and asked me why. She lost interest as I was explaining and she had friends over at the time, but I think it would be interesting to ask her what she thought of my explanation. Kids are cool. They are so tuned-in and brilliant. I wish our world, including me, did a better job of giving our young people time and space to feel their feelings and think about their own thoughts and ways of being.

I’m so tired, I must go to sleep, but I’m glad I’m keeping up on writing and Sobagh Kriya practice everyday.


Laura Peppin

18 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Each day when I write, I write these three reminders because it helps me tune-in to right now and step back from the daily minutia of 21st Century human life.

I don’t really have anything to say right now. I’ve been a little more productive at the homestead, so that fees better than before. I am still in limbo with my clutter clearing / konmari process. I’m leaning toward being drastic and going as bare bones as possible. I feel like I’m not appreciating my wardrobe because I have a lot of comfortable and outdated clothes and I’m not happy with the way I’m feeling in my body. My level of fitness and strength is lacking and feeling so weak. Philosophically, I’m feeling some clarity about my clearing project, but also feeling hesitant about the amount of stuff I’m disposing.

It’s not time to get caught up in the swirl of what I’m working through right now, but it feels like a revolutionary process is unfolding and flowering. Tomorrow is a full moon, so that fits nicely with my feeling of readiness to let go and create space.



17 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Yesterday, I was writing about how I’m often in many places at once without realizing it until long after the fact. This week has been like that a lot with my personal time. I have no idea what I mean to be doing. Sometimes I even write things down and completely forget to do any of it. I like to think that perhaps I’m living in the moment, but I am having difficulty shifting gears and energy from work toward home and family life. I am doing my daily practices, which is great, but I’m just keeping up and going with the flow versus selecting the destination, packing the proper equipment and steering the ship until I make it.

It’s actually quite dreadful. I have always had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that if I had the choice, I would choose to do nothing or at most, only do what I want to do. I like to do some hard work, so it’s not that I’m afraid of hard work.

As I am writing, I am picking up on the notion that I am perhaps unrealistic with my expectations and vision for myself. I really want to be perfect. I want to be my version of perfect, because I know it’s possible — my version of perfect is so imperfect and basic by capitalist American standards. It’s weird to write this out loud, but I have shame and humility about how basic I truly am. There is so much that I don’t want and that I don’t care about it makes me feel weird and out-of-place. It affects my ability to connect and be relatable in a majority of interactions and settings. I don’t want to move fast. I want to be slow and spirited. The desire to be my version is perfect is representative of the idea that I am in alignment with my true self. Underneath everything. I already am perfect. I just want to be that basic version of myself who doesn’t get confused or down about all of the choices available to me as a human. The feeling to want to do nothing is also indicative of simply wanting to be my basic self without needing to perform or purchase or primp.

The joy of human life is not the same as joy. Joy feels like a feeling or a frequency and not an expectation, goal or result. Here is the lack mentality revealing itself before our very eyes. Joy is within me. All I have to do is take the time to allow myself to imagine it, connect with it and feel it fully enough and long enough to believe it.

The process of teaching myself to write a book is so clunky and uncomfortable, but it’s also an interesting journey. During the day and night, I am generally cycling through the same handful of thought-feelings. When I write and meditate, I am always rewarded with a new thought or awareness that helps me to keep going and connects me to my innate sense of joy and love for myself and the collective experience.

Peace. Calm. Words that describe how two new clients felt after their first sessions this week. It’s cool to recognize the larger impact. We are creating more peace in the world when we take the time to do energy work as clients and practitioners. What a powerful takeaway!



16 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I am looking forward to getting some rest and waking up tomorrow. I’ve had a lot on my mind and in the awareness of my physical and spiritual being. I wrote earlier this morning, but it wasn’t anything to share.

I had this quick flash of a realization that I’ve been in multiple places at once during my recent days. It’s a natural tendency I’ve only become aware of in the past few years. It has implications that affect me more than I realize and like to admit. It’s a gross distraction and limitation to the amount of joy and satisfaction I experience. Distraction can feel so good and appealing, but it also wears me down.

From an energetic point of view, I am able to be less judgmental of how much I am unconsciously out of focus, because I can understand that I live in a culture that intends to value focus, but actually promotes distraction as a practice and a power.

It’s getting late, I’m ready to rest and recalibrate and tomorrow, I will take time to remember to put some focus on my personal to do’s and fun things to look forward to.



15 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Think of all the new days that are yet to come. Today I had an interesting imagining about diversity. Slowly, but surely the faces of diversity are shifting. The good thing about talking about diversity is that it makes me realize how much I don’t know about diversity at large or my own understanding and ideas about diversity. I have noticed that I have a tendency to not include myself as an affected member of any group. I imagine I have been extraordinarily lucky over and over again and always. I do feel privileged and unaffected by comparison. Yes, it’s all relative, but also what affects us most is how affected we feel for ourselves and others. This is where it gets more challenging to be real about the thoughts and ideas that exist closest to the surface of the skin, the mind, the heart and the soul. Upon writing that last realization, I also realized what has been feeling amiss about these conversations or initiatives or movements. I want to fast forward to what I see-feel to be the thing that we are slowly making our way towards, because it recognizes the most inclusivity and most diversity and moves us into the spaces we are desperate for like appreciation, supported curiosity and creativity. What I think we truly want is a way of being and being understood and our best way of doing just that is to create ways to understand and accept each other as multi-dimensional. I imagine this is what we mean to do, but the constructs are getting in the way.

What I saw today, from my mind’s eye, was that diversity will change drastically in the next twenty years and that is exciting and beautiful. We are building a construct that we are going to need to destroy, but as we’ve proven so many times before, we’re apt to destroy one another before we’ll destroy the construct that separates us. The concept that so many of our constructs originate from are often very well-intentioned, but once a construct takes shape in this realm it is impossible for us to un-see, go beyond or ignore.

I’m not sure if I’m being too critical or too expansive with this dialogue I’m having with myself out loud on the internet, but I sense the presence of a basic truth. In my experience, a basic truth is undefinable and as soon as we try to name or identify it — it becomes something else, but everyone can sense it. We may not use the same words or experience it in the same ways, but it comes through the senses to each person in the way that allows them to know what they know. At some level, this is the real science and the real math — untouchable, everything else is like an artful expression or interpretation and sometimes we call it science and math or data. Everything in this realm is simply or very complexly an expression of the universe. We have so many different tools and vehicles we can use to communicate with each other and share what we know. This is really all we are doing, but we’ve chosen to place meaning and value on things, places and beings in order to create and own more of universe because we haven’t quite accepted basic science and math that the universe is infinite and that we are infinite. There is no end to creation. The bigger challenge is that we have not learned to accept what is. We have not learned to discern the basic truths about what creation serves us and what doesn’t serve us, primarily because we do not accept basic science and math. Everything happens in the subtle realms. I can’t say if everything happens there first or if it’s simply where everything exists. Awareness is a tool. Maybe a visual that works well is a Swiss Army knife — we can use it to feed ourselves, cut or peel, poke holes or chisel, uncork or open or just carry with us for safety. The tricky part is that we use this tool both consciously and unconsciously in fear disguised as safety.

If I am consciously aware of how I am wielding awareness at this time, I might say I’m folding open the knife so I can take these words and constructs of diversity and inclusion and work them into a paste or a concept again. Then I might smear it and blend it and spread it out very thinly. And, maybe then we’d choose to sit together in that clear, soft space and we would talk about all the things we could see together now that we could see each other and we were all sitting here together on the even, open ground. Would we choose to build something new or would we just keep this open space to come see each other again and again to see what we could see. Perhaps, we would also choose to keep it open enough for anyone else to come, too?

It’s possible. I believe it is possible, but more possible and possible sooner when we see and accept ourselves and others as multi-dimensional beings. We become capable of seeing and feeling the wholeness of who we are and who we aren’t, which supports us in seeing and understanding the wholeness of who others are and aren’t. We start to see the ways in which I am you and you are me and we are he, she, they, them and all of us.

This was all really making sense as I was writing it, but I’ll be interested to read it again tomorrow. Regardless of any ideas, points of view or incoherence that have come up through this writing experience, it has been a valuable experience to write through it to learn more and understand what my philosopher and comedian were wanting to explore.

All the love.



14 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Today did not go as planned, and it felt so good to go with the flow. I spent a considerable amount of time writing, thinking and working on notecards. Last night, I had a dream I got caught up in New York and I missed my flight home, which is something I’m not sure I’d really feel that stressed out about in real life, but in the dream I was trying to get home in time for an event with daughter. I felt so horrible when I realized I had missed my flight. It was like I had completely forgotten about my early morning flight, so I slept in and surprisingly ran into two friends from high school that I was excited to see and hang out with until I realized I was the worst parent ever. I spent the rest of the time at the airport trying to get help, but no one would talk to me and I couldn’t seem to work the computer to see if I could get a ticket for a different flight home. Eventually, the airport was closing and my friends had even left and I was all by myself trying to figure out what I was going to do as all of the lights began turning off in the airport. I woke up still feeling bad.

As I was writing my notecards, I came across one of the Artist’s Way exercises and it was a list of ten ways that I treat myself poorly. It was an accurate list and interesting to read through it and realize again how much our thoughts count and compound. The more we invest in them, the more they accumulate and grow. There are a lot of things I’m am learning and re-learning over and over. It’s like I go through a process of trying to maximize, minimize and convert parts of myself. If I would just let myself be, all of those things will happen anyway, but likely at a much smoother pace and with greater return. i guess I’ve often needed to go to the extremes in many different directions to find balance and simplicity. I forget or willingly opt away from my own true north.

Story of my life.

Though, I don’t believe that will be the story of the project I’m working on. That part is what has provided the structure for a lot of what I’ve been learning. I don’t believe it will be a main focus or theme in what I think I’m writing and understanding at this time. As I’m typing here, I’m feeling for the first time, that I really ought to be enjoying this process more. The unfolding of whatever is happening is such a great place to be, but I often struggle because I think things should be happening faster or that I’m not following through effectively.

I don’t know if every person who writes something experiences what I’m experiencing right now, but I wasn’t expecting that I would need to endure this layer-by-layer delve into my psyche. I do love this sort of thing, but I also don’t feel good about my pacing or sense of clarity on this project. It’s okay though. Things are happening as part of this process, so harm and waste are not concerns. I am hopeful that the parts and pieces will find their way toward each other to create some form. It’s a great amount of trust I must have to keep going. I will keep going. I’m doing something I have never done before. This is a great acknowledgement in itself. A powerful reminder to calm down and let some joy in so I can feel the beauty that patience radiates.

It is a good thing to be who and where I am today. I don’t always feel good and well when I wake up in the morning, but at least the writing and meditation can help me feel better. When I feel better, I remember all of the good and grand things. I think I am remembering that I am a servant. I am a servant to my true self and every part of my being is doing what it can to remind me of my purpose. It is nothing more or less than to just be me. It’s the hardest job of all, but it’s also my dream job. At this point, I haven’t even applied for the position, but I’m working on building the confidence to go for it soon.



13 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day.

Tell Me everything.

That’s really what I’m here to do.

Tell Me everything.

Will I listen?

Listen without thinking.

Listen to Me.

Today has been a thinking-feeling kind of day. This kind of day requires me to spend time thinking and feeling with my eyes closed. Mostly, it’s like feeling what I feel like while the thinking is happening. Feeling differently about the way I’m thinking, thinking differently about the way I’m feeling. No, it’s something different. I’m thinking and feeling more fully vs differently.

A lot of the thoughts I have to share are really for me more than anyone else. Sometimes I believe so deeply that I have something that is worthy and must be shared with everyone, but today I am seeing that what I see and know is for me to share with me. Everyday I’m being gifting so many experiences to know myself better. The thinking-feeling has me feeling and knowing that one of the grandest purposes in life is to know myself. For each person to have the adventure of getting to know and love oneself. There is no knowledge or experience.

The truth will set you free.

The truth will make you cry.

The truth will make you look away.

The truth will give you peace.



12 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I just did my Sobagh Kriya and am feeling calmer. I enjoy doing an evening meditation, because it allows me to look good upon my day so I can have a more peaceful evening. It makes me feel good before I go to sleep.


Today, I did not do any notecards, but I did spend some fun time hanging out with my daughter. 


I’m going to get some rest now. I need to refuel. 




11 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I have not been able to tune-in and focus on writing this evening, but it has been a good day all-in-all. Right now, I just want to go to sleep.

I’ve noticed in my review of the writing I have done in the past 3+ years, I still have a lot of the same thoughts on my mind. I’d like to rework some of my thinking and inner dialogue to see if that helps me work toward my goals.

This is a thought / feeling I have in streaks throughout the year:

I have not been excited to wake up in the morning. Not for any particular reason other than I feel physically exhausted and depleted.

This is the thought / feeling I’ll spend time embodying as I fall asleep:

I am starting to feel an inner excitement about waking up and starting my day. Even though, my body still feels extremely tired at first, it feels great to be up early with plenty of time to enjoy getting ready.

I’ll start practicing the above tonight to see what I notice over time.

From The Artist’s Way:

Ask for answers at night. Listen in the morning.

To my way:

Tell yourself the answers at night. Act as if they are true in the morning.

I must go to sleep now. Thankfully, I already did Sobagh Kriya earlier. Meditation is a great way to shift gears from work mode to life mode.



10 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I am always afraid I am a horrendous writer. A lot of the time I know I am and it frustrates me because I’m not sure if I can get better. Of course I can, but I’m also finding that I am a bit obstinate about changing my writing to be more desirable for a reader. As I was writing that sentence, I realize how silly and inexperienced it sounds. It’s also comical to find my feet in these shoes. During the day, I am a project leader at a creative agency, and I see this experience happen with our writers and visual creators. In those situations, I can see all the different perspectives and it’s easier to think, changing that one word, while not ideal is doable and not entirely unreasonable.


I like to think that I am aware of and receptive to the fact that I have continuous learning and growing to do as a writer, but I have to admit I understand the need to fight for my own expression. Now, I know it what it’s like to be in these shoes and get tripped in the midst of a runner’s high. In some ways, it is completely unreasonable to change someone else’s writing — to change someone else’s expression or to blindly not give them the option and time to consider how they’d choose to change or re-create their expression. It’s all part of the process, so no judgment or aloofness intended here, it’s more of an acknowledgement of this newfound self-awareness. Revision is about becoming and being clearer to myself, so that my expression may be shared and considered.

Deep down, I believe I am a worthy writer.  I do believe I am a worthy being and I feel the act and the contents of my writing are a part of the worthy being that I am. I believe I am ever-expanding. It is not at all unreasonable for me to change my expression in writing or any other way based on feedback I’ve received or perceived. In fact, my immediate reaction to my own worthy expression is to revise.

Speaking of parts of who I am, did you know that there is a part of me that is a timer? There is always someone inside here keeping track of time, constantly gauging whether or not I’m doing things fast enough or if I’ll have enough time to do what I want to do. This timer person is constantly worried and feeling let down for a large part of each day. This is partially because I’m not meeting the expectations and partially because no one else in here really likes the timer person. She kind of takes the fun out of everything and is constantly worried about what’s next. It’s so annoying, but also important to let her do her job.

I got distracted for a moment there staring at the first photo of a black hole. These are thoughts I thought while doing that:

  • This image starts to move when I look at it

  • It looks like a fiery, hot, glass-blown donut

  • I think that’s where we come from

  • I think that’s where we go when we die

  • Mother Earth’s vagina?

  • That reminds me of the time I went with some friends to see the Lord of the Rings movie and one of the guys was so disturbed by the eye looking like a fiery vagina, he talked about it for days

  • I think Einstein knew more than he is credited for

  • If someone asks me that question about what dead people I would invite to a dinner party, the answer is Einstein, we are birthday buddies and fellow Pisceans

  • Portal to other dimensions

  • I feel the force of not wanting to be here (not dead, just not here) and wanting to go home sometimes, I think it’s the force of the black hole / home getting to me

  • I wonder if we will be able to send things to the black hole eventually, I feel like I’d rather donate to the black hole than that new retail chain fka Goodwill

  • I feel like Elon Musk just got some ideas

  • Kind of reminds me of the past-life regression I did once and I saw that I was an orange energy ball

  • Maybe it’s God?

  • Are you there, God? It’s me, Laura

  • It would be wicked if God looks like a fiery vagina in the sky and is constantly vaccuuming the universe like an extraterrestrial dyson

  • I am mostly serious. Seriously, I wish I was actually funny vs apt to make subtle attempts to be funny beyond my own enjoyment and curiosity

  • If it’s not God or the place we came from or go to when we die, it’s got to be the actual internet

Here is something that I think is really interesting about the image that I read on the National Geographic website:

“Rather than being a single snapshot, like the many spectacular photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, the EHT‘s image is the product of a process called interferometry, which combines observations from multiple telescopes into one image. When separate dishes simultaneously observe the same target, scientists can collate the observations and “see” an object as though they’re using one giant dish that spans the distance between those telescopes.”

This is exactly what we are supposed to be learning from this accomplishment. However, human interpretation of the importance and significance of science is often focused on intelligence in this dimension. When I read the paragraph above, my take away is that this makes complete sense and is representative of how people on the planet must interact with each other in order to see more of what’s possible and what is. Each of us has a complementary view of this experience that is crucial to understanding and seeing more of the whole. So many of the discoveries and breakthroughs we are having also include this message. We are becoming more aware and capable of interpreting multi-dimensional messages, but we often choose to overlook several points to focus on outer validation. Overvaluing outside validation is a large part of why we continue to struggle to accept who we are and accept others for who they are. The answers are being projected, discovered and only partially interpreted or fully misinterpreted by us all throughout creation and the experience called life.

I got distracted again and started reading this on the same page:

“Although their name suggests emptiness, black holes are the densest objects in the universe, giving them enormous gravitational pull. Stellar black holes, formed from the collapse of giant stars, can compact the mass of 10 suns to the size of New York City. Supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies can have the mass of billions of suns. Their origin remains a mystery.”

After I read that paragraph a couple of times, the thought occurred that maybe we didn’t come out of Mother Earth’s vagina, but rather, we are actually a product of some other dimension’s butthole. Either one seems reasonable at this point. Truly, it’s probably intentionally ambiguous as a reminder for us to know how special we are and how we’re also not THAT special. Actually, let’s be real, we’re the shit…in a good way, we’re the cosmic shit. I must be getting tired because I’m getting a little silly. To be fair, I don’t think it is just me, I do think our creator has a profound and amusing sense of humor.

This is maybe a little weirder and more lowbrow than what I would put out into the world normally, but when humanity has a breakthrough like this it makes me wonder what I believe and if we really know what we’re doing. I’m not always certain discovery and validation solely through the scientific and data lens is advancing us as much as we hope and claim. To be clear, I’m not disputing or discrediting science and research, I am suggesting that we become limited if we’re not also considering implicit multi-dimensional possibilities.

I am already nervous to know what it will feel like to go back and read this tomorrow…haha!

Time for Sobagh Kriya and bedtime.

P.S. In all honesty, regarding today’s post, I do not think this is how to write a book, but maybe it’s what happens when I’m distracted from trying to write a book.



9 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. The days feel better when I feel like I am getting stuff done and when I exercise. I didn’t exercise today, but I feel like I got some stuff done.

This evening, I worked on more notecards from February 2017 writing. I think I’m getting better at being a little more selective than I was when I first started out. I was writing significantly more in the second year of this project, because I was doing The Artist’s Way so I was writing morning pages everyday and completing the weekly exercises. It’s been entertaining and powerful to go back and read through the exercises. I love doing writing and physical exercises once I’m into them, but I have a habit of fighting just doing it. #jdi

I read about the time I was feeling pretty low and rundown, so I had woken up late and starting watching the Oprah Super Soul Sessions two part episode with Diana Nyad. She swam from Cuba to Florida at the age of 64 after previously failing to reach this goal multiple times. I had written about how I thought I should start swimming because I had always loved swimming, but also admitted my fears about not being a strong swimmer and being afraid to swim in the ocean. Maybe I just like being in water where I can see and touch the bottom. Diana Nyad asks herself this question, “Am I everything I want to be?” I wrote it down because I wanted to remember it for myself because it’s so different than asking what do I want, what do I deserve, what do I dream of, what is my goal, etc. Am I everything I want to be? This questions forces me to examine if what I want is really contributing to being more of what I want to be. It brings in feelings and honesty at the soul level.

Diana also has this mantra that feels like encouragement from the soul level, “If it is important to you — find a way.” I appreciate this, because I find this to be true to my experience. Anything that is important to me is taken care of or pursued relentlessly or steadily until I’ve found the way. Finding the way is actually the best part. She didn’t say that or at least I didn’t write it down if she did, but in my experience the act of finding my way is the best part. I felt inspired and uplifted after watching and listening to Diana Nyad share her experience and learning with Oprah. This is also a good time for me to pause and remember that it is likely that I will fail to write, publish and sell a book numerous times before I have success. It is important, so I will find a way.

I also read through some exercises that I completed for my weekly Artist’s Way work and there were a few lines from various sections that grabbed me:

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Why do I spend so much time feeling bad?

I am human and am drawn to see limitations before new possibilities.

There are no rules. It’s just a matter of living within means and dreams.

Don’t look down and fly without needing to be watched.

Give without compensation in mind.

This is how life is…there could be hundreds of pages of writing, but the volume doesn’t matter if there isn’t at least one or a handful of lines that latch onto you in away that just makes you think and feel so true and good. While I love a good line, I’m also wanting to indulge in conversation that ventures into the complexities and layers of the places these simple reminders guide us toward.

For now, I must leave you with that, because it’s Sobagh Kriya time and then bedtime. Does it seem like I’m writing a book yet? I think yes! I feel yes! I will find a way.



8 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I’ve got to be honest. I really have no idea how to write a book. It just isn’t coming naturally or even logically to me. I feel like I have a tendency to write about writing, but not actually writing what I intend to write. I haven’t quite figured out how to sit down and write with focus. Something that I’ve been feeling about this project is that I need or desperately want to see the structure of it so that I can make sense of what I’m doing. This is such a representation of my process and who I am. Sitting around, using time and energy to figure out what I want to do or how to do something rather than just doing it. I don’t know where my starting point is. Or, maybe I’ve been going all this time, but without awareness and understanding and missing the point. Or, more honestly, I think I just like to write and I don’t like to organize it or refine it to the point of changing and misrepresenting the experience, because that is the point sometimes. To just be in the experience and let the experience be what it is. Everything just got calm inside and I felt a softening of the tone inside my mind and body.

I think this is what I’m up against. I don’t want a polished piece of writing or a polished life or a polished me. I don’t mind seeing the mess and the imperfection, because it helps me understand because the truth is present in all different states and I can see "what is, in order to know why. It feels important to allow myself to stay true to my experience and vision at any given time. Writing is difficult because it has a tendency to be viewed as permanent, static and [aiming to be] definitive. I can help by assuring myself that this writing that I’ll be sharing is alive and open to its own experience; aware of its incompleteness and ability to transform or even die over time.

I’ve got to try some different things to get things moving out into the world. I really want to see everything in print, but I am wondering if a podcast or conversation style video series is going to help with the process of transcribing and organizing. Maybe it doesn’t need to be as organized as I imagine or perhaps there is a different way that organization and structure will present for this particular project.

I see that I’m unable to separate myself from the writing right now. This is part of the process of learning to be a writer out there and not just in here. It feels like I’m going to keep writing about writing in circles around myself until I’m so tangled all can do is cut myself out. My pace is slow until it’s fast.

I started to compile topics on paper, so I can start the process of outlining and imagining some possible structures. I will continue to write notecards and work on printing emails I’ve sent to myself to gather all of the writing I have that is relevant to each topic. Even though I still have so much work to do, I do feel so good that I am continuing to follow through. It has been over four years since this project began.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Do I want to wake up?

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Ask yourself to be aware and conscious of where your devotion is and who within yourself you are devoted to and what truths and parts within yourself are asking for your devotion.

Yesterday, I mentioned Susan Orlean’s reminder to include thinking as part of the writing process. I did more thinking today and understand I need to have more conversations to help me through this process. It certainly is helpful to take time to think. It is equally as important to taking action. There are a lot of ways that I can see myself getting in my own way, but with a little more time and thought, I seem to be able to okay with letting the process be what it is going to be for me at this time. I am aware and conscious of my devotion to myself, enjoying the writing process as much as possible and completing this project. I’ve been keeping up with the writing project, tuning in to share a blog post, practicing sobagh kriya and making it to the gym as much as possible. Most importantly, I feel like I’ve been getting to spend a little more time with my daughter and it is fun and inspiring for me. Thank you, Mayzelle!



7 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I am re-watching David Lynch’s MasterClass. I recently watched a Skillshare class with Susan Orlean and I liked that she listed “thinking” as a crucial part of the writing process. Today has been a day of practice and thinking, or in other words receiving. I believe when we do our work, we also receive. I had a energy work few sessions over the weekend and each one was unique and mutually beneficial. There’s so much beauty and inspiration in seeing that each person is on their own journey, in their own process and developing their own practice.

I had an exciting idea about my writing project that felt interesting and relieved some of the pressure that I’ve been feeling about the urgency and expectations I feel for myself about completing this project. I think the truth is that I have to be open to seeing what an idea wants to be versus feeling like I must achieve or accomplish something in a particular way. Staying true to the idea is something that David Lynch talks about along with the idea that we can’t necessarily take credit for the idea. As I’m writing now, I’m thinking maybe we can feel good about being the advocate for an idea and staying true to the vision.

The most interesting things that I am learning as I pursue the practice and process of being who I am and expressing myself, have to do with understanding my quiet and hidden, internal reality. It’s so annoying to have to deal with all of my silly and serious insecurities, it seems like I ought to be able to just go make things happen. Although, it is frustrating and challenges my sense of urgency, I am willing to do the work for as long as it takes so I can see what I can do and create. I have ideas about what I can do and how my expression will come to life, but I am also paying attention to what is really happening, possible and feels just right.

It occurred to me today, that perhaps, I am not writing a book and maybe it’s something else… I’m not sure what’s true, but this idea did take some pressure off and infuse me with a new energy and freedom that I needed.

“Writing is just a way of remembering ideas.”

— David Lynch

The way David Lynch talks about writing is delightful to me, because not all writing is meant to be critiqued, measured and refined for the sake of the writing. Sometimes writing is a the launchpad for refining ideas in some other creative form, and the beauty of the writing is that it wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t been written down in some eloquent or hacked up way.

Pondering and observing the creativity through energy work practice is how I worked on my book today. It was so interesting and I feel like the boundaries expanded and the expectations dissolved into space for new ideas that are helping me stay connected.



6 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I went to kundalini class this morning and during savasana the thought of shaving my head came. What if I shaved my head and I had to go through the process of feeling what it would feel like to not have my long hair to protect me and make me feel secure? It would be humbling and make me feel very vulnerable. What if I shaved my head and I felt confident and stronger for not hiding underneath my hair? What if was easier and helped me have a better sense of humor and more playful sense of style? I’m sure I have a peculiar head shape and a crooked hairline, so I don’t know if I would ever follow through but it’s an interesting thought. I wonder if it would feel like starting over or like being punished or like simplicity and freedom.

I’m having an internal conversation about excess and lack, because I’m currently trying to find a balance that feels aligned and connected with my core values. The head shaving concept reminds me of my tendency to prefer drastic measures for clarity. Many of my personal challenges are tied to my sense of lack or excess, which are tied to my sense of satisfaction and imperfectness.

Even through this writing process, writing all of these notecards and having all of these notebooks feels excessive and wasteful, but I physically need to write with pen and paper sometimes. My body needs this activity and form of working. Things happen when I write. I wrote some notecards today, still moving at a very slow pace but also still enjoying reading and feeling what I feel when I read. On February 10, 2017, I got inspired and wrote a prayer. It’s really not that great, but it was more about how I was feeling as I was writing. I was flowing in a way where the words didn’t matter as much as the motion of what was happening. I was open and going with whatever came without overthinking it it or pausing. I was feeling a little embarrassed and uncomfortable about it, but I started to sense the pure happiness that prompted the prayer.

Friday, February 10, 2017

I feel so special right now in this moment
I can write a prayer
I sure can because I can feel a prayer
I can’t expect anything
But I can feel my knowing and know my feeling
Then I know myself and when I know myself
I love myself through and through
There’s music in this body
There’s motion in this soul
I know where I come from
Creativity is me
I am an expression of the universe
how lucky is me
to see I am a star in God’s constellation
Everything is inside of me
That’s how I feel
The truth is easy
The fight’s the fight
Give up the fight and go
To be moved in my own direction
I’m going to keep writing
This prayer’s a coming and
It’s for both you and me
Heavenly, the artist’s way
Sometimes I make myself cry
The feeling of feeling is so beautiful and true
I am creation
There is nothing I need create
To be me is to experience creation
I am creativity because I have been created
I am part of creation
Wholly and fully
I want to help people feel the love and beauty for / in themselves
It’s about being comfortable with my own creation
So that I may be a beacon of creation
Awakening to our own creation
This is absolutely inside out goodness
How is it so easy?
I’m just going to keep writing
I feel and see the beauty on another level
The source level
To know that I am a part of source brings my tears of joy and relief
How can we not know that?
Because we can’t until we feel it for ourselves
We are so apt to feeling for others
Yet, we don’t want to feel for ourselves
We find novelty in feeling for others, it seems like it makes us special
What makes us special is when and what we are able to feel for ourselves
And how it comes through as expression
I am renouncing the fabrication manufacturing plant inside me
I understand how destructive these machines are to creation
Generating content
Producing creative
This is false
But there is a way to find creation
It takes a little more time and is a practice
It comes from a different place within
Not from the mind
Not even the heart of desire
It comes from a stem, a root
I can be my own writer
I don’t need to be like anyone else
I am already like everyone else
As the created, we are alike
As the created, we have this in common
As the created, we understand creation
As the created, we feel inferior
As the created, we have fear
As the created, we can disappear
As the created, we have a creator
As the created, we are connected
As the created, we can be destroyed
As the created, we are vulnerable
As the created, we are miracles
As the created, I am in love
As the created, I am love
As the created, I am loved

I love writing this prayer, it really puts me in a different space
I am back inside myself
I see what happened earlier today
I came back inside myself
I was out and I did feel that, but sometimes I don’t know how to get back to myself

I see the value in allowing myself to write a prayer when I get the feeling. Prayer writing seems like a good exercise. A prayer doesn’t need to be well-written, it can be, but I imagine intention is the true basis for a prayer. I’d like to have a well-written prayer for myself and to share with others, eventually. It’s fun to have words to recite and connect with toward a higher purpose. Maybe soon, I will revisit this idea of writing a prayer. There are a few lines I like from the prayer above. I almost edited “God” out and changed it to Creator, but I really don’t have a problem with the “sound” of God.


Laura Peppin

5 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. It started off great because I thought it was Saturday, so I went back to sleep, but shortly thereafter I realized it was Friday. I got out of bed, showered and was lost on what to wear because I was so discombobulated. I ended up wearing an outfit I would never have thought to wear. A tan sweater with tan chinos and tan booties. I am so weird sometimes. It was like I was playing a joke on myself. It did make me laugh. I made it through the day with that poopy pants outfit and even got a compliment!

This evening, I was determined to work on some KonMari clearing, so I took all of my clothes out of my room to prepare. I took a break to do my sobagh kriya practice and do a remote energy session as a gratitude to a client who sent a referral. Taking a break to meditate, do a kriya or a remote session are all so effective for clearing and tuning in. I realized that it’s more enjoyable for me to work on multiple tasks if I have a larger project I’m struggling with and laundry is the perfect complementary task. I need freedom of movement and lots of space.

Today is a New Moon in Aries, so I took some time to center and connect with intentions. I did not do any notecards today. Instead, I re-visited some of the email entries I had sent myself. There were several passages I enjoyed reading again. The style of writing I do is more for expression than for storytelling. I’m really not sure if I am a good writer at all. I want to be and I always want to be getting better at writing, but there’s something to be said for the internal twinge that keeps telling me to not compromise my expression.

April 13, 2017

Up high in the sky
I don't know is an answer and a new friend 
That I can be comfortable with
I don't know is the answer
For times of listening and reckoning
Unclear is just just as clear as clear


Laura Peppin

4 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day! Today I felt a bit scattered and like I was struggling for clarity on priorities. Right now, I just want to do what I am doing. Sitting in bed and writing. And thinking. And writing. Sometimes it feels like transcribing, which can be calming and interesting, or kind of boring and numbing.

I did not do any notecards tonight. Instead, I decided to read through several days of writing from February 2017. At the time, I was doing the Artist’s Way and I came upon some of the writing exercises I completed. Because I’m tired and feeling lazy about writing out notecards, I want to see what it feels like to re-read and type up some of those exercises. I’m often aware that I have no idea who I really am. Yet, I innately have a very clear sense of who I am. The breadth of this awareness really comes into view when I read my writing. Writing and reading are a multi-dimensional experience. It’s always fiction and non-fiction and now and then and maybe always.

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Writing Exercise: Describe self @80 years old

I am now 80. It’s interesting to sit here on the same beach that I sat on 43 years ago when I was 37. When I was in my 30’s I really started to yearn for life. My own life. I started to understand my own nature and value. I started to enjoy myself. There was, in a sense, nothing and no one I needed to feel full. I became full of myself, and with that, the world became a different creation and experience. Life was no longer happening to or through me. Life came from me. I was life itself and I knew it. I could be anything I wanted and everything I tried.

One day, I remember sitting on this beach on the wet sand and feeling the movement and energy of the earth. As I sat there, the universal life force energy spiraled up through my root chakra and awakened me in a way that made me feel very calm and secure, and very alive and ready to love life again. This life I have is wonderful. I am ready to decorate and celebrate. All of the sounds of the ocean became one voice. The sounds layered and transformed and played tag like improv.

We mirror the earth. Ever moving. The sky skims slowly in one direction while the earth tremors and the waters undulate back and forth —pulling and surging up and over — crashing, then smoothing and spreading and washing and surrendering.

We can learn much from nature and from within, because we are mirrors with the earth. We are just as matter as earth and just as ignored and taken for granted as earth. Our beauty and reverence found in moments of stillness and awareness — observation from the heart space — the space of love, the space of light. We thrash and clench and break and boom as we stand through the weather, just like earth. We grow unexpectedly, secretly, unwatched and discovered by others first. Just like earth, we sink and float, we carry space and weight for others. We drop everything and we have our own sacred spaces just like earth, where our true nature exists in pureness and joy — whether anyone else knows it or not. Though hidden, and not easily accessible, we know these spaces to be.

I loved to write and I loved to be happy always in my life. I loved to find harmony and connection among thoughts things experiences and others (No commas because they felt too dividing and linear). These are all the things I’ve truly loved all my life. I loved discovery and re-discovery. I loved to be in my body and feel it move with freedom and by its own accord.

I learned to walk in the earth and in myself.

After I turned fifty, I lost my ability to hesitate, especially when it came to having fun. By that time, I had successfully tried many new things like ballroom dancing, tap dance, piano, voice lessons, yoga teacher training, painting, ceramics and lots of cooking classes and experimentation. I had also integrated many of the truest beads of alignment into my life, like exercising regularly, eating well, eating mindfully and dressing myself each day with love and the character or costume I wanted to embody, because that’s just fun.

I lost my hesitation, I’d just do what I felt moved to do or say in the moment and this made life very fun, because it freed up time and space for others. Suddenly, I could meet new people and welcome them into my life with ease. I could spend time giving my loved ones support and new experiences rather than worrying and planning or manipulating. I felt full of myself and my life and I could share all of that love with others. I became so patient and so pleased to see others fill up with themselves. I bought my beach house and started hosting more retreats and creating traveling retreats with real purpose. Being 50 was different and without doubt. I didn’t doubt that I was imperfect and I didn’t doubt that I wouldn’t make mistakes. Most importantly, I didn’t doubt that something could be fixed or changed even if it seemed detrimental or tragic or just plain terrible.

I lost a lot during my 50’s only to gain everything I had always wanted.


Monday, February 6, 2017

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Writing Exercise: Write a letter from 80 year old self to current age self

You with the beautiful face and strong and resilient body. You will never know all the beauties and graces of being your age right now. Just as I don’t know the full extent of my being at this age.

It makes me realize something about how the past, present and future are all happening simultaneously. While I don’t expect you to know, feel or take on more than you can, my hope is that you allow yourself to feel loved fully in moments / instances / glimpses each day. Where you are now is perfectly good.

Have fun and take the risks you feel as they arise. Sometimes failing or deep embarrassment are better than staying safe.

I can’t really give you any advice, but maybe I can give you a story. The story is of course, a love story. They all are in a sense tied to love. What love desires us to do or not do. This story is the story of my life. I wanted love all of my life. Not only did I want it for myself, I wanted it for others, too. It took me a long time to understand what my story is about. What I learned is that life comes from within. Because of you, I learned this and I’m writing now to thank you.

My life has been tremendous as a whole — past, present and future — because you did the work and stayed true to what was in you, love and the infinite possibilities.

It was you, 37 year old self, who filled the vessel and who understood that feeling your feelings all the way through is the key to the universe. And, that everything is one and everything is choice. It may or may not be “free will", but when the choices are limitless, I’m not sure the concept of free will poses such a conflict, issue or debate. I am in love. You wrote that and felt the true meaning of the statement.

My love story started with you. That’s what I’m saying here. That’s one of the magnificent adventures I am so grateful for always. I am sending you pure love because I received pure love from you, and I understand this to be what gratitude is. Gratitude is not found, it’s an energetic reaction to feeling fully.

I connected with the most beautiful man because I recognized love, I recognized myself and I recognized him. He was full and had more for me. It feels good to be in love with someone who is also in love, too.

Last night, as I drifted off to sleep, I realized that I’ve often positioned myself as needing love from someone else or that I’ve felt expectant. In a spur second, my body opened and felt the truth of something that has driven me outside of myself so often. Much of the time that you spent in the years before your mid-thirties, what drove you more than the desire to receive love, was the desire to give love. My body sensed and remembered that last night. I was overwhelmed by my own love and wanted to share it with someone else. I just wanted to give love. It’s a different thing, a different way of being, either way.

Eventually, do not be afraid to meet the people you wish to meet. There’s something good about releasing your psyche of daydreams and fantasies of other people, because if they are better in person then that is a gift and what you always wished for, but if they are not what you thought, now you can let them go. Make room for others or fill that space up with yourself again.

Continue on toward your natural inclination to express yourself and share your love. Continue to know who you are and that what you want can be real. Keep spending your time the way you want. You may not accomplish every desire that comes into the frame, but you will act on many and find more alignment. It is okay to be alone together the way you see that this is the truth and the way. The areas that are going to start flooding are going to be with personal connections, because the more you are in your true alignment, the more you will be positioned to connect with your people. These connections are easy, open and lasting. The worry you have about who you are amongst the people you know right now will change. Once you find true alignment and full expression streaming through you — eventually, you will see you for who you are, not who you think other people think you are. Imagine. Keep traveling. Keep writing. Be a better parent. Be audacious. Make money. Create. Love.


Similar to yesterday’s post, there are some things I liked about reading through these writing exercises, even though they are not as well written or as complete as they could be. I tend to describe feelings and imagination versus spending time painting visual pictures. This is because I see and know things through sensing and feeling. In order to get better at writing and being a better human, I’ve got to take something like this and work at editing it; or, perhaps doing the exercise again to focus more on the earthly detail so the reader can have a clearer vision and connection to the story. I am also at a point where I need to share and listen to feedback to learn more about my blindspots and areas of opportunity. I’m curious to know what people feel when they read.


Laura Peppin