Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

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99 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #1

The best part is that I’ve just been making all of this up the whole time. These Top Ten Takeaways have no ranking order and were not something I had planned to do.


Make. believe.

Make. Believe. has been the flow of how this challenge has unfolded. I had to start making something by writing or typing on a page or drawing a visual or imagining a visual. Other times, I had to sit in the space of Make. Believe. and wait for something. The process of Make. Believe, reinforced the feeling that I cannot make something I do not believe to some degree or some purpose. Make. Believe is also the space I go to find my connection to what it is I’m making so that I know I believe it.

The trick with the Make. Believe. process is that I have to be able to feel it. And even then, I have to be able to discern the way I feel about it to make sure I believe it as real all the way through me on some facet or the whole.

I love this quote from the movie, Being John Malkovich:

“There is truth and there are lies, and art always tells the truth. Even when it is lying.”

This is a powerful thought. It encompasses my greatest struggle : my greatest victory throughout this #100daychallenge — feeling the truth — in writing.

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My greatest struggle : My greatest victory each day of this challenge.

My greatest struggle : My greatest victory each day of this challenge.

97 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #3

Oops! I’m posting this late for my Monday, October 29, 2018 post. What I love about this challenge is that sometimes I just get into it and enjoy the process. Something about the practice keeps me going. Everyday builds upon the last.



I made today’s #3 Top Ten Takeaway visual and it says “Practice is becoming.” A moment ago, a slight variation popped into my mind: Practice becomes you. I kind of like that. It’s a compliment and a reminder. Practice looks great on you!

The tricky part is that sometimes we are unconsciously and consistently practicing habits that do not look good on us. Lack of sleep, nutrition and exercise are a few that are not looking good on me. Even beyond that, my tendency to view myself as someone others view as negative and lacking is a practice of becoming that I’d like to minimize. I’m surrounded by amazing people all the time and I am so impressed by them, it’s difficult to see how I fit in and see that I have any worthy contributions. This sounds like some weak, low self-esteem, but it is actually something many people experience. We are fascinated by each other. We think we are less than, because we know all of our secrets, our fears and weaknesses, and the times we struggled or failed.

It’s all kind of silly, but feels very serious and real when it happens.

This challenge has been such a great daily reminder of the idea that consistent practice over a significant timespan is the process of becoming.

I believe the next part of becoming is to practice going deeper in order to add more dimension and grounding. This sounds more time consuming and specific. I imagine it will take me lots of practice time going more in-depth to become a better writer, a better me. Because I have been practicing daily for almost 100 days, I feel I am ready for further development.

I’m also ready for more fun! I haven’t decided how I will celebrate the culmination of my  #100daychallenge, but a great idea would be to go to sleep on time!!!

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I believe it, do you?

I believe it, do you?

96 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #3

Over the weekend I completed Pranic Healing Level I. I really enjoyed the training and learned so much about Pranic Healing, several religious traditions and cultures, yoga, the chakras and the symbolism and interconnectedness of it all. I also realized I had forgotten how it feels to exist in one world that feels right to me from the inside out.


I am an energy worker.

I say I am an energy worker because I feel and I know that it is an important part of why I am here and how I can be of service to others in a way that is mutually supportive and beneficial. I’ve had this sense that there is a difference between an energy worker and an energy healer. I don’t know if I can really describe it, but it feels like it’s about the work and it encompasses healing and more because eventually, we need to get beyond healing. I also believe that the healing process begins when a person is truly open and ready to allow and support themselves to heal. This isn’t a fully developed knowing, but I have not yet been able to embrace the identity or title of “energy healer.” Energy worker feels true and right in me. Maybe a distinction is that I’m looking at it from my point of view, versus the client’s point of view, and I’m preferring my own terminology even though it may be confusing or less effective in communicating with others (until I’ve sorted this out. From my point of view, this is my job and it is my job to show and do the work without any specific intention or judgment. “Healing”, perhaps seemingly has more expectations and implications implied. I’m still not sure, but those are some thoughts to continue to expand on and do some q+a around.

During the training, I have been realizing how important and specific terminology, meaning and intention are in energy work. The terminology of SourcePoint Therapy® resonates with me so easily and so deeply. I am excited that Pranic Healing and SourcePoint Therapy® seem complementary in practice and philosophy. It will be interesting to start practicing and getting acquainted with this new modality.

Although, I have to acknowledge that one of the most interesting things I learned this weekend is that I have already been practicing some Pranic Healing techniques that have come to me naturally through working with clients. There were also some nice overlaps and connections to Kundalini yoga practice.

Here’s a link to a simple loving-kindness Pranic Healing meditation we learned in class: Twin Hearts Meditation.

Gotta get some rest…night!

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95 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #5

Sometimes I do not want to do what I have to do. I waste time, energy and emotion resisting and avoiding. I wish I could resolve the feeling by giving up, letting go and not caring.


resist resistance.

I am learning to resist resistance from within in order to keep my promises to myself. It feels awful and awesome throughout that process. In the past, I used to find ways to give myself permission to not follow through, but I often carried some guilt and disappointment after the fact.


In order to be clear and free to live, sometimes it is necessary to do the work and followthrough no matter what. I am developing my ability to discern the many voices, opinions and truths inside.

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The art of awareness and alignment.

The art of awareness and alignment.

94 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #6

As I reflect on this #100daychallenge, I have been finding connection with the humility and humor of the snippets that didn’t fit. I’m calling them the outtakes.



The outtakes are kind of a bummer, because they don’t really fit in the spaces they were meant to or that they originated in. Yet, they are their own thing of beauty. Sometimes without a specific place or connection means that there is no qualifier or sense of contingency or validation involved. The outtakes are their own dimension, adding dimension to the parts and the whole. Enjoy, cringe, smile, relate, judge…whatever.


When I have to do things fast.

I can and I do.

And, it doesn’t feel too bad.

I just don’t like feeling rushed or inauthentic.


Ew. Why is being close-up so difficult.

More of a statement than a question I’m feeling.

Taking selfies is an interesting process and pyschology.

Ultimately, it seems mostly positive and like something everyone should try.


Feeling the weight of Fall.

I like it better when I can have fun with this thing I’m doing.


Confusion about yes is no.


This reminds me how we often feel it necessary to be fair and just, imagining pros and cons, and playing devil’s advocate. This process serves a purpose for sure, but sometimes I just wonder if we really need to do that so much. Only because we live in an excessive experience.


Justice is not a system.

It will find you.

Times like these

I cannot get myself to participate

Drilling me down

Into my own tiny space

To do my work

To know my own imperfection and goodness

To hear my own voice


I guess at the moment, I am not feeling particularly inspired.


Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed about everything. There is too much to do. I don’t want to keep up with all of it. But, then it also drives me crazy that I am not keeping up with it.


Thoughts and feelings...

Mixed up or just mixed

Feeling feelings is not the feeling I want, at times


I bother myself sometimes

It’s the worst


You know







When we hear someone express any words of love or admiration toward us, it triggers a process. We hear what is being said and in that process, we are simultaneously relaying the message to the whole and what happens next is that we either allow the frequency of the words and the intentions to wash over and through our whole selves — or, we reject, unable to accept or believe.


you know what i feel?

i feel like i just don't want to be anywhere sometimes.

if i could disappear without dying

i would

there is no place like home

because everywhere is home

and nowhere is home

sometimes i wish i could un-know




parts of myself

things that i've seen

things that i've said

things that i've heard

things that i've done

things that i haven't seen

things that i haven't said

things that i haven't heard

things that I haven't done

things that i know i don't know

things that i know i will never see, say, hear or do


I have no idea what I want to write about, but I guess it doesn’t matter anyway I am not really in charge of that anyway.

Sometimes I just need a refuge

There is nothing better when you find a refuge.

It’s really a challenge to write and watch a movie at the same time.


Here I am. Just ready for this challenge.

I am avoiding the feeling I have

We live life in layers.


Drawn out.

Always taking my sweet ass time.

It is actually usually pretty sweet if I take my time and go my way.


Sometimes I just don’t know what to write about.

I don’t like being too busy.

I forgot to meditate.

I don’t actually feel that bad about it.

It’s a reminder of what happens when I don’t do things when I should and the cascade effect of how it throws everything off a bit when I finally follow through or make progress on something that I’ve been putting off.

Right now what I want to be thinking about is my conversation.

I haven’t taken the time to tune-in to see if this is truly what I want.

I think it is the truth and so sometimes, want is irrelevant.

There is something very powerful and clean about that reality.

Take post-its down and refresh with intention.


Locked in.

Not by choice.

Entangled in pattern.

Infinitely protected from nothing.


The people I have the privilege to know and be with makes me feel worthy and special.

My company matters.

We are small, yet expansive.


I have been avoiding writing to you.

I don’t know how to say the things I want to say.

I think you already know how much you have done for me, but it’s infinitely more.

Thank you for sharing your family with me and m.

I remember knowing that you had to make a decision about me.

I know it wasn’t easy.


I am distraught

I hate everything

I do not know how to be human

It’s too many things


I have learned how to honor my commitment to myself through my meditation practice and this challenge.


It’s past the end of the day as I’m writing this and I just don’t care what I write.

I hope I can just get through this post and whatever happens, happens.

I have to go to the people and places where I can express myself fully.

I think those people and places exist.

The challenge is, do I exist?

I notice that my way of talking and writing is as similar as it is different.

When I speak, I am generally trying not to say anything. I’m never certain how much I really want to share. It’s really odd, because I genuinely love being with people, but I prefer it when they do the talking.

Blah blah blah


People are important.




I live in some kind of dreamy dream land where I come in contact with you only as a projection of me.

Today is kind of a hard day.

It’s one of those times when I’m realizing that it’s time to be with me and only me again. Sometimes I feel the feeling like I can


I live for the crescendos and diminuendos in life.

I am co-creator

Sometimes I want to live in suspended reality

You know, I have to say that I am distracted from my goals.

Life crescendos and spreads or flows out.

Life crescendos.

I don’t know what the f I’m writing right now.

I am trying to get this stupid challenge done, even though I’d rather be watching the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

I don’t know what I am doing.

I really don’t know what I’m doing.

I don’t know what I’m doing.

I do know what I’m doing.

I do know what I’m doing.

I’m excited.


For a long time, I’ve been thinking that I am not a good writer.

But, I am a good writer, because my intention is good.

I just understood this a few moments ago.

Another realization or ride through the dimensions twists me out of the construct and out into the openness where anything can be.


Third eye.


Sometimes I am a real fool. I think I know a lot. I do know a lot.

Sometimes I think I know what I am doing and then I don’t. But I do!


The only real wants in life are the ones I am willing to and actually work for without limitations.

Discernment is the key to a peaceful life

Wants are worthless


I am not funny.

Maybe that’s why I appreciate comedians and comedy so much.


I always think and feel I am dumb, but secretly believe I’m really smart.

My experiences lead to the best theories.

I am able to find the right solutions and takeaways for myself.


I am dreadful.

I am full of dread.

This time of year is simply dreadful


The less I do the less I do

The real connection is in the outtakes

With #alltheloveandnoexcuses ❤️

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93 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #7

Some days I can’t seem to get it together. I want to honor this challenge and make it a great experience, but there are times when I am just not feeling it.


Not that good.

Tonight, my daughter had a lot of homework and she was worrying a lot that she wasn’t going to do well on a test tomorrow and that she wasn’t understanding some of her other homework. She got through the worrying part of the process and did her work. It’s not interesting or engaging to do work when there’s a lot of expectation and requirement involved. When she finished something she had been working on for awhile, she said, “Okay, that’s done. Maybe it’s not good, but that’s fine.”


I liked the way she said this to herself. She said it so matter-of-factly, like she was giving herself a break from trying to get everything perfect, and she was totally okay and satisfied that she had completed the assignment.

She didn’t know it, but I was feeling the same way about working on my #100daychallenge this evening. I felt grateful that she was learning to work through her own process and that I was lucky enough to learn from her experience, too.

I was reminded of something she wrote on a table in pencil when she was younger:


I remember thinking how great it was that she knew that and expressed it, and that I found it. It’s a lot of pressure I put on myself and create for her the way I’m always trying to do and be better. It gives the wrong message and causes issues for myself and sometimes others. I don’t recall the conversation, but I could never let this feeling and brilliance of hers go unacknowledged.

I do think it’s important to do my best and put genuine effort and interest into everything I do, but not at the mercy of others and my own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual enjoyment.

For some things and some days, it’s best to just get it done and get on with living life :)

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92 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #8

Today, I am feeling really tired and I want to go to sleep soon. My goal is to go to sleep before 11:30pm.

My body wants a better life.

This #100daychallenge really challenged my relationship with my body. I did not do a good job of respecting and supporting my body. I weigh the most I’ve ever weighed in my life and it feels terrible. This is not a pity party, it’s me knowing my body and my habits and being real about how I’m seeing and feeling the effects of how I’ve been mistreating my body for some time now.

I’ve not been getting enough sleep for several years and even when I do sleep, it is not restful. I am taking steps to try and change my routine and habits to help me get some quality sleep. Sleep is important. Lack of sleep ages us and makes the lack of self-care visibly and energetically less attractive.


When I put my body first, life feels significantly better.

The body makes me realize how much every thing no matter how small, matters. The worst part is that my body feels weak and overly tired and resistant. It’s extremely uncomfortable physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It is the multi-dimensional key to everything good in life. It is the first thing that I am willing to compromise and neglect.


I am taking steps to take care of myself better and will be working on integrating good sleep hygiene and exercise. I cannot let me by down or it will have no choice but to breakdown and eventually let me down. I am transforming my relationship with my body so that I’m fueling it with everything it needs to support the whole of me. It’s very doable, but will require a strong daily practice and commitment.

Time for sleep.

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91 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #9

Yesterday I said that it was the ten day countdown, but I was wrong…I don’t like to be inaccurate with this sort of thing, but it’s okay. Day 100 will be it’s own thing.


I can only do one thing at A time

What a relief. Honestly, I can actually really only do one part of one thing at a time and sometimes even less than that. I’m very happy with this admission. It is my nature to feel best when I can immerse myself and enjoy the one thing I am doing. It is my nature to find refuge in the real, real truths that are inseparable of me.

For a long time, I have been pressuring myself to do more and I perpetually feel I am never doing enough or that I could have done something or many things better.

Is it better to fail or perform at a low level in multiple areas or is it better to fail and integrate on a real level in one area?

I choose the latter. In my observation, the people I admire the most are really good and committed to one thing. They took the time to get good and to continue to learn that one thing and their whole self through that one thing. Eventually, they enjoyed a variety experiences because others were drawn to their work and their character. They are themselves wholly and humbly.

I am a clear and simple person, when I allow myself to be. I am most comfortable one-on-one. The energy of singularity is my nature and feels peaceful. What’s most important to me is the state of my character at the beginning, middle and end of each day.

Work is different than a job or a career. Work is work. But, my work, now that’s a different thing or perhaps, being. I call it mine, but it does not belong to me, it’s more of an acknowledgement that I am the one who must do the work. It is my one thing always through and through. It comes through me, like a ray of light. I can see back through time that it has always been there, but I felt I needed to double check (for decades), just in case it wasn’t my only option or because I wanted some kind of guarantee before trying it out.


Misunderstanding our misunderstanding of free will.

Misunderstanding our misunderstanding of free will.

I believe in free will, but I also think that I believe that there is just one thing for each of us.

This is so human to use free will to choose everything else before we are willing to choose the thing that is already a part of us. This dimension really skews the way we understand the messages, but it’s understandable because the frequencies here are constantly being manipulated or artificially generated. What makes more sense when you look at life as a child or an adult with a certain amount of awareness, is to understand that free will is choice or empowerment to be who we are, because that is what is best for us. Instead, we prefer to interpret and imagine that free will has to do with creating choices for ourselves to choose because we can.

This is a really important takeaway for me. It felt like I had to give up so much to use my free will to choose to do my work, but I have come to know the difference. Awareness unfolds sheath-by-sheath and eventually I was able to see the illusion.

Discernment is a necessary tool and skills practice, each and every day. The practice of awareness and discernment helped me know for myself that one thing is related to purpose, and many things are related to confusion and distraction.

One thing also encompasses much more than I realized. One thing is not limiting the way I anticipated it to be. One thing is freeing and creates expansion and connection through the dimensions in ways that allow me to see and understand so much more. One thing allows me to be the universe and let everything come into my awareness rather than seeking it out and trying to put all the pieces together across the vastness in one place that makes sense and feels right.

I can only do one thing at a time. This also means I’m free to want what I have and have what I want.

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90 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #10

Today marks the beginning of the last ten days of my write everyday #100daychallenge, so I want to use these last days to identify my top ten takeaways.


Labor of love + Time Limits = Sanity

I really need to set time limits on myself. This is is not something I always want to do because I really enjoy the process of allowing things to come through, and because I like to feel connected to what I’m writing and sharing. However, if I’m being honest, I have to admit that when I did put a time limit on myself, it all worked out fine. This is life. Sometimes we just have to go and get things done without being so precious about the who, what, when, where, how and why. There is something very relatable about the nature of the writing that has a time limit. The expectations are much more reasonable. There seems to be an understanding that there is always more, so don’t worry if what’s on the page is not perfect. Take what you need and notice what’s missing or what you want more of. How will I use this? I think it is a great way to get myself to write when I don’t feel like it. Less pressure along with the freedom to stop or keep going if I’m into a good groove.


Bottom line: I like to do whatever I want, when I want, how I want and for my own reasons or purpose. Any kind of expectation can cause an adverse reaction or complete avoidance. I know this about myself, so I play a lot of mental games and makeup boundaries that can be crossed. I can embrace a time limit as an easy way out of something I don’t feel like doing without fully compromising my true desire to followthrough. Another way I can embrace a time limit is if the larger goal is to allow myself more freedom to do something else that I want to do. That said, it only works for me if I still have the option of blowing other things off to stay focused if I feel that’s what I want or need.

Is it kind of hilarious that what I just described allows me to keep my sanity? I can’t explain why I work this way, but this is just the way it works best for me. Inevitably, this is the one thing I cannot fool or negotiate with myself to change. It keeps life interesting and that is also crucial to my sanity.

At 10:50pm, I said I was going to give myself 15 minutes to write this post, but it’s now 11:21pm. Now I am ready to meditate and get ready for bed.

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Yes is YES. Everything else is a no until it becomes a YES.

Yes is YES. Everything else is a no until it becomes a YES.