94 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #6
As I reflect on this #100daychallenge, I have been finding connection with the humility and humor of the snippets that didn’t fit. I’m calling them the outtakes.
The outtakes are kind of a bummer, because they don’t really fit in the spaces they were meant to or that they originated in. Yet, they are their own thing of beauty. Sometimes without a specific place or connection means that there is no qualifier or sense of contingency or validation involved. The outtakes are their own dimension, adding dimension to the parts and the whole. Enjoy, cringe, smile, relate, judge…whatever.
When I have to do things fast.
I can and I do.
And, it doesn’t feel too bad.
I just don’t like feeling rushed or inauthentic.
Ew. Why is being close-up so difficult.
More of a statement than a question I’m feeling.
Taking selfies is an interesting process and pyschology.
Ultimately, it seems mostly positive and like something everyone should try.
Feeling the weight of Fall.
I like it better when I can have fun with this thing I’m doing.
Confusion about yes is no.
This reminds me how we often feel it necessary to be fair and just, imagining pros and cons, and playing devil’s advocate. This process serves a purpose for sure, but sometimes I just wonder if we really need to do that so much. Only because we live in an excessive experience.
Justice is not a system.
It will find you.
Times like these
I cannot get myself to participate
Drilling me down
Into my own tiny space
To do my work
To know my own imperfection and goodness
To hear my own voice
I guess at the moment, I am not feeling particularly inspired.
Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed about everything. There is too much to do. I don’t want to keep up with all of it. But, then it also drives me crazy that I am not keeping up with it.
Thoughts and feelings...
Mixed up or just mixed
Feeling feelings is not the feeling I want, at times
I bother myself sometimes
It’s the worst
You know
When we hear someone express any words of love or admiration toward us, it triggers a process. We hear what is being said and in that process, we are simultaneously relaying the message to the whole and what happens next is that we either allow the frequency of the words and the intentions to wash over and through our whole selves — or, we reject, unable to accept or believe.
you know what i feel?
i feel like i just don't want to be anywhere sometimes.
if i could disappear without dying
i would
there is no place like home
because everywhere is home
and nowhere is home
sometimes i wish i could un-know
parts of myself
things that i've seen
things that i've said
things that i've heard
things that i've done
things that i haven't seen
things that i haven't said
things that i haven't heard
things that I haven't done
things that i know i don't know
things that i know i will never see, say, hear or do
I have no idea what I want to write about, but I guess it doesn’t matter anyway I am not really in charge of that anyway.
Sometimes I just need a refuge
There is nothing better when you find a refuge.
It’s really a challenge to write and watch a movie at the same time.
Here I am. Just ready for this challenge.
I am avoiding the feeling I have
We live life in layers.
Drawn out.
Always taking my sweet ass time.
It is actually usually pretty sweet if I take my time and go my way.
Sometimes I just don’t know what to write about.
I don’t like being too busy.
I forgot to meditate.
I don’t actually feel that bad about it.
It’s a reminder of what happens when I don’t do things when I should and the cascade effect of how it throws everything off a bit when I finally follow through or make progress on something that I’ve been putting off.
Right now what I want to be thinking about is my conversation.
I haven’t taken the time to tune-in to see if this is truly what I want.
I think it is the truth and so sometimes, want is irrelevant.
There is something very powerful and clean about that reality.
Take post-its down and refresh with intention.
Locked in.
Not by choice.
Entangled in pattern.
Infinitely protected from nothing.
The people I have the privilege to know and be with makes me feel worthy and special.
My company matters.
We are small, yet expansive.
I have been avoiding writing to you.
I don’t know how to say the things I want to say.
I think you already know how much you have done for me, but it’s infinitely more.
Thank you for sharing your family with me and m.
I remember knowing that you had to make a decision about me.
I know it wasn’t easy.
I am distraught
I hate everything
I do not know how to be human
It’s too many things
I have learned how to honor my commitment to myself through my meditation practice and this challenge.
It’s past the end of the day as I’m writing this and I just don’t care what I write.
I hope I can just get through this post and whatever happens, happens.
I have to go to the people and places where I can express myself fully.
I think those people and places exist.
The challenge is, do I exist?
I notice that my way of talking and writing is as similar as it is different.
When I speak, I am generally trying not to say anything. I’m never certain how much I really want to share. It’s really odd, because I genuinely love being with people, but I prefer it when they do the talking.
Blah blah blah
People are important.
I live in some kind of dreamy dream land where I come in contact with you only as a projection of me.
Today is kind of a hard day.
It’s one of those times when I’m realizing that it’s time to be with me and only me again. Sometimes I feel the feeling like I can
I live for the crescendos and diminuendos in life.
I am co-creator
Sometimes I want to live in suspended reality
You know, I have to say that I am distracted from my goals.
Life crescendos and spreads or flows out.
Life crescendos.
I don’t know what the f I’m writing right now.
I am trying to get this stupid challenge done, even though I’d rather be watching the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
I don’t know what I am doing.
I really don’t know what I’m doing.
I don’t know what I’m doing.
I do know what I’m doing.
I do know what I’m doing.
I’m excited.
For a long time, I’ve been thinking that I am not a good writer.
But, I am a good writer, because my intention is good.
I just understood this a few moments ago.
Another realization or ride through the dimensions twists me out of the construct and out into the openness where anything can be.
Third eye.
Sometimes I am a real fool. I think I know a lot. I do know a lot.
Sometimes I think I know what I am doing and then I don’t. But I do!
The only real wants in life are the ones I am willing to and actually work for without limitations.
Discernment is the key to a peaceful life
Wants are worthless
I am not funny.
Maybe that’s why I appreciate comedians and comedy so much.
I always think and feel I am dumb, but secretly believe I’m really smart.
My experiences lead to the best theories.
I am able to find the right solutions and takeaways for myself.
I am dreadful.
I am full of dread.
This time of year is simply dreadful
The less I do the less I do
The real connection is in the outtakes
With #alltheloveandnoexcuses ❤️
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.