Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

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45 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day! It was a busy day, but a good day. I have to admit that I like working when it’s busy and there are things to do. I am able to immerse myself in work in a way that I wish I could apply to other areas of my life. On some fronts, I believe it helps spark something in me that makes me feel more energetic about making progress and getting stuff done in other areas. On other fronts, I become completely oblivious to things I ought to be doing for my personal life.

I think it’s fair to say that I become acutely aware of where my all or nothing and somewhat addictive tendencies come into play and how they help and hinder me. Somehow, I manage and alternate thriving, maintaining and completely checking out in waves.

I need to get going to take care of some things, but I love writing and am feeling more open to sharing more of the writing I’m finding in my research. I still think that there is a lot of opportunity for improving and revising, but I’m still working through being more open to that process because a lot of the writing I do is a journey. I keep finding a bit of brilliance here and there, but then I realize that the journey or the process of how that bit of brilliance became illuminated or discovered is just as interesting and seems to add more dimension and meaning in a way that feels connecting.

I probably need a little more distance from myself and the tendency to relive the experience I was having when I wrote the original thoughts. To write is such a worthy challenge and adventure. It is also one of those life things that just works better when I do it and don’t think so much or talk so much about it until the time comes and I am moved to do so.

