Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

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39 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day.

I have to be honest. Part of me suspects that the book is pretty much written. I have no issue with meeting word counts. I need and want to put more focus on going back through the writing and letting as much as possible emerge.

I have the nicest daughter. I realize that I’m changing the subject rather abruptly, but I just got overwhelmed with a feeling of love and appreciation for this young woman who has dealt with so many adults in her life. She understands who each person is and she knows how to connect with each of us. She is amazing because she often, if not always, reconciles any conflicts with the right words and a hug. She is also wonderful at speaking up for herself and managing her own time and to do’s. She is so brilliant in all the ways. She is a teacher I am learning from everyday. She has a particular frequency that is naturally attuned to me in a way that keeps me real and shifts me back toward the person I want to be. She deals with my imperfection and patterns in a way that makes me want to do the work I must do to be better all the time. She deals with my underdeveloped understanding and motivation to do what I need to do as a human living in the 21st Century. She deals with tendency to make everything about me, because she listens when I admit that my actions are out of alignment with my intentions. I have realized over the last 15 years that the times when things most contorted is when I’m trying too hard.

This is a good example of how I get swept away in the best way when I write and why I get so much out of it. Writing helps me find some openness and softness during my day.

I can’t understand why we humans have created a reality that doesn’t value unscheduled social connection and relaxation. Humans are so weird and have interesting ideas about logic. Human logic created a 2-day weekend and a 5-day work week and an education system that treats our children like non-thinking, non-feeling, unworthy robots with 1-2 parent masters + 6-7 teacher masters and no time to eat lunch or use the restroom without the threat of getting in trouble or being haggled. Real logic without an emPHAsis on capitalism would support people can be trusted to do the work they must do to create and enjoy their experience.

It pains me.

