Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

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1 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day! It’s actually the very end of the day and I am starting a new sadhana. The focus of this sadhana is to work on my writing project and do Sobagh Kriya each day.

Today, I did a 15 minute Sobagh Kriya practice first thing morning using this Guru Jagat video as a guide. It’s really helpful to do this kriya with a video because each part is three minutes and there are five different parts. It’s a prosperity kriya to “Invoke the Wealth of the Universe”.

“I'm trying to give you a very handy tool so that you can be anywhere, and you can become rich. I'm not going to give you printed money, but I'm giving you a tool of prosperity. Will that be cool? All right, let's do it.

And I'd like you to be your own judge. See how it works. There are a lot of things that you think you can't do, like looking unique or being excellent. But you only think these things because you are afraid of the responsibility. If the psyche is corrected once in a while, for a few minutes here, or a few minutes there, you'll be surprised how much good you can do for yourself.”

— Yogi Bhajan, 6/21/96, Summer Solstice

I’m doing Sobagh Kriya because I attended the public classes for the Level II Kundalini Teacher Training last weekend and the guest teacher, Sat Siri who teaches at Wanderlust LA, taught Sobagh Kriya because the trainees are doing a 90 day sadhana that started yesterday — Sunday, March 31, 2019. The Kundalini teacher trainings in MN are facilitated through the Kundalini Collective and the next Level I training is in the works for 2020…I am hoping I can do this training!!!

I have done a 120+ day prosperity sadhana doing the first part of sobagh kriya for 11 minutes each day more than once in the past two years. The last time I started to do a prosperity sadhana, I intended on practicing daily possibly forever, but then something interesting happened one day. I realized that I am prosperity and then I knew it was time for a new meditation. I don’t know how to convey how profound, yet basic this realization was when it occurred. It was kind of funny. It was like I woke up and moved on with my day / life.

While I still know that I am prosperity, I believe that practicing Sobagh Kriya at this time will be beneficial and interesting because of the feeling I got yesterday while practicing. It will work really well in conjunction with my other workouts. Strengthening physically and mentally from the inside out, upper, lower and all throughout is where prosperity comes from and allows it to expand, flow and overflow inward to outward. It creates the alignment and the structure when we are physiologically strong from the inside out, meaning the cells, tissues, organs and the breath from the inside out. I’ve been weak and it’s affecting my form and my ability to create and successfully support my creations.

In order for me to continue to be more of who I am and to do the things I am desperate to do in this lifetime, I must always be getting strong, I must have a regular practice and I must keep going without counting the days. I’m not really sure what’s going to happen during this 120 days, but I imagine that I will figure some key things out about my personal process. I will get physically stronger and make real progress on my project.

The goal for today was to do sobagh kriya, pilates, yoga and just get started on this #120daysadhana to focus my writing efforts on my project. My word for 2019 is COMPLETE. I am complete. I will allow myself the satisfaction of feeling complete each day.

