33 of #100daychallenge: keep going
Most days, I am just making it by with this #100daychallenge. I often dread it and overthink it. It's showing me a lot of my patterns and pushes me to keep going.
Sometimes I write the blog first and other times the visuals come first. Tonight was a bit of a combo. I started writing here first, but then I felt the need to move the pen across the page. I am tired, so I just started writing a bunch of nonsense. There were a couple of weird things I wrote that I liked.
"F E E L I N G I M P A I R E D"
When my ability to feel is impaired. It's the worst feeling. I feel like a shell of a person and like I have no feeling about anything or anyone. It's an awful and offensive state. Vacant, dead-eyes. I tend to believe every weakness has some benefit, so I must also acknowledge that in times of emergency, this mechanism allowed me to make quick, smart decisions.
"S Y N C H R O N I Z E D S O L I T U D E"
I love this one. Truth rings through. Something about it makes me feel good. I don't know what it means just yet, but it makes me think of peace. World peace. Another thought that came: two hearts are of one, but do not become one.
I am always glad I followed through on my #100daychallenge.
Soon, I'll try starting my day with it to see how that feels.
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.