9 of #100daychallenge: words + pics
Today, I opened a letter that I had written to myself back in January of ‘oh-17,’ when I was doing the Artist’s Way. The visual above is an excerpt of some of the timeless words of encouragement I wrote to myself.
The other visual that came through was another reminder of the past, my high school signature. I remember spending a fair amount of time playing around with ideas for my signature and how I really liked the built-in heart. I still love hearts and spending time experimenting with sorting out what feels good to me, visually. I’ve always loved drawing, doodling and writing. At some point, I started to deny myself as a creative, because I’ve been surrounded by so many extremely gifted people.
I am enjoying my #100daychallenge, because it is joyful work making the visuals to help document and share my experience. The purpose is to write more, but I’m learning that writing is very visual for me and words are sometimes not enough. Pictures help convey my tone and meaning or simply do a better job of describing.
The concepts that I’m connecting with through the pictures and writing are just scratching the surface. I am looking forward to dedicating time and focus to go deeper and pulling a more complete and refined expression through.
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.
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