8 of #100daychallenge: home
There is no place like home.
Home really isn’t a physical place. Home is an energy and a frequency. We are less attuned to home as a frequency that exists with or without a construct. It can be stunning to find ourselves feeling wide awake and truly at home without a preferred venue or having traveled at all.
It feels like arriving and seeing that someone has both missed me in my absence and is excited to hear what I have to share, with or without words. It doesn’t matter, it just feels good to be there. Home transcends the world out there with all the accomplishments, to do's and mistakes.
I feel the feeling of coming home when I’ve peacefully turned myself inside out. I’ve become an expansive energetic space that is fully my own. This is the concept of home. The construct of home is like a fortress, for protection, separation and ownership. Imagining the concept can help us influence and transform the construct to be more practical and energetically aligned. Concepts over Constructs materialized from this kind of observation and practice.
This is just one aspect of the concept and construct of home and it is likely still just a partial picture of an understanding that will continue to emerge. Nothing is definitive when we're talking about concepts, that's the beauty and the opportunity. It's an ongoing process with all the potential we're willing to acknowledge and explore.
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.
In honor of Harry Potter's 20th Anniversary!