Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

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72 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. My daughter and I started watching Who’s The Boss and it’s so fun to watch it again. She said she likes it and it’s her new show. I didn’t remember that Angela Bauer was an advertising executive. Mona is the best! I don’t think I realized how progressive it was when I watched it growing up.

I’m so fascinated by TV and film. How do those writers do it? It seems like such an interesting process. I think that my favorite stories and characters are the ones that seem the simplest. The way that I understand simple is that I have to understand the complexities in order to convey believable simplicity.

It’s one of my weaknesses that I have to work through lots of layers and overthink everything in order to know what I believe is right. I get frustrated by my tendency as much as I sense that others may be frustrated with my need to take time, think things through and then take more time. Maybe I take longer to get to the same place or maybe I question more than necessary. It’s not a trait that feels positive, but it does feel necessary.

It’s really just a part of my creative process of being. It’s a real thing. It may start to evolve if I do a better job of accepting it and working with it rather than allowing it to feel like a weakness. Creative process is one of my primary interests in life.

The thing that fascinates me about my day job and TV / Film writing is how a team of people comes together to develop and produce creative. I like seeing how an individual processes and connects with an idea and some objectives. Especially so quickly and in collaboration with several groups of stakeholders across multiple organizations. These are quick people. They get it. And, if they don’t get it, they get that and do the quick work of creating clarity on what has and hasn’t been gotten.

I never know where I am as all of everything else is happening around me. There is some idea that I am just here to help in whatever capacity I can. For a long time, I’ve seen myself as more of an invisible force or behind the scenes doer type person. I think that’s still accurate, but I’ve also become aware that there are some spaces and times where I feel like I am where I am more wholly. I like that I have a continuous flow of learning and practicing with my various roles in advertising, energy work, writing and parenting.

Part of this process of writing a book is finding my way and really accepting the creative process with a sense of adventure and appreciation. As I get closer and closer to what I’m working toward, I realize more and more how much my progress with writing is intertwined with my process of becoming.

