Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

Bodywork for Corporate, Executives, Entrepreneurs

Bodywork for Individuals

Working Workshops

Leadership Coaching & Strategy

Operations & Marketing Strategy

60 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I’m halfway through this sadhana. I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished too much, but I will keep going. It’s all I can do. I’m getting good insights from different podcasts that I’ve been listening to. The main thing for me is that I just need to keep going and I must stay open to letting this be what it will be.

I’m the most offensive to myself and I know it. I shut down and resist the pressure I put on myself to “get things done.” I notice that when I let myself slip into the mode of getting things done, it is so much more fruitful, not to mention enjoyable!

I still feel sick. I was wondering if this thing was allergies, but I took some allergy meds today and it didn’t really seem to do anything. I think it just needs to work it’s way out. Part of it is likely that I needed a break and a reset physically and mentally.

Going to sleep…

