Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

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48 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I started reading Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza. 20 pages in and feeling like I can relate and understand. I have been focusing on my own studies and not reading much for awhile now. I’m on the fence about whether or not I want to continue reading because I am in a process of writing.

I am more interested in my personal experience and understanding of my experience at this time. It’s a bit of a closed off time for me. I would like to be more open, but there is something present that is keeping my focus on my own experience. It feels very positive and right for now, so I am appreciating the break from the pressure of learning and knowing more about what is already out there. It’s all already out there anyway. It’s just my time to learn and enjoy it for myself.

One thing that I did re-experience as I was reading, was the feeling that the emotions around my experience at this time do not really matter so much. Everything is relative. Although, our experiences vary in what our current situations or perceived realities are around different facets of our lives, ourselves and what we must do—the feelings we have are oftentimes the same or very similar. Our challenges and aspirations for ourselves around finance, wealth, health, relationships, personal expression, etc look different, but the feelings about our weaknesses and strengths around them are similar and relatable. In some way, this helps neutralize it all for me and makes it less of a statement or judgment about me and more of an understanding about what the ways I am learning and growing at this time.

I have to admit that I really have no idea if I’m really in the process of writing the book I am trying to write. Sometimes it feels like I am making progress and other times it feels like I am avoiding it or on the cusp of truly entering into the realm of myself where I am fully together and I can see the process clearly enough to just keep going. I am making progress in my own way.

I liked what Joe Dispenza says at the beginning of this book. He talks about how it took him a long time to write this book because he was worried about offending some people, but once he realized he didn’t need to write for that audience he was able to go all in and write the book he had always wanted to write in the way that he knew it needed to be written. He didn’t exactly say those words, but that’s how I understood and connected with that part of the introduction.

I am borrowing this book from my library and because of that, I think I will continue to read and I will try the meditations. I am generally pretty open to trying things, but I have a lot that I’m already doing so it’s more that I don’t want to feel overwhelmed or like I don’t have the capacity to really connect and consider the information and the practices—or, like I’m getting distracted from my main focus at this time.

From what I’ve read thus far, it seems like it will only be supportive and expanding to the intentions I am currently focused on.

