Blueprint Wellness

Blueprint Wellness is in the business of connecting people with the one person they need to help them change, create and enjoy the life they’ve always wanted. Shift from healing to activating the creative process of well-being through awareness and action.

Bodywork for Corporate, Executives, Entrepreneurs

Bodywork for Individuals

Working Workshops

Leadership Coaching & Strategy

Operations & Marketing Strategy

30 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I was reminded how much I love life when I am connecting with friends one-on-one. I’ve been keeping a lot of my thoughts and experiences to myself for awhile for no reason other than I haven’t been making time to spend with my people.

Earlier today, I got to catch up with a friend that I haven’t had a real conversation with in a long time. It was so good to re-connect. This is one of those people whom I immediately liked and admired when I met her. She is so welcoming to all, energetic, fun and full of heart. I left that conversation feeling so good.

Tonight was really sweet because I got to hang out with my one friend. You know how there is always one friend where the connection is completely tangible regardless of how often you see them in person? Where everything is the most fun and the funniest and all problems feel neutral? Yeahhh, that’s the one friend, I’m talking about.

This is the person I can and do see so much good in that I am reminded that I am good, too. It’s like a movie when we hang out and I always get so happy and overwhelmed with love and gratitude that I cry a little bit and it’s really beautiful and also funny. I don’t need to know the ending at all, I just have this feeling that I know that everything will work out for everyone. I’m grateful to have someone who sees me how I see me and also helps me see more of me in the best ways in the same way I see in them — I can always see her good. it’s rare to have and to be an all-loving friend in life.

I’m too tired to continue writing more…

