Blueprint Wellness

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2 of #120daysadhana: meditation

Yesterday was day 2. It’s so interesting how difficult it is to remember what I did and how I felt yesterday.

I did do the positive mind meditation for 30 minutes and it was so nice to come back to that practice again. The effects are pretty immediate and I notice that I am able to settle into or tune-in much more comfortably now that I have been practicing for what feels like a long time. It feels good to know that I am capable and worthy of investing time in my meditation practice.

One of the benefits of meditation practice is that I’ve developing a different relationship and experience with time. Eleven minutes of meditation can seem extremely long or quick or sufficient depending on my mindset and emotional state. It also has opened me up to the idea of just doing what I can and allowing it to be enough and worth it as long as I just do it.

Last night, after working at my office for a few hours, I came home to my paperwork organization and filing project and immediately wanted to avoid it because I didn’t believe I would be able to finish it before 10pm-ish. I had a couple of hours before I needed to start getting ready for bed, so I thought about rescheduling the task til today or the weekend when I might have more time to knock the whole thing out. Fortunately, I stayed committed to my #120daysadhana and I decided to just do what I could that night and agree to be happy with any progress that I made. I went to bed a little later than planned, but I made more progress than I imagined possible and completed the day feeling great!

I am still in the midst of this project, but I want to do it mindfully and right by my own standard of satisfaction. It feels good not to rush through it and to have clarity on what’s what, why and where it belongs.

Day 2 :: 1/2/19

  • Rest + Rising —woke up on time, but hit snooze a couple of times, went to bed around 11pm

  • Exercise — went for a walk, did some push ups and arm circles (ha ha, I know…), 30-minute positive mind meditation

  • Fun —walking was fun!

  • Writing — morning pages, blog

  • Reading — I don’t know if I read anything yesterday

  • Life things I don’t want to do / feel overwhelming — filing project

  • Scheduling + Squashing Resistance — planned for today, squashed that resistance about spending time filing and felt like a master and also a bit silly for my initial desire to procrastinate

Today was a great day and I will write more about that tomorrow if there’s time.

Thanks for following to see my  #alltheloveandnoexcuses #blueprintwellness #120daysadhana materialize.


Laura Peppin