67 of #100daychallenge: lone stars
Sometimes I just do not want to share what I have to say and write. Not everything needs to be said out loud. Or heard. There’s something sacred about the things we voluntarily and peacefully savor for ourselves.
I love to be alone. With my imagination. And with music. I think I’ve figured something out for myself that makes life feel a lot better. I know that I’m always alone and not alone. I’m only and always with me.
I also love to be alone in a space and frequency where I can connect with others. When I was younger, I think I had a different perception and expectation of what it is to be “together” or “connected” with other. I’ve found that the best feeling of connection is when I’m with one person or a group of people and we are each fully with ourselves sharing the space. No need to claim, overlap or meld.
This applies to parenting, too. It has been helpful to start opening up a space for my daughter and I. She’s such a wonderful, interesting and funny person. I feel happy and learn so much more from her when I’ve given her enough space to be herself.
Today’s drawings are not so great. They’re kind of pathetic in a funny way.
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.
bad hair + drawing day…