65 of #100daychallenge: justice
Believe me.
We are each fully equipped with our own internal justice system.
The only justice system that matters is the one that is inseparable from who we are.
The body knows.
That tape will never stop running.
In that dark room in your mind.
You can’t stand to walk by it.
Or, to imagine the scenes being played out on the screen.
Not only that, the sounds, tastes and visceral senses that materialize even just thinking about that thing you did or said or thought.
You know it was wrong.
You know where your intention was.
You know that someone was gravely damaged all the way through.
The spirit knows.
Yours and theirs.
And, the spirit energy that connects us.
You can never get away from you.
This is only the beginning.
Of what no one really wanted or wants to deal with.
But, when there is something that must be dealt with.
It has an energy of its own.
It’s not as scary or surprising.
It’s only a matter of time.
You knew, so you understand.
You would have to deal with it.
And, it was never a private matter, because you knew.
There is no misconstruing or denying the inner justice system.
We are all familiar with the power of the inner justice system.
It shows up like chronic pain or compulsive patterns that wear us down.
It drives us to be better or to try and hide or deny more.
It reminds us of that time in grade school when we excluded or called names.
It reminds us of some time when we were older and we took pleasure in being vindictive toward someone who we felt less than around.
It reminds us of a time when we knew we had more and we could have shared but we didn’t.
It reminds us of the mean thoughts we had about someone because we didn’t understand them.
It reminds us that we have been pretending to not know what we did.
It reminds us that we have been pretending that someone else wasn’t affected or probably forgot.
I’m having trouble participating.
The challenge is that more assaults have been triggered.
There is so much anger and hurt.
The composer’s song is not one I’m familiar with or creatively attuned or equipped to join.
I have to stay home to work on myself, because I am not perfect and I do not know what to do or how to help. I do feel it is my responsibility to understand my orientation to what is happening in the world and to take the time to be mindful of what I’m putting into the world. To be mindful of what I desire, do as my work, invest in and how I interact with others (I am often an avoider).
The fact that everything is driven by business and revenue is getting in the way of everything. We have no real leaders. Everyone is a business person and the stakes are much too high financially and brand-wise for anyone to take risks or even take the time to openly work toward something better. There is no one willing or able to lead our people and our country in the way needed right now.
If we want something better, we are going to have to sacrifice, choose to have less and put our money into services/products that are beneficial to ourselves, others and the environment. If we are unwilling to do the hard work of choosing less and being more specific, we will continue to sacrifice our own well-being as well as all of all future generations.
I say: I am not a nobody. I am an everybody. We’ve got a lot of ugly stuff coming to light right now, and it’s all important. We need to start making the individual changes that will start to shift our reality. I’m grateful for all of the people who are out there using their voices and standing up. I’m intimidated and motivated to do my own work, which starts with living in alignment with the vision I’d like to see us work toward. I think the everybody’s are the leaders if we want to be and we can commit to knowing our own impact and power.
This way and that way have not yet become aware they have become united and stuck in a quarry of disbelief and anger. Nothing can be done from that vantage point. Wisdom has been lost in place of systems and business. One way or another, it’s becoming clear that a time of great sacrifice is emerging.