Blueprint Wellness

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57 of #100daychallenge: sadhana

This past  Sunday, September 16, 2018, I hit 120 days with my prosperity sadhana. Everyday, I have been practicing a meditation for prosperity for 11 minutes. Prosperity for staying connected to love and creativity have been my intention, because I believe the greatest prosperity comes from love and creativity. I usually do my meditation and my #100daychallenge at the end of the day, because it gives me time to wind down and let all the thoughts of the day can pass through me. I can notice them and I feel grateful for my day because I did my practice. I know that today is good and so is tomorrow.

I learned about sadhana from kundalini yoga. Kundalini is the yoga of awareness and it is very different from the more popular forms of yoga, such as vinyasa. A lot of the practice is done with the eyes closed. There are kriyas, which involve breath, sound and postures that are related to a specific physiological and emotional outcomes. In my experience, kundalini creates communion with others and with all the different parts of myself and my life. During the practice, I come face-to-face with my boundaries and I am able to see what’s the in way and beyond. I feel clear, renewed and transformed after a kundalini practice.

A sadhana is like a streak. It is a practice for 40, 90, 120 or 1000 consecutive days. If you do not do it one day, you start back at one — even if it was an honest mistake or life became too busy.

Sadhana means daily spiritual practice. It is the foundation of all spiritual endeavor. Sadhana is your personal, individual spiritual effort. It is the main tool you use to work on yourself to achieve the purpose of life. It can be done alone or in a group. Sadhana is whatever you do consistently to clear your own consciousness so you can relate to the infinity within you. Before you face the world each day, do yourself a favor—tune up your nervous system and attune yourself to your highest inner self. To cover all your bases, it will include exercise, meditation, and prayer.

During what are called the “ambrosial hours” (the two and a half hours just before sunrise), when the sun is at a sixty-degree angle to the Earth, the energy you put into your sadhana gets maximum results. Your world is quieter. It’s easier to meditate and concentrate before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. If you absolutely cannot get up early in the morning to do sadhana, then do it some other time! Doing sadhana at any time of the day or night will benefit you.

Develop a regular sadhana and you take control of your life. Develop a deep sadhana and you open the doors of experience. Commit to meet your higher Self each morning and your decisions and your life become original; your life will bear the signature of your soul; your radiance will express the meaningful intimacy of the Infinite in each moment. Immerse yourself in the joy of victory that comes from starting each day with a powerful sadhana and every challenge becomes opportunity.  

Remember, a habit is a subconscious chain reaction between the mind, the glandular system and the nervous system. We develop habits at a very young age. Some of them serve our highest destiny. Some of them do not. By doing a 40, 90, 120 or 1000 day special sadhana, you can rewire that chain reaction. You can develop new, deeply ingrained habits that serve your highest good.

40 Days: Practice every day for 40 days straight. This will break any negative habits that block you from the expansion possible through the kriya or mantra.

90 Days: Practice every day for 90 days straight. This will establish a new habit in your conscious and subconscious minds based on the effect of the kriya or mantra. It will change you in a very deep way.

120 Days: Practice every day for 120 days straight. This will confirm the new habit of consciousness created by the kriya or mantra. The positive benefits of the kriya get integrated permanently into your psyche.

1000 Days: Practice every day for 1000 days straight. This will allow you to master the new habit of consciousness that the kriya or mantra has promised. No matter what the challenge, you can call on this new habit to serve you.


I’m thinking about changing my #100daychallenge to #120daysadhana. It feels like a sadhana. I can feel myself transforming for my own benefit. I am more committed and clear in ways that I had hoped. Sadhana is really helping become who I know myself to be. To fill in or close the gap between who I am and what I can do in my imagination to match up with who I am and what I am capable of in reality. It is both sacred and fun! I’ve gotten to the point where the prosperity meditation is a part of my evening routine and now I’m considering a morning meditation as well. I’m thinking of starting with Sat Kriya.

Today marks the 40th birthday of our friend Dan. We lost him the summer before our senior year. It was tragic. Looking back, I think it was interesting how I dealt with it, because I felt like there were so many others who were closer to him than I was that I told myself that I was okay because it was much worse for others. There is no metric when it comes to this sort of thing. It’s impossible to not be affected and feel sad and grateful. 22 years later, does not feel like 22 years later. It feels like who we were then is still alive, still vibrant and a part of my life in a sense. We weren’t perfect, but we had a lot of fun. We were kids. Just kids.

As I get closer to who I truly am, I cannot let the moments and the people just pass by. I cannot let the significance of who and what they are to me pass by. I am and always have been so full of love. The only difference now is that I’m not as afraid to let that show. I want to laugh and cry and remember and know all of the experiences that are a part of me. There are some pretty bad ones, but there are some really amazing and unbelievable people and experiences that continue to remind me of who I am and what life is about. Even though we have changed and were different then to a certain extent. In the heart, we are always the same and everything has meaning and the grandiosity of it all is has no statute of limitations.

This challenge, this sadhana, is incomplete in the social and blog posts. I’m only just able to scratch the surface. This practice is helping me realize that I must go beyond and go deeper. The more I feel that push, the more I am realizing how much I actually do not give of myself and how much I am actually not even open at all. I am happy to give for others and be open to accepting others as whole, but I don’t really welcome into my space. This is not uncommon, but that doesn’t make it any easier or less scary. I don’t really know how that all works, especially because I thought I was in a different place. I will keep doing my sadhana and I believe that will help. I am already different than I was when I first started.

If sadhana sounds appealing to you, I suggest going to kundalini class or you can always reach out to me if you have questions. I am not a teacher or an expert, but I can share what I have learned and offer up an idea or two on how to get started.

I had started writing about sadhana earlier in the day.

I woke up knowing that today, September 19, would have been Dan’s birthday, and I had a thought that I should do something. I went back to sleep and forgot, because I had stayed up too late yesterday.

I was grateful when my friend reached out to see if I wanted to go visit Dan. We did. It was really nice. I can’t go into it as much as I would like to, but there’s something really special about the friends I had in high school.

Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.




Just kids. RIP Yante.