39 of #100daychallenge: self-help
Sometimes this challenge feels like a burden and I don't want to do it. I do appreciate it every time I complete it, though. I have to keep going. Lots of good things are coming out of staying committed to this challenge. Although, I am thinking about switching up the format for the second half of it, because it's time consuming and throwing my sleep schedule off.
@bythebookpod on instagram
I started listening to the By The Book podcast and it's pretty entertaining. I am a lover of all things self-help, because I always learn more about myself. The hosts, Kristen and Jolenta, are open about who they are and where they are in their experience. I appreciate that they include their husbands and families in the conversation as they live each self-help method "by the book" for two weeks. Kristen was a producer for the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, so if you enjoy that podcast, you might enjoy this one.
I also love that Kristen is from Minnesota and I think she might be a Korean adoptee like me. Minnesota is a mysterious place that most people don't take the time to learn more about. This may be a dark thing to say, but I imagine it will become a place of great interest when the effects of global warming are undeniable on the coasts. The older I get, the more I appreciate it, and see the infinite potential of the practical, good-natured people who live here.
I do, however, think I identify more with Jolenta than Kristen. I have a lot of negative self-talk and doubt that I let get in my way at times. I am very open to self-help, astrology and tarot. I think there's a lot I can learn in this life. It's exciting and overwhelming. It's fun to hear what goes on in other people's heads and learn about what works for them and how they stay sane.
Listening to these podcasts help me recover or take a break when I'm feeling exhausted from my own quest to be my good, better, best self. Or, maybe I could just go to sleep earlier and stick to a schedule...
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.
Self-help from self-help exhaustion.