23 of #100daychallenge: worth the wait
Tonight, I ordered Thai food for takeout from a small restaurant that is notorious for being extremely slow, even when you order ahead of time. I know this, so I don’t get impatient or frustrated. I just look forward to when it is ready.
Worth the wait.
Yes. It is always worth the wait. The red curry is nourishing and smooth, with a satisfying bite to it. The broccoli, carrots, cabbage and peppers are vibrant and crisp. The tofu is cubed and cooked perfectly.
When I eat a meal that I love, I am always reminded of my emotional relationship with food. I love food, but when I’m weak or feeling down, I am a cliche. I indulge and later am consumed by feelings of guilt and disgust. A lot of people understand this pattern. While I do not believe I have an eating disorder, I do believe there are compulsive patterns that hold me back from being as healthy and fit as I imagine I can be.
Food and fitness are two of my most challenging goals to be consistent about, so I often feel like I am not making progress. In the next year, I would like to have fun with food in fitness in a way that integrates healthy behaviors, so that I feel great and spend less time denying, indulging and feeling guilty.
Not worth the weight.
As I sat in the booth looking forward to my food, I realized that, I too, am worth the wait. I have transformed quite a bit in the last five years and I can see now that I am worth the wait. I will always be worth the wait.
Because I have this mindset about myself, I can imagine that you are also worth the wait.
More and more, I am willing to go without and I am willing to wait as long as necessary for the right things and people.
I like this idea of changing my feeling of waiting to a feeling of looking forward.
Little things like this can make a great difference.
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.