5 Part II of #100daychallenge: angel numbers
As this #100daychallenge unfolds, I've been noticing how my daily writing is so "tip of the iceberg," and that I don't always explain things as much as I ought to for the reader. Even just after six days of this practice, insights I am experiencing are amazing! That the fun part about right now, I'm really not worrying myself about editing the daily blog posts. It's more about doing the practice everyday, enjoying the process and sharing whatever shows up.
Today, I wanted to explain and share about angel numbers because it's been helpful and fun to notice them. In yesterday's post, I did a drawing of a clock that had the time 12:34 on it, but I didn't explain why. Then, today I went upstairs to check my phone and it was 12:34pm and that inspired me to write a quick instagram post about my experience with angel numbers.
I'm adding the post below, so you don't have to toggle back and forth.
I enjoyed reading this post by Willow Soul about the significance of seeing the number sequence 1234. It's okay to be skeptical or have doubt about these things, but that shouldn't get in the way of the ability to give some consideration. Also, it's probably fair to say that it's likely that there really are no credible sources here, or that there are only credible sources, because what seems to be true is that it comes down to whether or not if we like something and feel comfortable with it or not. It doesn't matter. No one is more or less evolved or open-minded, because of their acceptance or doubt of something like angel numbers. It just means that people are different, in purpose, interests and what brings meaning at different times in their lives.
Here's the post:
Today: July 30, 2018
8 months ago: December 20, 2017
12:34 is the time/number sequence that I’ve been noticing for several years, so of course, I had to @google it.
Noticing and following curiosity can add great value and fun to day -to-day life. Whether or not it’s ridiculously fun and meaningful or stupid and meaningless is a choice we get to make for ourselves.
I choose fun and meaningful when it comes to what I learned about “angel numbers.”
“Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that carry divine guidance by referring to specific numerological meanings.
In Numerology, the divine science of numbers, it is understood that each number carries with it a specific vibrational meaning that goes beyond a simple quantity.
This vibrational frequency is similar in nature to the frequencies at which angels and other celestial beings resonate. Often, when our guardian angels want to get our attention they will send us a specific series of numbers which will appear in our experience again and again.
It is the repetition of the sequence that will seem so uncanny and make you look wherever you can to find out more about what it might mean.” // www.thesecretoftarot.com
Phone wallpapers: 🌸 images @theheirloombouquet + @abeautifulmessapp
“See what you can do,” is a multidimensional reminder to take risks with a positive mindset, vision, celebrate and believe in my own power when it comes to living in fuller expression and purpose. I heard these words from a wise and clever @hoffmanprocess teacher JA. I liked the encouragement and wink that seemed to through in his voice. A few days later, I laughed when the multidimensional meanings hit me. Totally JA. Totally what I needed to embrace.
Four months later, on 12/20 I took a screengrab of 12:34, because I had just taken a huge risk and committed to an investment for myself and my business. A day or two later I unexpectedly, but peacefully left my full-time job. I am here. Almost 8 months later, still seeing 1234, still going.
#1234 #alltheloveandnoexcuses #brilliance #blueprintwellnesslife
#energywork #writer #fun
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.