Her words as art.
With great honor and permission, I share this letter in honor of the brave and lovable Kelly Rose on her birthday. You are truly a gift. Thank you for being my friend and for sharing your brilliance.
Considering you.
There are so many things that you shared today that stood out to me as brilliant gems of who you are. The visual to me is like, all the beauty comes out in these little glints that light you up so others can see and know who you are.
When I asked you what you liked about this idea of a person of interest knowing your family, knowing parts of who you are and where you come from without you having to decide whether or not and when to share which parts — you said,
This is who I am.
I'm already standing in my truth.”
These are two really simple and beautiful acknowledgements, and there's a lot of dimension to them. I want to you to see them out in front of you, because there are many voices within us and they are all valid in their own ways, but there is always the one voice that is us.
This is who I am.
I'm already standing in my truth.
Look again and allow yourself to feel and know these words without the need for any other context. I think that this is an important point. You are whole. You are complete. You are distinguishable. You are beautiful. You are you. You are truth.
That is ALL.
ALL as in everything.
ALL as in only.
ALL as in always.
ALL as in whole.
ALL as in all the parts as one.
ALL as in simply and beautifully you, every part, every version past, present and future.
So, your clear, true voice came out today to say these words aloud, to be acknowledged, recognized and to ask to be honored.
Did you hear yourself today?
Did you hear ALL of yourself today in that one voice speaking to you, speaking out these words so the sound current and energy of the true meaning could resonate in waves and find their way back to you?
ALL you need is YOU.
One of your most beautiful gifts that I have always admired, appreciated and loved so much about you, is that you have this really beautiful way of being you. You take what you feel are your fails or lacks or desperate hopes and you put them out in the open and talk about them with others in a way that is so humble and willing to learn and work through it all. You're very courageous. You are open and trusting of others and I can see that you come from a place of love in the way that you see and treat others as sources of love, goodness, support, truth. It is clear you see them as worthy and willing to help, and ask them to share their gifts.
I don't know what is next for you, but I am here for you, as a safe space or time traveler or a mirror or playback device.
There is one other thing that is showing up that I can share. I think it may relate to the question about approach that you are in the midst of sorting out, because it is important. Whenever we find ourselves needing to figure out an approach, that leads us to find the answer to an important question. What is my purpose here (this may be in the grand sense or in a more situational sense, either way they are probably the same or parts of the one).
What is the opportunity you can give to someone of interest to share their gift with you, so you can know each other on some real level?
I don't know if you will see or know the same as what I'm sensing here, but my sense is that when you sort out your purpose, then the gem as a whole is present and visible. The glints of brilliance sparkle and capture our attention for sure and make us feel SO good, but we don't always get to see the gem as a whole if we get caught up in the sparkle. Those who take the time to know, know that each gem is amazing because of how it came into existence and what it endured in order to be here and be discovered. That's why and how a gem gets to sparkle and shine. It takes time and a certain capacity to learn about a gem enough to fully appreciate them for what they are, but that process is the best part. That’s when we realize that we actually can never truly know the whole thing and we don't even need to. We can just appreciate a gem for what it adds to our experience.
Ah...a fear and another facet appear.
IS it easier if someone knows other things about you through their experience with your family?
IS what someone said an important connection to why this is a struggle and how you choose or allow this to unfold (either in this realm or in the suspended realm it is currently unfolding)?
IS that feeling from adolescence another important connection to why this is a struggle and how you choose or allow this to unfold (either in this realm or in the suspended realm it is currently unfolding)?
With all of these little bits of fiery brilliance being shined in your eyes from others, it is really hard to see what the eff is going on, but as I show you the parts you've shown me, are you seeing a picture or some kind of constellation taking shape?
What do you truly, truly know to be true as the unified message coming from these outside sources and the conflict within you that you are feeling?
How does your true, clear voice recognize all of these things that are appearing?
And, where are you?
This is who I am.
I'm already standing in my truth.
Take your time.
Go inward and have fun with this process.
This is the creative process.
This is what it is to know who you are.
This is what it is to learn to express yourself as your whole lovable and worthy self at any and every given or chosen time.
Without apology.
Without anticipation.
Without expectation.
Without judgment.
Without history.
Without consistency.
Without comparison.
Without worry.
Without fear.
Without exhaustion.
Without doubt.
Without anyone else in mind but you.
Without stifling.
Without needing more.
Without terms.
Without negotiations.
Without contingencies.
Without testing.
Without pros.
Without cons.
Without anyone but you.
Without rules.
Without guidelines.
Without a timer.
Without a finish line.
Without fragmentation.
Without exception.
Without editing.
Without fanfare.
I adore and love you always and evermore.
Your journey is beautiful.
You are worthy and important.
All the love and no excuses,