Blueprint Wellness

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114 of #120daysadhana: duality

Yesterday’s post was kind of weird and random, but sometimes those are the most interesting because I became aware of something I hadn’t realized before.

Sometimes comedic things pop into my head. I usually feel bad about those thoughts, because they can be so judgmental and mean. Comedy is comedy. Sometimes it hits on very real, very vulnerable, very imperfect, very human observations.

“I’m sorry ma’am, I don’t think Burberry can save you.”

From ironic to iconic.

From iconic to ironic.

It’s an open road.

Something else I saw today that I can’t unsee, but I’m kind of glad I saw: A large 50-something year old grown woman eating a blue ring pop.

Comedy is something like a reminder of the multi-dimensionalism of being and observing humans. The absurd, the gross, the audacious, the odd, the beauty and the brilliance are just some aspect of the whole. Like comedy, you choose the meaning for yourself.

I have difficulty choosing. Even with this example of comedy, I dislike choosing to put funny things out there that are also mean and judgmental. Instead of choosing, I have a tendency to hold out time and space, which means prolonging or avoiding. It’s not desirable or easy for others or me to deal with, it can be irritating and stressful, and sometimes it is a non-issue.

I am duality. I cannot choose. I choose one. I choose both.

Those thoughts / words came out because they are a description of what I experience and how I feel. Every time I choose one, it feels like I’m choosing both, because there’s a possibility it could be the other and I become more open to the other. I think other people experience this also, but it can be tricky.

But also, it’s really not tricky at all and kind of awe-some to realize what it and let be. Like comedy, let it be comedy. Notice what it stirs up and how it makes you feel, but don’t get all caught up in it and point the finger at comedy. Allow yourself to laugh and have heart at the same time. Allow yourself to know what it feels like to be the other and yourself. Whenever we become aware of something that is new or something that we do not relate with, eventually there comes a time when we have an experience personally or through someone close to us that allows us to actually relate and find connection with that experience in some way.

Life is cool like that. You are cool like that. We are cool like that.

Thank you for following to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #120daysadhana unfold.

Laura Peppin