Blueprint Wellness

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93 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #7

Some days I can’t seem to get it together. I want to honor this challenge and make it a great experience, but there are times when I am just not feeling it.

Not that good.

Tonight, my daughter had a lot of homework and she was worrying a lot that she wasn’t going to do well on a test tomorrow and that she wasn’t understanding some of her other homework. She got through the worrying part of the process and did her work. It’s not interesting or engaging to do work when there’s a lot of expectation and requirement involved. When she finished something she had been working on for awhile, she said, “Okay, that’s done. Maybe it’s not good, but that’s fine.”

I liked the way she said this to herself. She said it so matter-of-factly, like she was giving herself a break from trying to get everything perfect, and she was totally okay and satisfied that she had completed the assignment.

She didn’t know it, but I was feeling the same way about working on my #100daychallenge this evening. I felt grateful that she was learning to work through her own process and that I was lucky enough to learn from her experience, too.

I was reminded of something she wrote on a table in pencil when she was younger:

I remember thinking how great it was that she knew that and expressed it, and that I found it. It’s a lot of pressure I put on myself and create for her the way I’m always trying to do and be better. It gives the wrong message and causes issues for myself and sometimes others. I don’t recall the conversation, but I could never let this feeling and brilliance of hers go unacknowledged.

I do think it’s important to do my best and put genuine effort and interest into everything I do, but not at the mercy of others and my own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual enjoyment.

For some things and some days, it’s best to just get it done and get on with living life :)

Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.


