70 of #100daychallenge: clarity
Today has been a good day. I felt the fog lift, finally!!!
Over the past two days I have been focusing on getting clear on my goals. Priorities have shifted and I was feeling uncertain and unclear, which made me feel like I wasn’t sure if I was making any progress. It comes down to clarity and honesty. Honesty is an extremely powerful catalyst for clarity. In some sense, they may be interchangeable.
I have always been very connected to the truths rooted within me. It’s part of the reason I’ve struggled and triumphed as much. The other part has to do with commitment and consistency, which may also be interchangeable in some instances.
The #100daychallenge and my meditation practice have been helping me build up commitment and consistency in order to serve as a foundation. Metaphorically speaking, I envision commitment and consistency as the bricks and truth as the mortar that connects everything.
Over the past 9 months, I have learned so much about myself, my purpose, values, priorities, boundaries, strengths, weaknesses, potential, patterns, what I need, what I don’t need, what makes me suffer, what makes me thrive and what I know I must do before I die. I feel really good several times a day. I feel really terrible and tired several times a day. I have all the hope and ambition at least once a day and feel depleted and hopeless at least once a day.
It can get tricky knowing what is true, real and right at this time. I’m happy that I’m learning how to work through that process with purpose as my North Star. Everything is different when purpose is clear and accepted.
Yesterday’s solo Q+A session was really helpful in reminding me that I do know a lot of the answers to my questions. This morning I tried a tarot reading. I do not have a lot of experience with tarot, but was encouraged to learn as I go by an amazing and inspiring friend. She recommended Biddy Tarot for learning more. Today, I did a 3-card “Situation - Action - Outcome” spread.
The interesting thing about tarot is that it is not really as mysterious as I thought it was. I think it is similar to energy work in many ways. Of course everything is open to interpretation, but that’s the point — what is your interpretation of a specific card based on its qualities and what comes up for you in the session. Similar to energy work, it is also providing a time and space for you to do your work, connect with yourself and be more aware of what seems to be vying for your attention. There can be multiple ways that you might interpret each card and the reading as a whole, so working with tarot is also a great tool for practicing your intuition. I worked through my reading and everything that came to the forefront was something that I was already aware of, but I hadn’t really taken the time to consider from different angles or with the intention of understanding the relationship.
Here’s my reading and you can click on the name of each card to read the full description on the Biddy Tarot website for more context:
Situation Card: Eight of Swords
Qualities/meaning: Stuck, limited vision due to self-imposed restriction.
My takeaway: The blockage I am feeling has to do with my belief system, definitions, rules/preferences/expectations.
Action Card: Seven of Wands (reversed)
Qualities/meaning: Giving up, unprepared, lack of confidence.
My takeaway: Surrender and face these issues in order to free myself.
Outcome Card: Ace of Cups
Qualities/meaning: Love, new relationships, compassion, creativity, expression, abundance, flow.
My takeaway: Be open to be stronger and dissolve/go beyond any blockages or limiting beliefs. Closing off from love, creativity and the unknown causes restriction and isolation.
I did the prosperity meditation in the afternoon and was once again amazed at the power and consistency. One hour later, there was a great email in my inbox. Additionally, I was feeling excited and clear after my first meeting with my new accountant!
These are the amazingly weird and “magical” things that a lot of people are talking about — it’s true, things do happen and change when I allow myself to happen and change. When I am willing to trust and be open to receiving, rather than hunting and chasing things down, it is a different sensation and it does feel magical when things come to me. We are not in the habit of waiting and trusting to receive.
I really wasn’t sure about tarot and how easily it can be used as a practical tool, until my friend did a reading for me about six months ago. It’s a fun and helpful way to check-in with myself. Drawing one card at the beginning of the day is also a great way to use the tarot. Check it out if it’s something you have curiosity about!
I just realized another practical aspect of the tarot, it physically shifts your focus to the cards, which breaks the cyclone of the patterns of our own thoughts.
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.
A hat keeps the good thoughts and energy in place ✨🧢 ✨.
This hat is from the mostly lovable + respectable #photographer@pearlphoto1 😜✌🏽❤️