82 of #100daychallenge: brilliance
@fiveftoffury this made me cry in a good way. I was in public, so naturally, I acted like my eyes were watering while I pretended to yawn a lot. Thank you so much for this reminder. You are such a lovely person and friend to me. You know this and situations like this is how I know… I do believe and know all of this to be true. You’re right, I’m sure she knows and it’s what she needs to know. <— I love this last part, it’s so important.
I think that knowing is part of what has held me back.
That and this…
There is some kind of expressiveness that I am wanting that is more for me than her. I think that is what is causing the struggle in me. It’s a common confusion or projection I’ve encountered before. I’m not sure if anyone will know what I mean, but I understand it for myself. My expression should not and does not require a specific recipient or for me to be heard by a particular person in the way I so desire. What I understand is that it is like putting expectations on that person. Even from the heart and with the best intentions, expectations get in the way. This is also an example of an energetic boundary issue. It is very common and not always easy to discern.
Thanks @fiveftoffury for #alltheloveandnoexcuses.
This morning, I went to Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (LHSC) to see Christine Day speak. She is an energy worker and resident speaker at LHSC. It is always an extraordinary energetic experience with her.
I loved what she said today about breathing, “Breathing through the mouth bypasses the ego mind and opens up the heart space.” What a powerful and useful way to think about and work with the breath. During the workshop, she guides everyone to breath through their mouth and to let it go with sound (or a sigh). Eventually, she begins to bring in different tones and frequencies with her voice, which is so vibrant and resonates with a richness that is tangible.
I’m very receptive and affected by sound. The combination of sound and breath work brings me to a different state. Some of you have witnessed this, so you know what I’m talking about. Getting to a state where energy becomes tangible and has the ability to move me is part of the reason I delved deeper into energy work and exploring purpose.
This journey has brought me closer my friends and family, and has brought me many new friends. Today, I got to play with energy at LHSC with one of my yogi friends. Afterward, we had lunch, talked about life purpose, energy, numerology, astrology and did a tarot reading. I can say, the best way to find friends that will let you be you and lift you up, is to follow the light. Brilliance is what I call it and the way I see it and know it in others and myself. I feel surrounded and a part of the brilliance in a way that has infinitely changed my reality.
This is the idea of what I needed to express. The idea that I am aware of a person’s brilliance and grateful to be a something like a carrier of her brilliance. I think that is the highest honor. Like what my friend did for me today, she shined a bit of my own brilliance back at me and even more, because she added some of her own brilliance to the mix.
I want to say, “This is the word of the Lord.” It seems fitting in a serious and playful way. I do believe that sharing brilliance is a grand aspect of why we are here. “Hallelujah! Thanks be to God.”<— Ha! I couldn’t help myself, again, feels fitting.
Follow @blueprintwellness.life to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.
All the love and no excuses. A sweet reminder of who we’re dealing with.