Awakening the Ten Bodies Kundalini Yoga + Meditation is a free class led by Laura Peppin. Laura is currently enrolled in Level 1 Kundalini Teacher Training and preparing for her practicum in October.
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The Ten Bodies
1st Soul Body
If Imbalanced, weak: You come from the head instead of the heart. When this body is not nurtured, the tendency is to rely on the intellect instead of the intuition. This leads to confusion and frustration as the relaxed creative flow is blocked by a feeling of separation from the celestial source.
2nd Negative Mind
If imbalanced, weak: Poor choices in relationships; easily fooled, can’t recognize potential danger. If too strong: immobilized by imagined dangers and negative attitude towards the future.
3rd Positive Mind
If imbalanced: If weak, you may be overwhelmed by negative thoughts, which can lead to depression, hopelessness, anger or intolerance. Fear of expressing your power because of the responsibility that comes with it may also occur. If too strong, you may make foolish choices and possibly lead others to, as your influential positive projection, obscures the perception of possible dangers.
4th Neutral Mind
If weak: feeling victimized and immobilized by contradictory thoughts and emotions, lacking intuition and dwelling in intellectual argument
5th Physical Body
If imbalanced: If weak - angry, jealous, greedy, fatigued, and ungrateful; lack of equilibrium between inner and outer experience; poor verbal expression; feelings that the body can’t support your needs; fear of teaching. If too strong, obsession with physical appearance, physical abilities and the material world.
6th Arcline
If weak: overprotective; easily influenced; inconsistent in mood and behavior due to glandular imbalance; unable to focus or manifest prayers
7th Aura
If weak: constrictive, paranoid, lack self-trust; negativity can penetrate into the psyche and physical body; there may be a tendency to conform to please others by over expressing yourself
8th Pranic Body
If weak: constant low-level anxiety and fatigue; looks too much to food or stimulants for energy; fearful, defensive, imbalanced, blaming
9th Subtle Body
If weak: naïve and easily fooled, unintentionally crude or rough in speech or behavior; restless; feel misunderstood and frustrated
10th Radiant Body
If weak: avoids conflict, shy; feels ineffective and unable overcome fear; energy levels fluctuate.
What are the Ten Bodies?
The truth is that the human body is made up of ten bodies: the physical body, three mental bodies, and six energy bodies. The eleventh embodiment – when all ten bodies are under your direction – produces a pure state of consciousness.
The Eleventh Body contains all Ten Bodies and represents the sound current, the vibratory basis of all of existence. It is in play when your humanity and divinity become one.