Blueprint Wellness

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16 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I am looking forward to getting some rest and waking up tomorrow. I’ve had a lot on my mind and in the awareness of my physical and spiritual being. I wrote earlier this morning, but it wasn’t anything to share.

I had this quick flash of a realization that I’ve been in multiple places at once during my recent days. It’s a natural tendency I’ve only become aware of in the past few years. It has implications that affect me more than I realize and like to admit. It’s a gross distraction and limitation to the amount of joy and satisfaction I experience. Distraction can feel so good and appealing, but it also wears me down.

From an energetic point of view, I am able to be less judgmental of how much I am unconsciously out of focus, because I can understand that I live in a culture that intends to value focus, but actually promotes distraction as a practice and a power.

It’s getting late, I’m ready to rest and recalibrate and tomorrow, I will take time to remember to put some focus on my personal to do’s and fun things to look forward to.

