Blueprint Wellness

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1 of #120daysadhana: zzz

Yesterday, January 1, 2019, was the beginning of a new 120-day sadhana practice for me. I’m excited to be getting into a groove with a daily practice again and am thinking about staying alive in 2019 with a 3x 120 day sadhana approach. Keeping this larger picture in mind + what I learned from my #100dayproject turned #120daysadhana [July-November 2018]…I’m keeping things a little more flexible and making space to dial-in on making progress on the things that involve delayed gratitude. In other words, things I don’t want to do.

I’m easing into this new practice. Each and every day, I must identify what will make me feel most complete. There are a variety of things that feel like main areas or items of focus. This is going to look like a list of random stuff because I really have no format like I did with my writing challenge, but here goes…

Rest + Rising

I got into a habit of staying up very late and only getting a few hours of sleep during the last challenge, so I really want to be mindful and work on re-programming my system to enjoy several hours of rest. The hope is that I will eventually be able to rise at 5:30am willingly and feeling ready for a new day.


  • Walking, at least 1x / week, daily, if possible

  • Yoga, at home

  • Meditation, positive mind meditation, daily


  • Whatever it may be


  • Work on writing project(s) — monthly goals

  • Writing blogs


  • On Sunday, I just started Julia Cameron’s Finding Water 12-week program, so I’m doing morning pages again first thing when I wake up. Weekly walk. Weekly Artist’s Date. I walked this morning and it was awesome. I haven’t planned my Artist’s Date, so I need to do that but I was thinking of ice skating. Exercises — I’ve done most of the exercises, but need to do the additional work on a couple of them.

  • Reading Sick in the Head by Judd Apatow (ongoing)

  • Re-reading Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (ongoing)

  • Just downloaded Dare to Lead by Brene Brown (21 days to complete)

Life things I don’t want to do / feel overwhelming

  • This list varies from day-to-day

  • There are several ongoing, important to do items that must get done this year

Scheduling + Squashing Resistance

  • I have really started to notice how important it is for me to look at my schedule every day. Over the past year, it has become clear how much I procrastinate and prolong things. It’s a waste of my time, emotion and energy. Choose a day/time, do it and move on.

  • Following intuition is fine, getting squashed by resistance is not, so be honest and be strong.

Stopped by @W. A. Frost Lounge on Selby Ave in St. Paul, MN.

Day 1 :: 1/1/19

  • Room overhaul — reorganized clothes

  • Made popcorn and watched a movie with my daughter

  • Went to bed around 10pm

Outstanding podcast series about the year 2019

Guru Singh :: 2019 The Year of Work as Worship :: Lecture 1

Guru Singh :: 2019 The Year of Work as Worship :: Lecture 2

Guru Singh :: 2019 The Year of Work as Worship :: Lecture 3

Guru Singh :: 2019 The Year of Work as Worship :: Lecture 4

Guru Singh :: 2019 The Year of Work as Worship :: Lecture 5

Guru Singh :: 2019 The Year of Work as Worship :: Lecture 6

Happy New Year and thank you for following to see my  #alltheloveandnoexcuses #blueprintwellness #120daysadhana materialize.


Laura Peppin