Blueprint Wellness

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115 of #120daysadhana: winter


We are in Chicago for the weekend. This is a town that I’ve never really felt an affinity for, but I also haven’t spent a lot of time here. 


Tonight, we went to see the Christmas tree and Millennium Park. It was fun and the holiday spirit is in the air. It was cold out, but not too cold. I think I’m starting to accept this Winter. 


In the Midwest, we are blessed to have four seasons and cursed that winter can be harsh and dominate half the year.


I’ve only lived in the Midwest since I came to this country. I imagine that if I lived in Southern California, I would feel better more often throughout the year, and I would get more exercise throughout the week. Living near the ocean would be so beautiful and soothing. There would be no S.A.D. (Seasonal Affect Disorder) or month long cravings of comfort food.


A life without Winter sounds like a dream come true. I think I could be very happy. The seasons are a cycle and a pattern I’ve grown accustomed to, so I also have to acknowledge that I think I would miss them. There is comfort and inspiration that come with each season. 


Winter inspires me to get quiet, shut down and shut up and spend more time with myself again. I dread it every year, but at some point, I find I am able to embrace it as time to reflect. It’s not so bad, it definitely makes us stronger and oftentimes makes us more connected to ourselves and each other.


 Thank you for following to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #120daysadhana unfold.

Laura Peppin