Blueprint Wellness

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-◊- goop + blueprint wellness -◊-

Thank you to the amazing team @goop! I am inspired by the awareness they are putting into the world about the therapeutic benefits of complementary wellness practices. Through their platform, their research, the podcast and, of course, the experiential goop lab on Netflix, Gwyneth Paltrow and her team are unabashed in their mission to share what they’re learning, because you or someone you know may benefit from observing the practical application and benefits of unfamiliar and sometimes controversial wellness practices.

As I was watching the goop lab series, I realized we have a shared vision and our work is connected. While goop is sharing with the masses, I am working at the one-to-one level. We are infinitely dedicated to the brilliance of our vision and our mission for ourselves and for all who are open to consideration now or later. Goop recently recommended me as one of “10 Energy Healers Offering Remote Sessions.” It feels great to be connected with a community that aligns their values with their resources and experiences to learn more and share more. It is an honor to be recommended by this team of well-intended, righteous humans.

I’m writing this post because this is a proud and inspiring moment I wish to recognize fully. It feels like a nice moment to share a little more about Blueprint Wellness and myself.

It has taken me several years to get the courage and clarity to understand myself as a practitioner and business owner. Here is what I know for sure for myself, at this time:

  1. I consider myself an Energy Work “Practitioner.” I am not a psychic, medium or channel. I am okay with also being referred to as a healer, but feel most connected with myself, the people I work with and the work as being in practice. We practice this work together, both during the session and beyond. When we practice and process our energy work experiences with awareness, there is no limit to what we can learn from ourselves and each other; past, present and future. We are all always learning.

  2. The work / your session is not about me. It’s my job to stay out of the way. Your session is your time and space to notice what you notice and to enjoy in whatever way feels best for you at the time.

  3. In this practice, there is no concern for being affected by or taking on other people’s symptoms or energy. Over the years, the approach for Blueprint Wellness energy work has developed from the work itself. What works best is for both of us to go into the session without expectations for ourselves or each other. There are different kinds of work and different kinds of practitioners for different times. I am happy to have a clear sense for what is true or not true for me as a practitioner at any given time. I have full respect for other practitioners and their unique practices and purposes.

  4. Healing is a broad term and is as complex a process as it is simple. My thoughts on healing at this time is that there is often a concentrated amount of focus on the result, there could be less expectation, more patience and more consideration for allowing the process to unfold. It is ongoing and a part of our natural physical state. The focus on healing puts undue pressure on our systems which are already constantly in a state of healing, renewal and regeneration. From years of practice and feedback, I have learned that Blueprint Wellness sessions are an opportunity to “Activate Your Creative Process of Well-Being,” which is a more direct approach to healing.

  5. Remote sessions offer similar benefits to in-person sessions. The range varies from subtle, such as experiencing a shift from feeling tired to feeling normal; to life changing, such as waking up the next morning to realize you can make your son a special breakfast because you’re able raise the arm you haven’t been able to lift for over a year due to cancer-related surgeries.

  6. Energy work is practical and accessible. It can help you start feeling better. I often think if you have a healthy amount of doubt or skepticism, you ought to give it a go to see for yourself, because you’re not believing the science that exists anyway. Science is debatable and subjective based on an individual’s current awareness. Science is also subject to change with new awareness just like an individual’s awareness. In my experience, I’ve come to understand that doubt and skepticism can be indicators that a person could be a good candidate for energy work, because they haven’t had the opportunity to begin to believe and trust in themselves and their own experience. Doubt and skepticism are great points of awareness because they show us our boundaries and we get to discern if it’s an opportunity to expand vs cross vs breakthrough vs enjoy as is. So, as much as I am seeing these sessions are beneficial for people, I would not encourage anyone to go beyond their own comfort zone or process. Being aware of and discerning one’s own boundaries IS energy work, so I would respectfully stay out of the way of their process, just as I do during a session.

  7. Our bodies have their own intelligence and experience. These energy sessions allow time and space for the intelligent physical and energetic systems to engage in their own processes without us interfering. Every part of ourselves gets the break and recognition it needs. We remember how it feels to feel good or even just a little better than before.

  8. After seeing so many people feel good after their session, I started to see a vision of myself as a practitioner and business whose aim is to be a trusted and sustainable resource in the community, locally and beyond (like a silversmith or a dressmaker in the olden days.) It became clear to me, that my primary focus for my energy work practice wasn’t about leaving my full time job and that I am devoted to this practice as part of my life’s work. My primary goal is to do good work with good people and that goal applies to all of the work I do as part of a team as a project leader, and the work I do one-on-one as an energy work practitioner. Frankly, I am most Me in my energy work practice, but my full time work helps keep me inspired, grounded, growing and able to relate with others. If it happens that my work balance needs to shift eventually, I will go with what feels right. Whatever happens, my intention is to remember that it’s the best feeling to enjoy what is and not get caught up in patterns of excess.

  9. People are interested in energy work, even if they’re not ready to try it. Much of the time they have to find the right entry point. Many people believe science, research or data is their entry point, but most often, the entry point seems to become clear through another person that feels connected in some way. The science, research and data allow them to trust and believe in their own experience and possibility. I only mention this because my vision includes empowering people to trust in the validity of their own experience enough to always feel safe to explore.

  10. Each day, I feel a little happier to be here and to be more of who I am at my own pace.

Remote energy work sessions are proving to be effective support for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing. During this time we are subsequently learning that we can do good work remotely in a way that expands our options. Remote energy work sessions allow people to enjoy a relaxing experience in their own home, or while traveling, or for gifting a session to someone in need anywhere in the world.

These are some of the most common and unique responses people shared for one word that described how they were feeling before and after their remote session. It’s been helpful for understanding the benefits people are experiencing with remote sessions. It’s also fun to see the different awareness and benefits a person experiences from one session to another.

Thank you to all of the kind and gracious people who have been connecting, doing sessions and sharing feedback!
