Blueprint Wellness

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96 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Today was my first summer day. I went to one of my favorite spots and sat by the water. I finished Still Writing by Dani Shapiro (finally) and returned it on time to the library. It took me a long time to finish reading it, but I enjoyed it at my own pace and the parts I read today seemed like they hit me at the perfect time. I found several points of synchronicity with what I’ve been experiencing in my thoughts and writing. It’s wonderful how life is.

Reading about writing and the lives and minds of writers feels comforting and helpful. I realize the humor of reading about writing instead of writing, but it is a legitimate investment of my time and energy. It calms and recharges me. I am reminded of me and that I like me despite how much I struggle.

There’s a lot more that goes into writing a book. I knew that much, but I didn’t know what or how it would be for me. I trust that this work that I am doing now is necessary and relevant. It’s all happening, if I will just let it. I must get out of my own way or get fully in my own way so that I am aligned rather than covering myself up. I definitely prefer to be covered. It’s why a book makes sense with its cover. I think it’s also why there are some other thoughts I’ve been noticing about how and where the writing gets into the world.

Separate of that internal conversation, I am also noticing how I want to do everything myself and I imagine that something unique and interesting is going to come up for me or the work. I know I will figure it out, listen and understand and eventually ask for the help I need when it’s all ready to be executed. It’s odd to be writing about this out loud and so publicly, but I have to keep going. I can’t pretend that I don’t need some accountability and encouragement.

It’s time…

