Blueprint Wellness

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111 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. The body knows when it needs a hard reset. Last week, I had to take some downtime and feel the worst I’ve ever felt in my life in order to reboot. It feels so good to feel better!

Also, when things get desperate and deadlike, it’s a real reminder to get my act together and to use my time, energy and efforts to support myself and my highest, most important needs in this lifetime. Forget want and go straight for the gut needs that are engrained in me and my blueprint.

All I can do is try. I am imperfect always, but I may as well be imperfect in the realm and company of my ideal and where I know I feel and can do my best. The creative process of life, well-being and the art of being and becoming who I truly am is complex and simple to all the necessary degrees. What is, should be. And, it’s when I’m in the frequency of letting what is, be — I feel so much better and am more apt to going toward everything and myself more directly and effectively without the noise and clutter of worry and doubt.

Even though, we all experience and know this, it is still a major challenge most days. Not everyone struggles or responds similarly, but I think everyone can imagine and understand in some way relative to who they are and their experience. The number one thing that seems to be needed in order for people to open up to connecting is to feel as though the other person has taken the time to truly listen and consider the current reality, truth or point of view being shared. I like to think that maybe I don’t need that, but I do. Even if it’s just an internal conversation with myself on a blank page. It helps.

I am so happy all the time overall, but I am also not happy at all. It’s all relative and it’s all actually in support of me and my truest, highest self at any point in time. I’ve started to not feel as bad about feeling bad, because it helps me be more aware of how and where I want to feel good. It’s a constant process and it’s necessary to my ability to grow and learn more and more.

