Blueprint Wellness

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100 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I don’t really have much to say and I don’t have a lot of time to write, but I need to stop and write a post everyday to keep up with my sadhana. It is important to keep up even when I’m not feeling it and I don’t have the energy to really tune-in the way that makes me feel best. It’s still beneficial to honor my commitment to myself.

It doesn’t seem like I have accomplished much with this sadhana, but I’m retraining my brain and body that there doesn’t always have to be immediate gratification or an end goal. My mind, heart and body have gotten twisted up into our achievement based culture. It’s not all bad, but it can be way overly exhausting and puts me a state of numbness. I become one of those zombies. Like a shell of something that looks like a person, but you can tell it’s not at all. Haha.

21 days of this sadhana remaining! I’ve been thinking about my next sadhana and I think I want to try something less grandiose, but really starts building up my daily well-being. Maybe 40 days of getting proper sleep…it seems so unrealistic, but it would be so amazing! Maybe 40 days of going to sleep around 10-10:30pm, drinking more water, 30 mins of exercise everyday and an 11 min meditation (or continue with Sobagh Kriya). Start with 40 days and see how it goes…knowing I really plan to do 120 and beyond, because these are the most basic things. The most basic things that have been the most difficult for me to commit to and integrate into my lifestyle consistently. Soon. All of this is happening.

I need a haircut…but I want to try something different because I need a refreshed look for myself and my life.

