Blueprint Wellness

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65 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. In terms of the intention of this sadhana, I’ve been slowly chipping away at making notecards —

Wait. I have to interrupt myself. I’m listening to one of the new Bon Iver tracks U (Man Like) and I was reminded of my fascination about the art of songwriting and music composition. I’d love to learn more about how different musicians end of making their music. I had a thought about how one musician can come up with all the pieces or the framework of a new song and that they may figure out what musician and instrument they need to hear more and more of the song. Other times, something comes out of just jammin’ with another musician and then it’s a matter of working through creating the pieces and layering and weaving them together.

Music is so dope.

Sometimes I can’t tell if I work better independently or with a partner. I think it would be fun to have a creative partner and a fitness buddy. It’s fun to collaborate and make progress alone together. I haven’t been feeling much of anything lately. Feeling disconnected from creativity and my sense of well-being. It’s been weird and I don’t enjoy feeling so dull and disinterested in making progress with my important projects. I was thinking about how I sometimes struggle to project manage my own projects. Lack of sleep is a major contributor to the way I am feeling lately. Fingers crossed the fog will lift soon and I will enjoy rising early to workout.

Writing daily blogposts is feeling good, even if they are being written like morning pages—first order thinking, aren’t edited and serve as my attempt to just to keep going.

Time for sleep!

