Blueprint Wellness

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83 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Honesty is crucial to writing and especially the process of writing a book. I don’t think I’m there in the ways needed but I am certainly working through it, slowly. I’ve been watching Who’s The Boss and it is such an amazing show. I loved it growing up and love it even more at this age. The storyline and the characters are so fun, and more progressive than I realized for 1984.

I’m finding it interesting that I have less desire to go in-depth with my daily post with this #120daysadhana intended to keep me in the process of learning how to write a book. There is a lot happening that makes it on the physical page but not the virtual page. Whatever is happening here, I have to believe that it is part of howI write my book, even though I haven’t got a lot, if anything in terms of a manuscript.

I think I am learning and practicing on different levels that are all valid and necessary, and there are indicators that there will be a practice that I will be practicing without the public daily tracking. Eventually, I won’t even need to challenge or track myself, I will just go and do. And, that will be different and inspiring in a grounded and peaceful way.

