Blueprint Wellness

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34 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. It was a beautiful day weather-wise outdoors. Internally it was a bit heavy and gloomy. I feel a lot of pressure to be following through on all of my projects and that pressure compresses my spirit a bit. The reality is that I am tired and when I’m tired, I am rather miserable because everything feels challenging and I long to have a real and restful break from everything.

I went to the library today. I love that place. It is such a nice feeling to visit the library and borrow a book I’ve been wanting to read. It’s been weighing on me more and more about buying more than I need, so I haven’t been buying books. It’s easy enough to borrow from the library or use the library app to borrow the audiobook or e-book. I guess it’s been interesting to notice how often I want to follow a whim and buy various things I don’t really need at this time. Making the choice to not buy books for the time being is helpful in curbing a lot of my shopping impulses. I want to buy books, but it also isn’t necessary for me to own all the books I want to read. I’m still sorting out the issue of feeling like I’m not supporting the artist or author. I think most authors and people in general want communities to support libraries.

I started reading Still Writing by Dani Shapiro and I am enjoying it. The sound of her voice seems to come through clearly and I feel receptive to what I’m learning. I haven’t read a book in a long time. Sometimes it is a challenge to shift gears and settle into reading. It’s funny that I seem to enjoy reading when the weather is beautiful. I read outside in the courtyard at the Blueprint Wellness space, in my car and lying in bed while the sun was shining. Sometimes I feel like it is such a treat to relax and enjoy a sunny day lying in bed looking out the window, reading or napping.

It’s almost 1 a.m. and my laptop needs to recharge, so it’s time for Sobagh Kriya and sleep!

