Blueprint Wellness

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44 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I’m writing notecards from February 2017. It is such an enjoyable and laborious process. It puts me in touch with the me that I want to be. I’m rediscovering my discoveries, now walking alongside myself. Best friends. Always and forever.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I am losing it

I am losing my ability
to carry on without me

When there was spirit the light was different
and there were no edges

I didn’t have to define me
I just was
I knew I existed

I didn’t need a reason
or an understanding
or a way to go

I lived in the breath
that’s all there was

It was the light and the dark
there was no difference

Feeling was feeling
no judgment
just love

I breathed the breath
and the breath was me

I was everything
there was no me

Creation was everything
no desire for more
no feeling of less

When I am in union
Creation within the creator

©2017 Laura Peppin

It’s fun to find the bits of brilliance as I’m reading through some of the times where I felt like I was struggling. This bit came through as I was writing through the feelings of exhaustion, resistance and despair. There was also an acknowledgement that I also felt my life was so good and I felt ungrateful for complaining and feeling horrible. The only thing I really wanted to do then and that I really want to do now is write. That’s very clear. So, I keep going each day…

