Blueprint Wellness

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43 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I’m kind of excited right now because I just remembered a new episode of The Fix is out tonight. Dang, I just went to pull a link to include and saw that the show has been cancelled! What a bummer.

Tonight’s episode was great! I’m so bummed out I keep writing and revising a comment on the writers’ FB page. I haven’t posted it because I’m nerding out.

I just wrote my 500 words for today. I wrote about some of the ways that I am weird and / or do weird things. It’s kind of fun to allow myself to be who I am, even if I am weird. Too polished is the worst. Especially when it comes to live beings. It’s acceptable and respectable for what it is, but beyond that, I’m just not so sure. I had something in mind when I started writing about this but I can’t recall what it was…

