Blueprint Wellness

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7 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. I am re-watching David Lynch’s MasterClass. I recently watched a Skillshare class with Susan Orlean and I liked that she listed “thinking” as a crucial part of the writing process. Today has been a day of practice and thinking, or in other words receiving. I believe when we do our work, we also receive. I had a energy work few sessions over the weekend and each one was unique and mutually beneficial. There’s so much beauty and inspiration in seeing that each person is on their own journey, in their own process and developing their own practice.

I had an exciting idea about my writing project that felt interesting and relieved some of the pressure that I’ve been feeling about the urgency and expectations I feel for myself about completing this project. I think the truth is that I have to be open to seeing what an idea wants to be versus feeling like I must achieve or accomplish something in a particular way. Staying true to the idea is something that David Lynch talks about along with the idea that we can’t necessarily take credit for the idea. As I’m writing now, I’m thinking maybe we can feel good about being the advocate for an idea and staying true to the vision.

The most interesting things that I am learning as I pursue the practice and process of being who I am and expressing myself, have to do with understanding my quiet and hidden, internal reality. It’s so annoying to have to deal with all of my silly and serious insecurities, it seems like I ought to be able to just go make things happen. Although, it is frustrating and challenges my sense of urgency, I am willing to do the work for as long as it takes so I can see what I can do and create. I have ideas about what I can do and how my expression will come to life, but I am also paying attention to what is really happening, possible and feels just right.

It occurred to me today, that perhaps, I am not writing a book and maybe it’s something else… I’m not sure what’s true, but this idea did take some pressure off and infuse me with a new energy and freedom that I needed.

“Writing is just a way of remembering ideas.”

— David Lynch

The way David Lynch talks about writing is delightful to me, because not all writing is meant to be critiqued, measured and refined for the sake of the writing. Sometimes writing is a the launchpad for refining ideas in some other creative form, and the beauty of the writing is that it wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t been written down in some eloquent or hacked up way.

Pondering and observing the creativity through energy work practice is how I worked on my book today. It was so interesting and I feel like the boundaries expanded and the expectations dissolved into space for new ideas that are helping me stay connected.

