Blueprint Wellness

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15 of #120daysadhana: How to write a book

I am here. Here I am. Today is a new day. Think of all the new days that are yet to come. Today I had an interesting imagining about diversity. Slowly, but surely the faces of diversity are shifting. The good thing about talking about diversity is that it makes me realize how much I don’t know about diversity at large or my own understanding and ideas about diversity. I have noticed that I have a tendency to not include myself as an affected member of any group. I imagine I have been extraordinarily lucky over and over again and always. I do feel privileged and unaffected by comparison. Yes, it’s all relative, but also what affects us most is how affected we feel for ourselves and others. This is where it gets more challenging to be real about the thoughts and ideas that exist closest to the surface of the skin, the mind, the heart and the soul. Upon writing that last realization, I also realized what has been feeling amiss about these conversations or initiatives or movements. I want to fast forward to what I see-feel to be the thing that we are slowly making our way towards, because it recognizes the most inclusivity and most diversity and moves us into the spaces we are desperate for like appreciation, supported curiosity and creativity. What I think we truly want is a way of being and being understood and our best way of doing just that is to create ways to understand and accept each other as multi-dimensional. I imagine this is what we mean to do, but the constructs are getting in the way.

What I saw today, from my mind’s eye, was that diversity will change drastically in the next twenty years and that is exciting and beautiful. We are building a construct that we are going to need to destroy, but as we’ve proven so many times before, we’re apt to destroy one another before we’ll destroy the construct that separates us. The concept that so many of our constructs originate from are often very well-intentioned, but once a construct takes shape in this realm it is impossible for us to un-see, go beyond or ignore.

I’m not sure if I’m being too critical or too expansive with this dialogue I’m having with myself out loud on the internet, but I sense the presence of a basic truth. In my experience, a basic truth is undefinable and as soon as we try to name or identify it — it becomes something else, but everyone can sense it. We may not use the same words or experience it in the same ways, but it comes through the senses to each person in the way that allows them to know what they know. At some level, this is the real science and the real math — untouchable, everything else is like an artful expression or interpretation and sometimes we call it science and math or data. Everything in this realm is simply or very complexly an expression of the universe. We have so many different tools and vehicles we can use to communicate with each other and share what we know. This is really all we are doing, but we’ve chosen to place meaning and value on things, places and beings in order to create and own more of universe because we haven’t quite accepted basic science and math that the universe is infinite and that we are infinite. There is no end to creation. The bigger challenge is that we have not learned to accept what is. We have not learned to discern the basic truths about what creation serves us and what doesn’t serve us, primarily because we do not accept basic science and math. Everything happens in the subtle realms. I can’t say if everything happens there first or if it’s simply where everything exists. Awareness is a tool. Maybe a visual that works well is a Swiss Army knife — we can use it to feed ourselves, cut or peel, poke holes or chisel, uncork or open or just carry with us for safety. The tricky part is that we use this tool both consciously and unconsciously in fear disguised as safety.

If I am consciously aware of how I am wielding awareness at this time, I might say I’m folding open the knife so I can take these words and constructs of diversity and inclusion and work them into a paste or a concept again. Then I might smear it and blend it and spread it out very thinly. And, maybe then we’d choose to sit together in that clear, soft space and we would talk about all the things we could see together now that we could see each other and we were all sitting here together on the even, open ground. Would we choose to build something new or would we just keep this open space to come see each other again and again to see what we could see. Perhaps, we would also choose to keep it open enough for anyone else to come, too?

It’s possible. I believe it is possible, but more possible and possible sooner when we see and accept ourselves and others as multi-dimensional beings. We become capable of seeing and feeling the wholeness of who we are and who we aren’t, which supports us in seeing and understanding the wholeness of who others are and aren’t. We start to see the ways in which I am you and you are me and we are he, she, they, them and all of us.

This was all really making sense as I was writing it, but I’ll be interested to read it again tomorrow. Regardless of any ideas, points of view or incoherence that have come up through this writing experience, it has been a valuable experience to write through it to learn more and understand what my philosopher and comedian were wanting to explore.

All the love.

