Blueprint Wellness

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14 of #100daychallenge: surrender


The spirit and the body are in cahoots to serve the expression of your true self.


Either surrender and you will see.


Or, don’t surrender and they will show you.


On this 14th day of my #100daychallenge, I am reminded that I can surrender and trust I will do everything I must to do and that things will happen if and when they are meant to happen. 14 is my number. I was born on the day after my daughter, so today is a day to honor myself.


I'm honoring my body and spirit, because they are brilliant — overwhelmingly intelligent beyond the capacity of intellect and emotion. 



Sometimes, I say a desperate prayer asking for help to just let me be when I am tired and need a break. Last night, I said that prayer and today was one of those days I was able to do the things I wanted to do with ease and focus. I felt content in the moment and at the end of the day.


Prayer is supercharged by surrender. Surrender removes all the obstacles and obstructions. Trust rises up. State of purity. Everything concentrated and amplified. Energetic harmony. Peace.


Grateful for each day.


Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.


