Blueprint Wellness

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12 of #100daychallenge: clear


I am enjoying the #100daychallenge, but I have to admit that some days it feels like it is requiring more time than perhaps it “should.” My sleep schedule has been off and I really have not been getting enough sleep, so my brain hasn’t been as clear or sharp. This week, the goal is to get back to waking up early and working out first thing. It's funny how I've been looking for some relief from the fog and suddenly I'm given an experience that does exactly what I needed...


Today has been a really fun day! My daughter, Mayzelle, and I learned Access Bars and are both certified, so we are looking forward to hosting some donation-based sessions at Blueprint Wellness later this month.


“Access Bars release the electromagnetic charge of thoughts, feelings and emotions holding all the limitation in place in over lifetimes and in your body. They delete all of the limiting points of views creating limitation, giving you access to your consciousness.”


I am feeling very calm after two sessions with Mayzelle today. My left jaw, shoulder and hip are not in pain and have a normal range of motion again without any tension or strain. This is a very significant change from how it has been feeling the past couple of weeks. I’m really excited to add another option for clients.



The method is simple and straightforward and works with 32 points on the head. We also use questions and clearing statements to help release those things that are ready to be released on multiple levels. Essentially, the questions and statements are a clear and compassionate way of making us more aware of the choices we have and for us to know what is true for us.


The Access Bars approach resonates with the Blueprint Wellness approach to energy work. I love this quote from Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Bars:


“Receiving is not done on this planet. Doing, doing, doing in order to make sure you don't have to receive is how most people live their life. This has to change. You have to be willing to receive if you are going to have the life you truly desire.” 


Lately, I have been feeling like time is both limited and going fast; and I haven’t been as connected with my daughter, because we’ve both been busy. After our class, we had a great time visiting the Humane Society and making a quick trip to the grocery store. We are both feeling light and happy! It feels like we hit the reset button and started to enjoy being together without worrying about what needs to get done later today, tomorrow or this week. I highly recommend this for parents and kids.



We will post the donation events on Facebook and Instagram and are looking forward to running your bars!


Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.


