Blueprint Wellness

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11 of #100daychallenge: kundalini


This time of year is when I start getting a bit anxious about the end of the year approaching and whether or not I feel I am making enough progress on my goals.


2018 is an 11 year in numerology. Last year, I started practicing Kundalini yoga and have been learning more about numerology. There is a yogi by the name of Guru Singh, who has an 8-series of podcast about the Equilibrium & Balance of this particular 11 year. After hearing Guru Singh on the Rich Roll Podcast, I started taking Kundalini at One Yoga, a non-profit yoga studio in Uptown Minneapolis.


Kundalini yoga is amazing and very different than the branches of yoga that most people practice. I love it for so many reasons, but overall it has helped me become more devoted to my higher self, practice in all areas of life and faith in my own infinite potential.


I love that much of the practice is done with the eyes closed and that we use breathwork, chanting, meditation, sound/music and postures. Kundalini is known as the “yoga of awareness,” and with each class I become more aware of my boundaries and weaknesses. Understanding my boundaries and weaknesses shed light on how I can get stronger and grow. I think I was surprised at how much science, mathematics, linguistics and many other areas I’ve learned about through Kundalini. We do a lot of things that may seem weird, but I love that because there’s a sense of humor about it and it gets me out of my mind and shell.



I haven’t been going to class lately, but I’ve consistently been doing a Kundalini meditation practice for several months. I’ve always wanted to be better about practicing yoga at home, but I think I prefer taking classes with a group because I do a better job and I love my fellow yogis. There’s a really wonderful community in the Twin Cities and amazing teachers!


Yoga is important to me and I have a strong affinity with the practice physically and philosophically. I’m looking forward to doing teacher trainings for Kundalini and Vinyasa with Laurel Van Matre in the future.


On this 11th day of my #100daychallenge, I am feeling a bit of anxiety about what I have yet to make progress on and accomplish this year, but also remembering that writing is a practice that allows me to reflect on what I have done. It’s so important to take time to remember what was good about my day/week/month/year.


I hope the year of 11 is going well for you and if, for any reason, you are feeling bad or anxious about it — please take some time to write down what has been/felt good or have a conversation with a friend to help get a more accurate perspective.


Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.


