Blueprint Wellness

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10 of #100daychallenge: unplug

Today, I was reading through my July 2016 writing and came across these words:





This message is really resonating with me right now — I am ready to unplug for the day! It is such a challenge to unplug, but yesterday I did it. I left my phone at home when I went to my office to work for a few hours and surprisingly, I didn’t miss it at all.


I’m happy to be working on my book and taking a couple of classes. Writing assignments are excellent mental and emotional training. I’m willing to do everything it takes to be a better writer and follow through on my book, but I have to acknowledge that writing is not easy for me. 





It’s not aspirational, it’s matter of fact. What a perfect reminder for me to today. It is impossible for me to fail this process of writing my first book. I'm in it and everything I learn can only help me along the way.


I think this means I can unplug and go to sleep now!


Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.




Me, July 2016