Blueprint Wellness

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108 of #120daysadhana: lucky

I noticed some of my posts have a depressed / cynical tone to them. It’s really interesting because I think I only have the courage to post those types of things in that form, from that place, because I actually feel I am the luckiest.

If there is one thing that every person should know is that in some way they are the luckiest or they can be the luckiest!

I had a fun dinner catching up with an amazing friend. It was one of those easy, super enjoyable evenings. I do feel like the luckiest. We don’t always get to hang out, but when we do it is always honest and inspiring conversation about the big and small kind of life stuff that helps us grow and create the life we each want.

We met because our kids were in kindergarten together, they were selected to be on student council and had to carry the recycling together each week, or something like that. They were so cute and kind of similar with their quieter and kind natures. They both ended up at the magnet school, so we were able to get to know each other more from grade 1-8.

During those years, we also found out we have the same birthday! Pretty cool.

It’s so fun to have a cool mom friend who has a kid the same age.

Time for bed, lots to do tomorrow!

Thank you for following to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #120daysadhana unfold.

Laura Peppin