Blueprint Wellness

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105 of #120daysadhana: reminders

I voted today. Voting is a reminder of so much. This year voting has been reminding me of things I have never had to be so aware of. I am not in a mental state to go further into this at this time, but it’s all very much on my mind and heart.

Today was the first day I have really spent time working on my other project. It felt really good and that process makes me think and imagine on a frequency that is all encompassing of the highs and lows of collective and individual humanhood.

I spent some time looking through old writing today. It’s always a humbling, yet inspiring exercise. I am too sleepy to go into this further at this time, but the main takeaway that I came to understand is that seeing my thoughts day after day, month after month is bringing to some clarity and motivation that will help me commit or release myself fully to choose that which helps me support my higher self to be good to myself and others. To mind my mental waste.

I’m getting older and receiving waves of clarity about how I’m living my life and whether or not I want to continue recycling the same old thoughts over and over and letting them dominate for any part of the rest of my life.

“Like sand through the hourglass. THESE are the days of our lives…” This line from the soap opera Days of Our Lives always made me laugh and always seemed like kind of a sad way to think about and experience life.

It’s a tricky thing to want better without allowing the implied dissatisfaction to interfere or become resident. It can serve as a great motivation and launchpad, but the more I think of it the more integrated and solidified it becomes. Seeing the cumulative repetitiveness of some of my desires, struggles and efforts showed me a wider angle view of myself. I’ve often been caught up in various close-ups from different angles that has perpetuated my fragmented and disconnected understanding of myself and life overall.

I’m seeing how I can change and grow or “optimize” for a more fulfilling and enjoyable way to live each day more wholly.

Thank you for following to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #120daysadhana unfold.

Laura Peppin