Blueprint Wellness

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The morning after the morning after...

I felt gratitude today. So much that I don’t know that I really need to write about what I’m thankful for on Thanksgiving.


I’m curious to see what life and writing feel like when I have gotten into a pattern with getting more sleep. It’s getting late so I ought to go to sleep now, but it felt strange to consider the option of not writing. 


Today, I was reminded that my favorite thing to do is nothing or whatever I feel like doing at the time. In those moments, I feel my whole self singing, “This is life.”  It feels like amnesia of responsibilities  and consequences, none of that really matters. I have actual perspective and it feels secure and peaceful. Unshakeable for the duration. The best thing I can do is notice and appreciate the goodness of what I’m feeling. The worst thing I can do is try to extend it or get caught up in tracking how long it will last.


I fell asleep, so I’m posting this the morning after.